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Prepared by

Shella Aktar Roksana Islam Runa.

Roll : 63 Roll : 42
2nd year, 4th batch 2nd year, 4th batch
student of royal student of royal
nursing institute. nursing institute.
Subject : Pediatric Nursing.

Topic : Worm Infestation.

 Introduction.
 Definition of worm infestation.
 Type of worm infestation.
 Causes of worm infestation.
 Symptoms of worm infestation.
 Complication of worm infestation
 Prevention of worm infestation.
 Summary.

★Helminthic infestation in children is a major

public health problem caused by ineffective
disposal of human excreata
★The common helminths found in adult or
sexual form in the human body are round
worms, pin worms, thread worms hook worms,
tape worms
★Helminthiasis in human is caused by three
ground worms
Definition of worm infestation.
Worm infestations
happen when
worms affect the
intestines and other
parts of the body.
Type of worm infestation.
There are different types of intestinal worms that can cause
worm infections, but the most common are 
1. Tapeworms.
2. Roundworms.
3. Pinworms.
4. Threadworms.
5. Hookworms.
Worm infestations and related infections are common in children
Causes of worm infestation.
Causes leading to
intestinal worm infection
Consumption of
contaminated water.
Consumption of
contaminated soil.
Contact with
contaminated faces.
Poor sanitation.
Poor hygiene.
Symptoms of worm infestation
Abdominal pain.
Diarrhoea, nausea, or
Loss of appetite
Unexplained weight loss
Blood in stool
Worms visible in stool
Itching around the anus.
Complication of worm infestation

1.Intestinal obstruction
5.Liver Abscess
7.Protein loss

Worm infestation happen when worms

affect the intestines and other parts of the
body. Examples of the different worms are
round worms, hook worms, pin worms,
threads worms ect.A worm infestation
spreads most commonly through passing of
the worm eggs from the anus to the mouth.

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