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Getting to

know your
Patricia Wright
How I approached the assignment
Methods of Gathering Information

Introduction Assignment and who do I already know


Take notes on observations I made based on class discussion


Danielle: Write about yourself in a google doc
David: Submit the questions he created into a google doc
All about Brooke Alexander
Introduction Assignment

● Preferred Name: Brooke

● Home: Rye, NY
● Education: Rye High School and Manhattan College
● What she likes to do in my free time: cook, read, walk, play video games, hang out
with friends and shop

What I already know - mutual friends and LinkedIn

● She had trouble adjusting in the beginning of college but became very focused on her
career years prior
● Very intertwined with her jewish culture (she is VP of the MC Jewish Student Union
and traveled aboard to Tel Aviv University)
● Attends a lot of PD in different places and is constantly working to receive new
● She has worked for years as a teacher assistant for the GO project
All about Brooke Alexander
Notes I took

● She uses the chat box more than almost any student
● She gives praise to her students for good points in discussions
● Those points she commented on are mainly focused on teacher’s impact on students

What I learned through those observations

Brooke takes a lot of time and pride in creating a positive classroom experience. She is very
well aware of how what she says and does can impact her students for the positive or the
negative. She wants her students to want to be in the classroom. She wants them to feel
empowered and capable no matter what the topic is! I think all of Brooke’s Students will
feel very supported by her.
All about Brooke Alexander

What was written in the class google doc

“I am a Senior at MC, I live in an off-campus apartment. I am from Rye, NY. Half of my

classes are online and half are in person. I’m an education major with a concentration in
english. I learn best when teachers give the class a topic and have everyone expand on it. I
also learn a lot from hearing other people’s stories. I am also a huge note taker by hand. I
think positive energy is a huge important factor in the classroom, we can never assume
what people are going through so I think it’s important to be kind and inclusive. I wanted to
become an english teacher because I love looking at different types of writing, whether it’s
poetry, short stories, literature or playwrights and having discussions about them. I feel like
english helps us discover more about ourselves as well as inspire us to be more creative and
open. In my free time I like to embroider, play animal crossing and watch tv with my dog. ”
All about Thomas Bader

Introduction Assignment

● Preferred Name: Tommy

● Home : The Bronx
● Education: Xavier High School, Manhattan college
● What I like to do in my free time: Watch tv and sports, hang out with friends go
to the beach

What I already know - Italian Class

● I don't know a lot about Tommy but I will say he always struck me as someone who is
more on the shy side. However I've noticed he was always focused in listening. His
eyes do really track the speaker. I worked with him for maybe five minutes when
conversing in Italian and he seems to be very receptive and wanting to help people. I
think he'll be the teacher who shy children feel very comfortable around because he
isn't over the top. I feel like a lot of educators are mainly extroverted outgoing people
but you don't need to be that to be a good teacher.
All about Thomas Bader

Notes I took
● He was very often in a new location when taking class so it showed me he was trying
to find his own work environment at home.
● I also noted he was very attentive when people were speaking always looking at the
camera I'm tracking who was speaking.

What I learned through those observations

I think Tommy really is more of an observer. I think he's someone who's very attentive and
listens to what people have to say and I think that's needed in this field. I also think he's
more of a homebody based on staying in different parts of his house to do his work. I know
this is a bit of a stretch but from that information of his location and listening skills I think
he's more comfortable around people he's initially closer to as opposed to meeting new
All about Thomas Bader

What was written in the class google doc

“I am currently a senior at Manhattan College. I am majoring in adolescent education with

a concentration in social studies. I am from the Bronx but am currently staying at the jersey
shore while the weather is nice. My prefered method of learning and teaching is through
class discussions. I also believe it is important to include technology or visuals into the
classroom to grab students' attention.”
All about David Beaver

Introduction Assignment

● Preferred Name: David

● Home: Yonkers, NY
● Education: Yonkers High, Manhattan College
● What I enjoy to do in my free time: Read, play video games, try new foods, and
spend time with friends.

What I already know - N/A I never met him before this class
All about David Beaver
Notes I took
● I learned he was in the Jazz Band
● he really stuck out to me when he talked about the language of feedback and teachers being
important. When going over the SEL standards he really emphasize the point that stuck out to
me is how language can be interpreted in multiple different ways. He felt it was important as
educators the giving feedback when writing is significantly more difficult been speaking
because it can be interpreted multiple ways.
● The questions in a survey mainly focused on our classroom experience thus far

What I learned through those observations

I was able to see that he is someone who really want student feedback on the classroom experience.
For most of his questions in the survey I learned a lot of the information he felt she should be
looking for in students is making sure they're having a good classroom experience. I feel David will
be the teacher who wants a lot of student feedback. I also know this because this SEL standards that
stood out to him was the one about giving feedback that would not hurt the student. I think he's
going to go above and beyond to be sure he is helping students their feedback and gaining feedback
All about David Beaver

What was written in the class google doc

“I am a junior at Manhattan college, and I am doing remote learning here in Yonkers NY. I
am an adolescent education major concentrating in social studies. I believe that I learn best
with tangible items, I still print out materials and take notes when I can with pen and paper.
I enjoy getting to know new people and connecting over shared interests that I often think
are niche. ”
All about Luigi Carolini
Introduction Assignment
● Preferred Name: Luigi
● Home: Mamaroneck, NY
● Education: Rye Neck High School, Chestnut Hill College, Manhattanville
College, Manhattan College
● Hobbies: Reading, Writing, Video Games, Hang Out with Friends.

What I already know - N/A I never met him before this class
All about Luigi Carolini

● Luigi was one of the students who I felt stood out to me the most in the beginning because of his
engagement in discussions as well as ask questions
● Luigi tends to ask a lot of questions when it comes to assignments and making sure he heard
things correctly
● He also is one of the most talkative kids in the class and I generally think he's someone who's
very passionate about English and engaging students based on the comments he said

What I learned through those observations

One of the things that I admire about Luigi is that what he's given a task he really really wants
to do it correctly. That's why normally after an assignment is given he's the one to first ask
questions. I also think if he can't find something or something's not coming up correctly online
he tends to be the first one to speak up which tells me he cares a lot about the work he's doing. I
think the Luigi is someone who fell in love with English based on the interests he had from his
introductions and his written notes in the positive MESS experience assignment on Wakelet. He
is going to make the time engage the students in discussions a lot to get them to love the subject
All about Luigi Carolini

What was written in the class google doc

“I am a two time transfer student at manhattan and I’m living in overlook manor this
semester. I am an adolescent education major with a concentration in English. I learn
best when teachers switch up their style of teaching rather than straight lecture based
classes. When a teacher is hands on and throws curveballs at students I become more
engaged. Also I have ADHD so if a teacher can hook me into a lesson they are typically
very high energy. I typically need to be reminded of work to do or I’ll forget because I’m
always bouncing from subject to subject. ”
All about Gregory Clark

Introduction Assignment

● Preferred Name: Greg

● Home: Pearl River, NY
● Education: Pearl River High School, Rockland Community College, Manhattan
● What I like to do in my free time: Make beats, hangout with friends, play
basketball, play videogames

What I already know - N/A I never met him before this class
All about Gregory Clark

Notes I took
● I haven't really heard him speak a lot in class
● From observing I could see that he's always in his room for the class at home
● Does a lot of note taking

What I learned through those observations

To be completely honest with you I don't think my strategy worked for this particular
classmate very well just because of the fact that I couldn't ask him any questions to
learn more about him because I was a student in not the teacher. However one thing I
did notice was that though he didn't speak paid a lot of attention and through body
language communicated how he felt based on people's comments. He also was jotting a
lot down over the course of the class
All about Gregory Clark

What was written in the class google doc

“This is my fourth semester at MC after transferring from community college. I'm a

junior adolescent ed major with a concentration in history and I'm also trying to do the
five year program so that I can get my masters in special education. I’m currently doing
all of my classes remotely from home in Pearl River, New York. I’m honestly not the
biggest fan of online learning, I’d much rather be in person. I really like teachers who
are personable and really put in the effort to make their lessons as engaging as possible. I
learn best when I feel like I’m involved in the lesson and taking solid notes. Similar to
David, I too print out materials and write all over them. While home, I work at a
preschool that provides services for students with disabilities and over the summer I work
at Jawonio’s summer ed program. ”
All about Kevin Dolan

Introduction Assignment
● Preferred Name: Kevin
● Home: East Islip, NY
● Education: East Islip Public High School, Manhattan College
● What I like to do in my free time:, play video games, hang out with friends,

What I already know - greek life and a technology course

I know he's in the fraternity on campus, APD, because I'm in the sorority SDT so I've
seen him through Greek Life events. I also know that he excelled in the technology
course we took together because I believe he switched his major and took an Excel
class before. I could be wrong about him switching Majors though I just know he
mentioned taking an Excel class before and he was helping a lot of the students
because of that.
Notes I took
All about Kevin Dolan
● From small group I know he works as a teacher's aide with special needs children and
feels very confident his abilities take care of special needs children and really help guide
group 3 in the exceptionalities topic
● He mentioned struggling with bullying and how the Belize didn't have a reason for doing
things other than they didn't like him
● He also mentioned because he was a bigger kid there is often higher expectations for him

What I learned through those observations

I think Kevin will make an excellent special education teacher. I think he's very experienced he
understands that teaching a child is a collaborative experience that requires a team and experience in
the field. I think he can relate to children a lot through his interest and creating a reward system for
them to entice them to do work. I also think he's a great balance between social and go with the
flow. I personally think he should be working with lower functioning children and his later career. I
feel he also sees things as matter of fact very black and white. I saw this in our small group when
you're saying this is how you handle this type of situation and with the bullying comment that
sometimes there is no reason for someone being a bully. I think you'll be very good decisive action
All about Kevin Dolan

What was written in the class google doc

“I am a senior at Manhattan College who lives on campus. I am an Education major and

my content area is history. I enjoy learning and teaching by using storytelling and
visuals, since history is just a long story about humans. I like playing games like Texas
Hold'em, Risk, and video games that are either story-driven or strategy-based. I have
experience teaching in Special Education classrooms because of working as a Substitute
Aid at the Eastern Suffolk Board of Cooperative Educational Services (ESBOCES), but I
have little to no experience with ELL’s and I believe that my inability to speak languages,
like Spanish, would limit my teaching in certain circumstances.”
All about Lawrence Donohue
Introduction Assignment
● Preferred Name: Larry
● Home: Yonkers, NY
● Education: Stepinac High School, Manhattan College
● What I like to do in my free time: Draw, paint, read, watch movies

What I already know - N/A I never met him before this class
All about Lawrence Donohue

Notes I took
● He is always working in the library for class

What I learned through those observations

Like Greg this wasn't the best strategy to get to know him in particular. However from the one
observation I made about him constantly working in the library for class I think he's the type to
want to have a work spot and a home spot. I think not having in person class and not “going to
work” is something he's struggling with.
All about Lawrence Donohue

What was written in the class google doc

“I’m a senior at MC, majoring in adolescent education with a downward extension and a
concentration in English. I learn best through direct instruction with partner or group
work woven throughout, though I also enjoy discussion-based classes. I also find
multimedia and a lot of examples to be really helpful. I think one of the most important
things a teacher can do is create an environment where students don’t have to worry
about getting everything 100% correct while they’re still learning.”
All about Kevin Hastings

Introduction Assignment

● Prefered Name: Kevin

● Home : The Bronx
● Education: Clarkstown South High school, Manhattan college
● What I like to do in my free time: play basketball with friends

What I already know - N/A I never met him before this class
All about Kevin Hastings

Notes I took
● I noticed he always has his camera off
● I also noticed he stayed back one time to ask Sr. Maryann questions once
everyone else left

What I learned through those observations

He strikes me as someone who feels more comfortable in small group we're one-on-one
sessions because the fastest cameras always off and he comes after to ask questions not
when there's a group around.
All about Kevin Hastings

What was written in the class google doc

“I am a senior at Manhattan College and I am majoring in adolescent education with a

concentration in social studies. I am from Rockland County, New York and live in an off
campus apartment close to campus. I’ve always wanted to be a teacher because of my
love for social studies and so I could one day positively impact the next generation of
learners. ”
All about Camryn Kidney

Introduction Assignment
● Preferred Name: Camryn, Cammi, Cam :)
● Home: New Bedford, MA
● Education: Old Rochester Regional High School, Manhattan College
● What I like to do in my free time: Make music, hang out with my friends, be on x
games mode

What I already know - Class, she was my RA, she is my friend, multiple classes

Cameron is one of my favorite people on campus. Her passion is people with

disabilities and is very big on not only being a good educator but being an advocate. I
think she tries to see the whole person and help everybody out who is underserved.
She is very politically active and policy for people with disabilities and other
marginalized groups. She's also very calm then a great storyteller.
All about Camryn Kidney

Notes I took

I did not end up taking notes on Cameron because I already knew her so well since
freshman year that I felt I should focus on taking notes on people who I don't know as
well either in class or outside the classroom setting.
All about Camryn Kidney

What was written in the class google doc

“I am a Senior at MC, and I’m an RA in Overlook this year. I am an Adolescent Special

Education major with a concentration in English. I enjoy learning about things through
the lens of social justice, and I prefer when classes are very hands-on and allow students
to take the lead, whether that’s through activities, discussion, or other exercises. I am
passionate about teaching and advocating for students with disabilities. To me, it’s
especially important to amplify the voices of students with disabilities, rather than
speaking over them.”
All about Victoria Pacheco
Introduction Assignment
● Preferred Name: Vic
● Home : Yonkers
● Education: Yonkers High School, Manhattan College
● What I like to do in my free time: play guitar

What I already know - N/A I never met her before this class
All about Victoria Pacheco
Notes I took
● When someone makes a comment that is very one sided she is the first to give the
other side
● She emphasises checking biases and stereotypes
● Noted she she advantages in online learning

What I learned through those observations

As stated in my videos I think Vic does an amazing job of seeing multiple perspectives.
I notice she tends to comment when she feels people are making or bringing up
generalizations or stereotyping groups. Vic I feel is the embodiment of not judging a
book by its cover. she is very fair and objective and wants to gain all perspectives
before jumping into conclusions. I think as a teacher Vic will be very level-headed and
understanding when it comes to situations regarding her students. I think she will also
be seen as extra compassionate because of this ability.
All about Victoria Pacheco

What was written in the class google doc

“I’m a senior Adolescent/Special Education major with a concentration in English. I live

in Yonkers, but I’m spending my semester in Philadelphia because why not! I love
teaching but I love to learn more. I enjoy collaborative work, and hands on learning is
my favorite method of learning/teaching. I firmly believe that all students deserve a
quality education regardless of their background, and I hope to be a good teacher in
order to help make that happen.”
All about Danielle Rivas

Introduction Assignment

● Preferred Name: Danielle

● Hometown: Hyde Park, NY…. Super close to Kingston :)
● Education: FDR High School, Dutchess Community College, and now Manhattan
● Hobbies: Trying new things and going on hikes!

What I already know - N/A I never met her before this class
All about Danielle Rivas

Notes I took
● I have seen her note taking and sitting in the same workplace desk she has in
either horan or lee
● When assignments are given she immediately jots it down
● Was the first to come up with the idea to create the google doc for us to share
about herself

What I learned through those observations

Clearly based on notes above Danielle is one of the hardest working people in this
class. She is constantly staying on top of things, organizing, and note taking, These
actions are all extremely important for her academic success. She also went above and
beyond to assist the entire class and creating a Google doc to help us get to know each
other. As a teacher I feel sure want to make things structured, clear and collaborative
with her students. I can tell by the qualities she has displayed she's probably an
excellent student.
All about Danielle Rivas

What was written in the class google doc (That she created)

“I’m a transfer student at Manhattan, I live on campus, and I’m an Adolescent

Education major with a concentration in English. I plan on doing the 5-year program at
MC so I can get my master’s in Special Education. I think what makes learning
enjoyable for me is a teacher who is passionate about their subject. I believe that teaching
grants us the opportunity to share our passions with others but also allows us the
opportunity to positively affect our students’ views of themselves and their abilities. I am a
more hands-on learner and like having physical copies of books and resources.”
All about Lynaiza Simpson

Introduction Assignment
● Did not see her on it

What I already know - Class, she was my RA, she is my friend, multiple classes

I have had one class with Lynaiza first semester last year. I know she was quiet in the
beginning because she transferred from a community college but after a while it
seemed that she really clicked with people. I know she wants to teach Middle School
and is a math concentration.
All about Lynaiza Simpson

Notes I took
● Normally signs in through google meet on her phone
● Works from home
● Is very direct and straightforward with her plans and ideas in group assignments

What I learned through those observations

I give Lynaiza a lot of credit for blending really well with people who all knew each
other since freshman year in our class last year. I think she's very comfortable with
herself and what she wants to do. I think she's a lot more relaxed than other teachers
what is very direct in her questions and plan to what she wants to do.
All about Lynaiza Simpson

What was written in the class google doc

“I am officially a Senior at Manhattan College. I’ve been here for about two years since I
transferred from Westchester Community College. I received my Associates in Liberal
Arts: Social Science in 2017 of December. I am a Dual Education Major with a
concentration of Mathematics. I am a commuter student as well but I have classes online
& some on campus. I am more of an in-person kind of learner. I enjoy a teacher who can
make the best out of a worse situation. As for teachers, I believe one important thing is
creating a safe environment for students to feel like they can express themselves without
being criticized. ”
All about Sean Tierney
Introduction Assignment
● Preferred Name: Sean
● Home: Yonkers, NY
● Education: Archbishop Stepinac High School, Manhattan College
● What I like to do in my free time: Exercise; specifically running; watch sports
(Giants, Mets and Tottenham Hotspur), play video games, read books and spend
time with friends

What I already know - N/A I never met her before this class
All about Sean Tierney
Notes I took
● Made a comment on hating bullies get commented that he understood there's
probably underlying factors that made them bullies
● in small group discussions he was always the one who pointed out over sites that
we didn't see
● he's very respectful and discussions and participates enough without over talking
or dominating conversation
● treats classmates in group members very well

What I learned through those observations

I think Sean is extremely kind. In group work he's always the one to point out what we
are missing or what we didn't include. That tells me he's going to be the type of
teacher that want students to discover their findings on their own but will guide them
if they get stuck. I think Sean is a great facilitator and he has a good balance between
giving a good speaker and good listener he'll be able to cater to shy and outgoing
All about Sean Tierney

What was written in the class google doc

“I am a Junior at MC, I live in my house in Yonkers, and I am a commuter student. I

actually take the classes from my sisters room because it’s the only quiet place with a
desk. I like to learn through discussion and find that the best way for me to understand
something is to have a conversation about it with somebody who DOES understand it.
Even though I am in adolescent education, I actually want to drop down and teach lower
grades instead, so I am doing a downward extension.”
All about Jack Varela

Introduction Assignment

● Preferred Name: Jack

● Home: Staten Island, New York
● Education: Saint Peter’s Boys High School, Manhattan College
● What I like to do in my free time:
● Play basketball, go out with friends, and watch movies

What I already know - 2 Math Classes together

I think Jack is awesome. We've had two classes together we're both just struggling it
together and he was always so friendly and approachable. If you have any questions
he would always help you out. we generally just always say hi on campus and we see
each other you just a really cool nice guy.
All about Jack Varela

Notes I took
● Very respectable towards classmates and professor for example in his video was
off and he apologized immediately
● In small group what the math cohort he's very much a team player offering to do
the slides of the others didn't want to do
● Constantly offering to help other people in small group

What I learned through those observations

Jack is the definition of a team player. He is great at feeding off of other people and
making up for areas at others lack in. He also cares about how other people are doing
them through asking what can he do to help. Even before we submitted the plan to get
to know your students from our group he already did a draft on behalf of the group
just to make sure we had the information we need to do the assignment. He really
looks out for others before himself
My evaluation on my strategies

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