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Vibrio cholera
 General characteristics:
 Out break of acute painless watery rice
 Gram –ve bacilli, comma shape.
 Very motile
 Oxidase +ve
 Needs alkalin media → high PH
 Selective culture is TC. B.S → yellow colonies.
1. vibrio cholera

2. vibrio para haemolyticus

→ food poisoning .
Vibrio cholera has other
subtypes depending on O
antigen. O1, 2, 3 … etc.
 O1 has more strains:
 O1 Altor → discovered in
 O1 classical
 O1 enaba
 O1 gwa
 NB Altor of classical serotype are
antigenically similar but
biochemically different.
Pathogenesis of cholera:
 Through the oral rout need high
close of bacteria. There is no
bacteriemia at all.
 Produce toxin.
 A & B fragment.
 Potoent 100 times than E.coli
Activate CAMP → large
amount of water in the
intestine → watery
diarrhea →
dehydration → shock &
renal failure.
L/D :

Specimen from stool (you do

immobilization test) by
adding antisera for The
motile bacteria.
 Culture in TC.B.S media →
yellow colonies.
 I.V fluid for Re hydration.
 Chemotherapy
 Tetracycline.
 Septrin .
 For resistance strain give
chloramphinical .
 Vaccination: not in outbreak

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