The Filipino Youth

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What is youth?

The definition of a youth is a young person

who has not yet reached adulthood and
refers to the time period before you
become an adult.
The Filipino youth today are a group of citizens
who know their rights and are willing to fight for
them. They recognize that they are able to
challenge the barriers that keep them down,
that keep them from conforming to their values.
Traits and Characteristics

1. You’d rather travel than buy material things.

2. You genuinely care about the environment.

3. You love anything and everything local.

4. You believe that life's more than the corporate ladder.

5. Genuine happiness is more important for you
than anything else.
◦ For you, a good salary, a fancy car or an impressive job title
means nothing if you’re not genuinely happy with what you do.
You skip jobs, you start passion projects and you face your fears
as part of your constant pursuit of happiness.
Romantic relationships are not your priority.
◦ You’re okay with having a partner, but you’re just as fine without one. You
don’t see being single as something to be sad about because you believe
that there are far more important things in life than your relationship status.

Renting a place is better than buying one, or so you

◦ You’re basically not a fan of settling down in just one place because you feel
like the world is so big that it’s a bad idea to stay in one city for too long. And
you say things like I want to keep my options open when somebody asks
about it.
You hate it when people bash millennials.
◦ You don’t understand why people of different generations always pick
something bad about millennials. As in you have no clue why they always
have something to say about you and your age group. On top of that, what
bothers you most is the fact that they can’t even spell it right at times.
B. Problems and Concerns
1. Unemployment Rate
2. Forgotten culture
3. Less resources and facilities in education
4. Lack of discipline
5. Shifting Economy
- In today’s society, the open markets and globalization result in laying off
workers and outsourcing work to the countries where it is cheaper. This makes it
more difficult for the young people to find jobs and further complicates the
already problematic lives of the youth.
6. Obesity
◦ This is mostly because they prefer to spend more time in front of the TV or
laptop and not enough time exercising and leading a healthy lifestyle.
Political & Social Issues
◦ Understanding what goes on around the world and finding one’s own
opinion on the social and political issues is a big challenge for the youth,
who struggle to differentiate between “good” and “bad” news sources and
find their way in the mud of today’s world.

Stress & Time Management
◦ Managing the pressure to succeed in every area of life and finding time to
do it all seems to be one of the biggest challenges facing the youth today.
Young people are expected to be successful, yet few of them are aware of
effective time management.
9. Violence in Schools
◦ Schools play a major role in the formation of the young person’s foundation
for building a life and it is reasonable to expect that the places for learning
should be safe. Unfortunately, this is not always the case, as in many
instances, schools can become “war zones”.

10. Drug/Alcohol Abuse
C. Dreams and Aspirations

1. Millennials want it all.

2. Millennials are ushering in technological solutions to
everyday work problems.
3. Millennials want a more flexible workplace.

4. Millennials demand work-life balance.

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