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• 1. Self Introduction

• 2. Introduction from somebody to

somebody else
Self Introduction
A: Hello, my name’s Lisa, What’s your name?
B: Syifa
A: Where are you from Syifa?
B: I’m from Makassar
A: I’m from Sukabumi
B: Are you Sundanese?
A: Yes, I am. Are you Buginese?
B: Yes I am
Important Expression
• Asking one’s name
• Saying name
• Asking one’s origin the country/city
• Saying the country/city/address
• Asking the nationality
• Asking about job/occupation
• Saying the occupation
Introducing Others
• These type of introduction involve three people:
• A: The introducer (who knows both B and C)

• B: Introducee (knows A but not C)

• C: Introducee (knows A but not B)

A: Have you meet to each other?
B: No, we haven’t
A: Ahmad, this is Andi. Andi this is Amad
(B and C smile and shake hands)
B: Nice to meet you Andi
C: Nice to meet you too, Ahmad
Follow up
B: Where are you from, Andi?
C: I’m from Sulawesi Selatan
B: Sulawesi Selatan, which part?
C: Makassar, the capital. How about you Ahmad?
B: a place called Sidoarjo. It’s near Surabaya
C: How do you know (A)?
B. He is my friend from Senior High School
Practice and Role Play
Prepare a piece of paper. Write down your name in
the middle of your paper. On the right top corner,
write down the city/place where you come from.
On the left top corner, write down a job or an
occupation you want to have in the future. On the
right bottom corner, write down your favorite hobby
and on the left-bottom corner, write down your
favorite actor or actress
a. Introduce yourself to your friend and show the
paper you have written with your personal
b. Go around and greet your friends. Ask them
questions based on the information on their
c. Stand up and make circle. Hold your paper in
front of you. Now you have to introduce your
friends beside you to all your friends
• Thank you
• Terima kasih

• Sukran


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