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ANAS ALI 19-523

 The belief in and worship of a superhuman controlling power, especially a personal God or gods.
 A particular system of faith and worship.
 There are approximately 4200 religions in the world.
 Out of which CHRISTIANITY is the world's largest religion which is followed by ISLAM
Types of Religions
Religious Classification What/Who Is Divine Example

Polytheism Multiple gods Ancient Greeks and Romans

Monotheism Single god Judaism, Islam

Atheism No deities Atheism

Nonhuman beings (animals, plants,

Animism Indigenous nature worship (Shinto)
natural world)

Totemism Human-natural being connection Ojibwa (First Nations)

Social Functions of religion
I.  Religion as an Integrative
II. Creating a Moral Community
III. Religion as Social Control 
IV. Religion Serves a Means to rovide Answers to Ultimate
V. Religion as a Source of Identity
Social-Functional Theory; functions of
A framework of building theory that sees society as a
complex system whose parts works together to promote
solidarity and stability.

 Establishing Social Bond

 Promoting social control
 Providing the meaning and purpose
Symbolic interaction theory; constructing
the sacred
A broad focus on social structures that shape Society as a
whole .
 socially constructed.
 constructed by divine inspiration.
 demand our submission.
 For example BOWLING,KNEELING or as in
Christianity, whipping them sleeves on the way of
symbolically surrounding to a higher power.
Social conflict theory; inequality and
A framework for building theory that sees society as an arena of
inequality that generates conflict and change.
 highlights religion’s support of Social inequality.
 diverting people’s attention from social inequalities.
 Karl Marx ” The sigh of the oppressed creature, the sentiment of
the heartless world and the soul of soundless conditions . It is the
opium of the people”
Feminist theory ; gender and religion

The study of society that focuses on inequality and conflict between men and women.

 World’s major religion’s are patriarchal.

 For example Christianity and Islam etc

 Male dominance can be seen over Female

Dysfunctions of Religion
 Religion creates political instability in society by entangling
itself with politics. Different political parties are exploiting
the religious card to create vote banks.
  Religioncreates dogmatism and bigots and thereby denying
freedom of thought.
 Religionpromotes different types of evil practices like
animal sacrifice, customs of sati, caste system, untouchability
 Religion Promotes Fanaticism
1.Ecclesia/state Church

 A church formally allied with the state.

 Existed throughout human history
 Members by birth
 Roman Catholicism, official church for centuries
 Anglican church; official church today
 Islam official religion
 Counts everyone as a member
 Ecclesia in world: Islam in Saudi Arabia, Catholic(catholic means; universal)
church in Spain, Lutheran church in Sweden and Anglican church in England.
 A church independent of state
 Exists in United States
 US have dozens of Christian denominations
 Recognizes to have different beleifs
 Members because of parents
 Not formal part of state
 Member till death
 Heirarchy of religious leaders
Religious organizations

 Religious organizations are groupings of religious individuals have a variety of

different goals and purposes.
 It aims to promote worship, prayer etc.
 Most influential type
 The term organization of church refers to how the church is set up or organized.
 Avoids social controversy
Types of religious organizations
1. Church
2. Sect
3. Cult
 Second largest religious form
 Relatively small religious organization that is not closely integrated into the larger society .
 Relative deprivation
 Division or schism
 Conflicts with its norms and values
 Have few or no leaders
 Deny other beliefs
 Highly emotional
 Different pattern of leadership
 Exhibit leadership in form of Charisma :extraordinary personal qualities that can infuse
people with emotion and turn them into followers.

Finally churches and sects differ in their social composition
 Sects are more loosely tied to the world
 Well-established churches tend to include people of high social standing
 Uniquely Legitimate
 A religious organization that is largely outside a society’s cultural tradition
 Don’t claim to have Monopoly
 5000 exists in US
 Deviant or even evil
 Dismissing members as crazy
 Brainwashing
 Often transient
 Not all cults are evil
 Not all cults are religious , some are political
Difference between Sects and Cult

Sects Cults
Strict Membership Voluntary
Dissent Not necessary
Not necessarily in modern society In modern societies
Attracts large crowd Smaller in Size
Uniquely legitimate Pluralistically legitimate
 1.6 Billion Followers
 Followers of Islam are known as Muslims.
 Majority of Muslims are found in Middle East
 Pakistan ,India ,Bangladesh ,Saudi Arabia, Iran and former southern republics of Soviet Union have
majority of Muslims
 Muhammad (PBUH) 571 AD – 632 AD is Prophet for Muslims and the last messenger of Allah and not
a divine what is Jesus for Christians .
 The text of Quran, is word of Allah and is sacred for Muslims.
 Word of Allah was transmitted through Muhammad (PBUH)
 After death of (PBUH), Islam spread rapidly.
 Divisions arose which divided Muslims in further different Sects.
 Muslims fast during the holy month of Ramadan.
 2 major occasions or events of Islam are Eid Ul Fitar & Eid Ul Azha
 2.3 Billion Followers
 Majority areas of Christians are Europe and America
 More then 75% of Canadians & Americans Identify themselves as Christians
 Christianity began as a Cult, drawing elements from Judaism
 Christianity was built on personal charisma of Jesus Christ
 Christianity is example of monotheism
 Christians believe that Jesus Christ is son of GOD
 Jesus was brought to trial as a thread of political leaders of Roman Empire and was sentenced to death.
 According to Christ belief, Three days after his execution, Jesus rose from dead bed, revealing that he
was son of God
 12 associates of Jesus, known as Apostles spread Christianity throughout Mediterranean region
 14 Million Followers
 Jews make majority only in one country – Israel
 Judaism has deep historical roots that extends up to 4000 years ago before the birth of Christ
 Jews survived centuries of slavery in Egypt
 13th Century BC, Moses, the adopted son of an Egyptian Princess was called by God to lead people
 “Covenant” – a concept of Judaism, a special relation with God by which the Jews become God’s chosen
 Torah is Sacred book of Jews
 Jews share a cultural history of oppression as a result of prejudice and discrimination.
 In 1600’s many Jews migrated to US, early immigrants were assimilated into Christian communities
 During WW-II, Anti Semitism ( discrimination against Jews ) reached a peak as Nazi Regime in Germany
systematically killed almost 6 Million Jews.
 950 Million Followers
 Hinduism is one of the oldest religion of the world originating from Indus valley almost 4500 years
 Hinduism is mostly practiced in India, Nepal and Southern Africa and South East Asia
 Hinduism, Unlike Islam and Christianity , has not diffused widely to other nations.
 Unlike Christianity and Islam, Hinduism recognizes no ultimate judgement at the hands of supreme
God. But they believe KARMA – a spiritual progress of human soul.
 Hindus connect themselves with God through different rituals
 Hindus consider river GANGA as a purifying bath. They believe one cleans all his past bad deeds by
taking a bath in Ganga
 495 Million Followers.
 Buddhism arose 2500 years ago.
 Rich culture of India gave birth to Buddhism
 Buddhists almost live in Asia
 Buddhism is very similar to Hinduism
 It recognizes no God of Judgement
 But like Christianity, Buddhism is inspired by the life of one man.
 Gautama Siddhartha Buddha was born in High Caste family in Nepal in 563 BC
 He was deeply spiritual
 At 29, he experienced transformation, which led him in to years of travel and meditation . By the end,
he achieved “Bodhi”
 Buddhists claim he spent life full of sufferings
 From 200 BC, until beginning of twentieth century, Confucianism was a state church
 Confucianism was Official religion of China
 After 1949 revolution , the communist government of New People’s Republic of China repressed all
religion activities .
 1 to 2 Million followers
 China is main home.
 Confucius, In Chinese ( K’ung Fu- tzu ) lived between 551-479 BC
 Like Buddha , Confucius was deeply moved by people sufferings
 Confucius took a more churchlike approach
 Confucius instructed his followers to engage the world according to code of moral conduct.
Feminist Perspective

 Product of patriarchy
 An instrument of dominance 
 Karen Armstrong :  all major religions are male affair 
 Women have been kicked to marginal positions 
 Mary Daly said : religion preserve the sexist world ( means that males are
dominant so that is why it create arrogance in males
 Nawal el saadawi said : change the patriarchy system , religion will automatically
Simone de Beauvoir 
  " the second sex "
 Women do much work for the religious organizations , introduce children to
religious beliefs , yet are exploited by religion. So there must be a religion for
Karl Marx
 Religion promotes dominating ideologies.
 Religion eases the pain produced by exploitation and oppression.
 IT dilutes demand for change in society
 Religion has no place in society
Criticism against Karl Marx

 Religion does not always favor those who are in power. 

 IT also provide an opportunity for change.
 Religion did not die out in communist societies.
 IT creates social change. ( early Cristian sects opposed roman rule )
 Bryan turner said religion is promoting consumerism in youth.
1. Religion means existence of super natural beings which have a governor effect on
2. Edward Taylor said religion is a response to man intellectual needs.
3. Max muller said religion is a response to man's emotional needs
Thanks Note
Nibras Shamas , Anas Ali , Iftikhar Shah and Rehan Bukhari pay gratitude to all of
you for listening our presentation.
Hope you all understand it.
May Allah bless you all.

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