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Sources -
Green tea

Bibi Ayesha

Today I welcome you to know how Green tea Boost

the Immune System and how you can implement it
into your daily life.
What if we told you…

 There was a great tasting drink that could be

served hot or cold that has health benefits
 It’s very easy to find and prepare, at
home, work, or on the go
 It’s fairly inexpensive
 It can even be a form of stress relief

Would you think it’s just a

It’s Green Tea!

 Green tea is a low calorie drink

 Green tea is replete with antioxidants

 Antioxidants help fight free radical activity that

impacts immunity too
Immunity and Green tea
 While a lot of us have come to realize the importance of
building immunity in wake of the
current coronavirus pandemic, some of us are not too sure
about how to build it. Given the changing seasons, having
low immunity can lead to a lot of health issues.

 When you need a simple and effective immune boost, look

towards green tea. This mighty leaf strengthens and supports
the immune system in several significant ways. Green tea
has long been recognized as having powerful antiviral
Green Tea For Immunity

 Green tea acts as a good source of antioxidant

 Green tea has got the highest number of polyphenols
 It also contains other nutrients like L-Theanine and other
alkaloids such as theobromine and theophylline. These helps
us to strengthen our brain function and also to increase our
metabolism. The polyphenols act on our immune system and
effect the number of regulatory t-cells and in that process,
improve our immune function (t-cells are a part of our immune
 Green tea also has anti-microbial properties which inhibit
growth of bacteria and virus
How to make a mug of green tea!

Step-1: Empty a mug of water in a vessel, add cinnamon bark,

3-4 cloves and 3-4 cinnamon pods.

Step-2: Bring it to boil.

Step-3: Strain the water in a mug.

Step-4: Now, in this mug you can dip your green tea until you
get a fine color and flavor of your liking.

Note: you can also add a teaspoon of honey. Honey also has
many antioxidants
Get out there and try it 

Sit back, relax, and enjoy your Green tea!

Thank you!

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