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Kyiv International University

Medical Institute
Prof. Nataliya Litvinova
The concept of sustainable human development — the basic science
of human security

• The issue of security of life and human health are closely linked to sustainable
human development. In the twenty-first century, this problem should be
considered as one of the priorities of the world community in the conditions
of globalization of all spheres of human life: material-industrial, domestic,
socio-political and cultural-spiritual. Despite this, in the early 90-ies of XX
century the UN adopted a strategic Concept of sustainable development of
human society, the so-called Agenda for the twenty-first century. Despite the
pessimistic predictions about the future of humanity, the Concept introduces
a new paradigm of safety of life, which convinces us that the global problems
of humanity (hunger, poverty, unemployment, disease, a different kind of war,
infectious diseases, etc.) can only be solved through cooperation between all
the world's people and governments of all States.
The purpose of the concept
• of the UN is the creation of conditions for the safe existence of every
individual of present and future generations. It is, as the academician
Michael Zgurovsky, to a large extent a continuation of the concept of
noosphere formulated by our compatriot Vladimir Vernadsky in the
first half of the twentieth century. Its essence lies in the mandatory
coherence between economic, environmental and human
development so that from generation to generation is not
deteriorated, the quality and safety of human life, the environment,
and there was a social progress that recognizes the needs of each
After analyzing the Concept, we can distinguish the following main directions:

• 1. The safety of the population of any country is ensured not by the

arms, and a long-term process of sustainable human development,
which is estimated by the human development index (HDI).
• The HDI is as follows:
• — economic real income
• (income) per capita at purchasing power parity;
• social — the level of education of the population and life expectancy;
• — environmental — a generalized indicator of the state of the
Rationing the HDI ranges from 0 to 1

• . According to this normalized form, the worst HDI values will

correspond to the numerical values close to 0, and the best will be to
bring these values to 1, i.e., 0 < HDI < 1.
• According to the UN, Ukraine on the HDI in 2005 was ranked 78-th
• . Sewing safety and human health should be considered as a
component of development of material production, socio-political,
cultural, spiritual and domestic spheres of society. According to
experts of the UN, the twentieth century was indicative of the
modern civilization.
• Human development during this period was extremely fast.
Developing countries exceeded three times the pace of development
of industrialized countries. 3.7-fold increase in the population of the
planet. Life expectancy increased from 50 years to 67 years, infant
mortality has decreased. Much more accessible was the education. In
the world today, 82% of educated people. Improved nutrition of the
population. If in 60-ies of XX century, about 60 % of the people were
on the brink of survival, then in the early 90-ies in such conditions was
only 32 % of the world population. In terms of social dimensions
(WIS), Ukraine occupies 72-e a place (CV = 0,554).
• For most people the sense of security associated mainly with the
problems of everyday life (food, warmth, stability, clothing, medical
care, job, salary, education, etc.). The modern level of scientific-
technical progress (STP) in conjunction with the global economy is
able to provide the world population with food, energy, social
spending on pensions, health and the environment. And it reflects the
degree of maturity of the society in each country. The level of
economic development is characterized by the index of economic
measure (S). Ukraine this indicator takes the 91st place (IEV = 0,319).
4. Human security is a General category that characterizes the life of a person of any country. A global
threat to human security caused by that national catastrophe, as a rule, extend beyond state
borders. A priori — no country can isolate itself from the world, i.e. the global stability of the
biosphere depends on the integrity of biological and physical natural systems of each country, its
ability to protect its environment. It is estimated using the index of ecological dimension (S). As of
2005 Ukraine this indicator is on the 108-th place (IEV = 0,447).
• The United Nations in the framework of target programs she coordinates and directs the efforts of
the international community in addressing these problems.
• After the implementation of the concept of sustainable development is impossible without
training of the person to actively participate in ensuring a long fulfilling life in a society rapidly
changing. The success of this plan is possible only if the awareness of each person that the safety
of his own life and safety of humanity lies in the formation of a clear philosophical foundations.
Because of human knowledge, its effective action, of the decisions of moral principles depends,
will be able to protect life on earth. It is the development of all links of education on issues of
human security will provide each person the opportunity to understand the importance of their
harmonious existence in the environment, and how to make the right decisions in the conditions
of occurrence of various hazards
Education is the sector of the national economy, which can radically improve the safe
existence of our society. Of course, that the education of the nation security of the nation.

• Based on the experience of international and Ukrainian scientists in the field of life safety in Ukraine
have developed and adopted a Concept of education in "Safety of life and human activities (BZHDL).
• According to the Concept, the main objectives of education BZHDL are:
• — the formation of human culture relative to security, its relevant moral values, attitudes, behavior,
• — ensuring a certain state of individual protection of human body through the formation and
development of those personal qualities that promote safety, as well as the necessary knowledge and
• — intensification of methodical, scientific and other forms of educational work in the direction BZHDL
as in educational institutions and outside them;
• — promoting the efficiency of the state system of safety of the population through the education and
training of people to their adequate interaction, the active position for improving the state of the
system, including in the legislative sphere;
Priority of training

• is considered to be forming right social position of personality regarding their own

safety, motivation of safe behavior at home, at work, in other spheres of existence,
the assimilation of certain knowledge and skills, with emphasis on the prevention
of possible harm. Therefore, discipline is the philosophy of professional.
• The required area of training is to prepare for action in dangerous situations that
objectively happened, for the sake of reducing potential losses (damages).
• Security of the person is seen as the result of inter-coordinated collaboration of
the state system of support of human security and the education system. The
content of education, its structure, technology of teaching are formed from the
position that man is the main object of protection against risk factors.
On the basis of the Concept

• was developed in a substantial part of industry standards of higher education for

specialists of educational-qualifying levels of Junior specialists and bachelors education
of life safety. The study of discipline is based on a holistic approach that involves
obtaining knowledge and skills about safety in the system "man — environment", forms
the skills of the future specialist to analyze the conditions in the environment in case of
occurrence of various hazards and to take appropriate decisions regarding personal
safety, safety of the collective (the preservation of health, life), and also fosters a
humane attitude.
• The methodological approach to the analysis of BC is a systemic and structural
approach, and the method used in this approach — the system analysis. It system
analysis as methodology of scientific cognition allows us to explain the essence of
phenomena and processes.
In the center of the modern problems
• of life safety is a person: his work leads to the emergence of various kinds
of danger and, as a result, people along with other organisms becomes a
victim of those dangers. Therefore, man is both a cause and a
consequence of crisis situations that arise in different parts of the world.
• Scientific branch of knowledge of human security is still young and is in
the process of its formation. She needs to interact with other scientific
disciplines in order to publicize all security problems of modern society.
Everyone knows that the introduction into the higher educational
institutions regulatory discipline BJD, without a doubt, meets the needs
of today, it is the main link of formation of the modern Outlook regarding
the security of humanity and its future.
Academic discipline "Safety"
• is a relatively new discipline in the Ukrainian higher school, that was a certain path of

• For the first time the discipline "life Safety" began to teach at Bauman. Bauman
(Russia) in 1989. From the program, which was developed by specialists of the
University, indicated that the purpose of life safety is to protect the person in the
technosphere from the negative impact of anthropogenic and natural origin. Then in
Leningrad (St. Petersburg) created his own school of specialists from this industry,
which adhered to the concept that safety is a new research area, the content of which
is to identify patterns of occurrence of various hazards and the development of
appropriate methods and means of protection of man in all conditions of his life, and
which is Foundation of General education of specialists in different disciplines and
The purpose, objectives, structure and content
of the discipline "life Safety
• The purpose of discipline is theoretical and practical training of future specialists for
the development of knowledge, skills and abilities to create safe living conditions and
activities in the environment, comprehension of the philosophical principles of
harmonious human relationships with technology, nature and society.
• The task is a clear understanding of the dangerous and harmful factors in the
situations arising in the environment, their identification, search and study of the
optimal safe conditions of human life.
• The object of study is man in all aspects of its activities (physiological, spiritual,
• The subject of the study is to analyze the negative impact of various dangers to life
and health, as well as methods, means and measures of protection against them.
the structure and content of the discipline should include the study of:

• The number and complexity of problems with BDZ require a certain structuring of the sections of this
discipline, the sequence of presentation and the study of its internal logic. In its methodological works,
the authors call this architectonics, composition, and structure.
• theoretical foundations of BC;
• — interaction of humans and the environment;
— hazards and their impact on human activity;
• — ensure the safe of human life.
• For a deeper understanding of the concept of "safety" consider the structure and characteristic features.
• The structure of activity and its characteristic features
• The structure of Life includes in its membership persons (population), natural, artificial environment and
social sphere of human activity belongs to the category of complex global structures of the system
"environment — human activities.
The concept of "livelihoods" consists of two concepts:

• Life is one of the forms of existence of matter naturally arises and flows under certain environmental
conditions. The characteristics of it are: exchange of substances and energy, ability to reproduce, growth,
development, active regulation of the composition and functions, adaptation to the environment. The
term "life" inherent in man and to some extent provides.
• Activity — a specific form of active human interaction with the environment, the content of which is
expedient change and transformation of its components to ensure their various needs (material, cultural,
spiritual, etc.).
• The human activity is not possible without the means of production is the most important component of
the artificial environment of life.
• Life and work are interrelated, interdependent and mutually determine each other. The basis of life is the
presence of conditions for the environment: natural sunlight, air, water, soil, biosphere, artificial living
environments — residential and industrial buildings, constructions, transport and air communication
systems, energy supply, food and more that are created by the mind and hands of man for life support. So,
as the life and activity of people outside of the environment life is not possible.
To the systems that provide livelihoods

• can be attributed to the legal protection of personality, right to work, leisure,

education, health care, environmental protection, life and health, law
enforcement, defence, social rights, livelihoods in emergencies. Protection
system to avoid the effects of dangerous situations for life and health of
• As you can see, life is a complex system which is able to provide and maintain
certain parameters of living conditions and activities.
• The factors that provide the vital functions, must include environmental,
physiological, medical, industrial, household, cultural, legal, etc. Thanks to
them provided and maintained a full life and activity of people.
The characteristics of life:
• livelihoods is a complex system of interrelated components of the environment, which is based on the natural
factors of life, people, means of labor, results of labor. Interaction and interrelationship between components
is done through activities as specific forms of labor;
• — this system is strictly regulated for the purpose, the place, time and nature of tasks; where the goal is the
maximum satisfaction of all needs and progress in the development of society; the place — the lives and
activities of people in certain localities, regions, continents; time — duration of the working day, day and night,
seasonal work; the nature of tasks, requirements of society;
• — relationship and interdependence of natural and material environment of life;
• — the activity significantly affects the environment, gradually worsening the parameters of Its components,
creating the conditions for the occurrence of hazards;
• — a system of continuous dynamic development and improvement. For example, the population growth of
the Earth, self-regulation and self-management, flexible adaptation to changes in environmental conditions
and operation conditions;
• — methodologically inherent to an individual, group of people, society, the state, the population of the Earth;
• — sensitive to the effects of various hazards (natural, technological, socio-political, environmental, etc.);
• — able appropriate in dangerous situations to protect their vital interests.
The relationship of BC with other scientific disciplines

• For a better understanding of problems of safety, we give definitions of key terms and
concepts of discipline BC.
• Safety — absence of unacceptable risk associated with the ability to specify any harm.
• Danger (dangerous conditions) — phenomenon, process, object, subject, property, or
their combination, which are able under certain conditions to cause undesirable effects.
• The safety of human life — the absence of unacceptable risk associated with the
possibility of injuring the human body in all conditions of its existence.
• Risk — conscious possibility of the occurrence of an event with certain undesirable
consequences. The term "risk" is used with the addition of (what?) for example, the risk
of poisoning and the like.
• Dangerous situation — defined set of hazards(s) and conditions of existence,
which necessarily leads to an undesirable result, if you do not take preventive
measures. Dangerous situation — the process of implementation risk.
• Emergency — a kind of dangerous situation that objectively requires urgent
preventive measures.
• Individual field activities — the space in which the activity takes place a
particular person to meet needs.
• Harmful factor — a certain kind of negative impact during the operation in a
dangerous situation. Harmful factors for a human being, in particular, are the
conditions of existence, different from normal: pressure, temperature, physico-
chemical composition of the atmosphere or food, the level of electromagnetic
radiation, psychological stimulus, and the like.
• — a certain kind of negative impact during the emergency.

• External protection (human) — a set of measures and tools, whose goal is the preservation of life
and capacity of a particular person and which can be carried out without her active participation.
• Environment life (environment) includes natural, artificial and social environment and social
activities of man.
• Environment settings — providing a comfortable living environment.
• Built environment — everything that is created by the production activities of man for the life
(buildings, constructions, transport and communications, energy systems).
• The biosphere is the sphere of life, Earth, formed by living organisms. Includes the lower
atmosphere, all hydrosphere, and upper lithosphere.
• Atmosphere — air shell of the Earth that surrounds the planet from all sides and moves with her.
Gradually moving into the space. Atmospheric air is a mixture of gases with a mixture of liquid and
solid substances. Air (to a height of 100 km) consists of 78% nitrogen, 21% oxygen, 1% inert gases.
• The hydrosphere is water shell of our planet; it is comprised of oceans, seas, water, continents, ice
sheets, groundwater, water vapor in the atmosphere. The total volume of natural water is about
1.39 billion miles of Water Harbor 71% of the planet's surface (361 million km). But fresh water on
Earth, only 2% of its total. The daily rate of consumption of water by man — 1.5 l. the people of the
Earth consume daily water food around 9 million tons.
• Ecology is a science about the interaction of organisms between
themselves and the environment. Is a scientific basis for rational nature
management and protection of living organisms. Social ecology studies
the laws of interaction of society and the environment.
• Man was the highest development of living organisms on Earth, the
subject of socio-historical activity and culture. A distinctive feature of
man is the development and establishment of instruments of
production and using them to impact on the environment
• Population — set of people on Earth who live in a particular area and in
a single geographical environment. Population — the subject of
production and production relations. Ukraine is home to about 47
million. the vast majority Of them live in cities, others in rural areas.
• Food — a set of inorganic and organic substances that a living organism obtains from the
environment, it is used for construction and renewal of tissues, sustain and restore the lost
energy. The daily amount of food for one person is called diet. It depends on many factors:
age, gender, nature of work, climate and the like.
• Consumption can be individual and collective. Production and consumption are interrelated
and determine each other. Private consumption is the use of a population of consumer
goods to meet the needs for food, clothing, shelter, education, culture and the like.
• Consumption is a combination of various parameters of consumption, in which human
activity may not be in terms of discomfort.
• Rule of law — a form of identification law, state-sanctioned mandatory rule of a General
nature (law, decree, resolution) in this or that sphere of public relations. The body of law
regulating homogeneous relation, form a branch of law (civil, criminal, commercial, etc.).

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