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Finding The

Perfect Gift
Pastor John Isaacs
Kingsway Community Church
December 19, 2010
John 3:16 (Message)
This is how much God loved the
world: He gave His Son,
His one and only Son. And this is
why: so that no one need be
destroyed; by believing in Him,
anyone can have a whole and
lasting life. 
God’s Perfect Gifts
1. His Son – Our Savior
Titus 3:4-7 (Message)
But when God, our kind and loving
Savior God, stepped in, He saved
us from all that. It was all His
doing; we had nothing to do
with it. He gave us a good bath,
and we came out of it new
people, washed inside and out
by the Holy Spirit.
Our Savior Jesus poured out new life
so generously. God's gift has
restored our relationship
with Him and given us back our
lives. And there's more life to come
—an eternity of life! You can count
on this.
God’s Perfect Gifts
1. His Son – Our Savior
2. Restored Our Relationship With Him
1 John 5:11-12 (NLT)
And this is what God has testified:
He has given us eternal
life, and this life is in His
Son. 12Whoever has the Son has
life; whoever does not have
God’s Son does not have life.
God’s Perfect Gifts
1. His Son – Our Savior
2. Restored Our Relationship With Him
3. Eternal Life
John 14:16-17 (NLT)
He will give you another
Advocate, who will never
leave you. 17 He is the Holy Spirit,
who leads into all truth … But
you know Him, because He lives
with you now and later will be in
God’s Perfect Gifts
1. His Son – Our Savior
2. Restored Our Relationship With Him
3. Eternal Life
4. Holy Spirit
Ephesians 1:3 (ESV)
Blessed be the God and Father of
our Lord Jesus Christ, who has
blessed us in Christ with every
spiritual blessing in the
heavenly places
God’s Perfect Gifts
1. His Son – Our Savior
2. Restored Our Relationship With Him
3. Eternal Life
4. Holy Spirit
5. Spiritual Blessings
Romans 5:5 (NLT)
And this hope will not lead to
disappointment. For we know
how dearly God loves us,
because He has given us the
Holy Spirit to fill our hearts with
His love.
God’s Perfect Gifts
1. His Son – Our Savior
2. Restored Our Relationship With Him
3. Eternal Life
4. Holy Spirit
5. Spiritual Blessings
6. Hope
7. Love
2 Corinthians 1:2 (NLT)
May God our Father and the Lord
Jesus Christ give you grace
and peace.
God’s Perfect Gifts
1. His Son – Our Savior
2. Restored Our Relationship With Him
3. Eternal Life
4. Holy Spirit
5. Spiritual Blessings
6. Hope
7. Love
8. Grace
9. Peace
1 Corinthians 12:7,11 (NLT)
A spiritual gift is given to
each of us so we can help each
other …
… It is the one and only Spirit who
distributes all these gifts. He
alone decides which gift each
person should have.
God’s Perfect Gifts
1. His Son – Our Savior
2. Restored Our Relationship With Him
3. Eternal Life
4. Holy Spirit
5. Spiritual Blessings
6. Hope
7. Love
8. Grace
9. Peace
10. Spiritual Gifts

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