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GD Skills Communication
Sessions 11, 12 & 13
Underlying Concept of GD
• Discussion is not a general narration of events: it calls for understanding of issues &
offering solutions
• Solutions are based on problem solving logic as well as intuitive grasp of situation
• This requires coming up with specific input, and giving evidence as to why this
solution is a good one
• In a group discussion, questions must be raised based on issues rather than pointing
out how the speaker is at fault
• Restatement of already spoken points, just for the sake of speaking, will not earn you
• Quality speak is more important than quantity: speaking less with some valid
thoughts well organized is more acceptable to the recruiter
The Do’s
• Positive impression/optimism
• Assertive instead of being aggressive
• Being calm instead of being quiet
• Appearing positive and pleasant
• Using body language effectively – such as raising your hand before intervening
• Empathy with the issue rather than emotionalism
• Avoiding controversies and taking up a position that is inclusive and solves the

The Don'ts
Using slangs or colloquial forms of expression such as: ‘hey’, ‘gonna’, ‘like’,
Pointing fingers or raising voice a few notches
Less than positive body language such as: shaking legs, whispering, drumming
fingers on the table, looking here & there, and swinging pen or pencils
Talking to class mates once seated for a GD – look professional and maintain
A GD is not a debate – It is not a for/ against situation, it is a discussion
where several viewpoints are possible
Action Plan
• As soon as a topic is given, note down enough key words related to the topic so
that even if some get spoken, there’s still more to go
• Be innovative
• Listen actively
• The way one sits, gestures, and creates facial expressions - speak volumes about
one’s state of mind and attitude
• Slack posture, vacant expression gives wrong perceptions to the observer
• Exhibit leadership by opening the discussion; set the tone of the discussion
• Have a balanced approach: show maturity and logical thinking. If you find the
discussion dragging, move it to the next point or turn it in a new direction
• Research the company before you get to the GD -- find out what manner of culture it
has and how they like to speak about customers and employees
• Your take on an issue should be helped by your intended domain specialization
wherever applicable
GD Topics
• Indian Economy in 2020: the growth is in minus
• Make in India should be replaced by make in India for the world
• Statehood should be restored to Jammu & Kashmir
• India’s ban on Chinese apps will hurt India more than China
• The “Me too” moment is over
• The millennials are turning to virtual assistants for friendship and
• Without FTAs, India will not be able to take advantage of the West’s
decoupling from China
• The COVID-19 mindset is here to stay
Abstract GD Topics

• It’s smart to be a little dumb

• Modernization is not westernization
• Door
• Nothing is right, nothing is wrong
• Red
• On being blue


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