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he sun did not shine.
It was too wet to play.
So we sat in the house
All that cold, cold,
wet day.
TheCel inlheHøl! “I knuw it ia wee

And he øaid to us, Amt the sun íB not auuny.

“V' do you sit there lihe Łhat?" But we can have

Jotr nfxood fun thet ia funny“
But our ftsh said. "Nr›! N• i!
â4ake that cat ga awey!
1’eli ihar tot irt the Has

He should not be here.

Ife should not be heze

I wifi hold you up higłi

But that iø not zza. I can doÍ”

Bøid the cøt . . .
Then be got uy on lap
w i t h 8 t i p Qf his »B .

“In this box are two things

You will I ike these two thittga,"

fluid iht• csc witls a box.
“What is good," aeid the fish.
“I Ie has gciny awRx•. 1" .

Bu I t o u r molher6 iJ I cwmc•.

”* She will ftnd thia big n›ee8!

Anrl thie meBs ie mi bid
And u› deep ertrJ in ttill.
We can ri-at pick: ii up.
the i8 no way' a¢ ali!"

Then he shut uj› the Thlngs

And the cafi went away

\Y ill› u sad kind of link.

Good tI "

” Then our mother cøme in

"Did you have any fun?

Tell mn. What did ş'ou do?”
Ehould wø tell her atn›ut it?
Anrl fialÎy anrl Ï dirt not knr›w Now, what st+nun we dv?
Well . . .
SÏtuuld we ŁeJl Îier 'hat world you do
The tl›inga U1at wmt on there that dayf If your mother esked wi:?

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