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Group Member Identity

Fatema Binte Yousuf

Ismat Intezar Ritu

Abrar Shariar Akib

Md Arfin

SI Mohin Uddin
Ete Das

Aminul Islam
“Leadership is not a position
or a title, It is Action and

Interven Observ
tion e


A simple definition is that leadership is the art of

motivating a group of people to act towards
achieving a common goal.

The individuals who are the leaders in an

organization, regarded collectively.
•The activity of leading a group of people or an

organization or the ability to do this.

In the words of some gurus and leaders
 “Leadership is the art of getting someone else
to do something you want done because he
wants to do it.” – Dwight Eisenhower

 “Innovation distinguishes between a leader

and a follower.” – Steve Jobs
1. Listening: Leaders take the time to listen to what is being said
and more importantly to what is not being said.

2. Empowerment:  High-performing teams make their own

decisions. They know what the vision and the goals of the
organization are

3.Attitude:  Leaders understand how much attitude can and does

impact the performance of the team.

4.Driven:  Leaders do not allow setbacks to become permanent.

Rather they use setbacks as stepping stones to accomplish the
team’s goals.  Leaders know people are watching them during
difficult times to see how they should respond.
5.Encourage: Leaders never underestimate the power of the team
and are always drawing out the best in people through their
encouragement and support in large and small things. 

6.Helpful:  Leaders are never too busy not to help, nor are they too
proud not to help. True leaders help people in all kinds of
situations.  However, leaders also know when not to help and allow
the team and the individuals to achieve the satisfaction of
accomplishing the task themselves.

7.Relate:  Great leaders understand the personal and professional

sides of their organizations and they understand how both interact
with each other.
Trait Theory of Leadership

The trait model of leadership is based on the characteristics of

many leaders - both successful and unsuccessful - and is
used to predict leadership effectiveness. The resulting lists of
traits are then compared to those of potential leaders to
assess their likelihood of success or failure.
Among the core traits identified are:

1.Achievement drive 2.Leadership motivation:

 3.Honesty and integrity 4.Self-confidence

 5. Cognitive ability 6. Knowledge of business

 7. Emotional Maturity 8. Others

1. Strong predictive validity of certain outcome

2. Strong research support indicating there is

some biological basic for traits, traits appear
to be fairly heritable.

3. Extensive cross-culture studies indicate that

the big five or five factor model is a vaild
personality theory outside of the US/Western
4. Its builds on the premise that leaders are

5. Unlike all other leadership theories, Trait

theory boasts a century of research to
confirm the approach.

6. Trait theory provides benchmarks for

identifying leaders.
All the traits are not identical with regard to the
essential characteristics of a leader.
Some traits can be acquired by training and may not

be inherited.
The traits required to attain leadership may not be

same that are required to sustain leadership.

If fails to explain the many leadership failures in spite

of the required traits.

It ignore the environment factors which may differ

from situation to situation.

Path-Goal Leadership Theory
The Path-Goal model is a theory based on
specifying a leader's style or behavior
that best fits the employee and work
environment in order to achieve
a goal (House, Mitchell, 1974).
The goal is to increase your employees'
motivation, empowerment, and satisfaction so
they become productive members of the
organization. The path-goal theory was first
introduced by Martin Evans (1970) and then
further developed by House (1971).
 While Path-Goal Theory is not a detailed
process, it generally follows these basic steps
as shown in the graphic below:

 Determine the employee and environmental


 Select a leadership style

 Focus on motivational factors that will help the

employee succeed
Difference between leader and manager.

 When we are promoted into a role where you

are managing people, you don’t automatically
become a leader. There are important
distinctions between managing and leading
people. Here are nine of the most important
differences that set leaders apart:
Leaders create a vision, managers create goals.
Leaders paint a picture of what they see as
possible and inspire and engage their people in
turning that vision into reality on the other hand
Managers focus on setting, measuring and
achieving goals. They control situations to reach
or exceed their objectives

Leaders are change agents, managers maintain the status


Leaders are proud disrupters. Innovation is their

mantra. Managers stick with what works,
refining systems, structures and processes to
make them better.
 . Leaders are unique, manager’s copy: Leaders are
willing to be themselves but Managers mimic the
competencies and behaviors they learn from others
and adopt their leadership style rather than defining

Leaders take risks, managers control risk: Leaders are

willing to try new things even if they may fail
miserably, on the other hand Managers work to
minimize risk
 Leaders are in it for the long haul, managers think

short-term: Leaders have intentionality. They do

what they say they are going to do and stay
motivated toward a big, Managers work on shorter-
term goals, seeking more regular acknowledgment
or accolades.
Different between leadership and management.

 Leadership is a quality of influencing people, so

that the objectives are attained willingly and
enthusiastically. It is not exactly same as
management, as leadership is one of the major
elements of management

Leadership is an activity of guiding and directing

people to work together in achieving the objectives.
It requires a good vision of thinking across the
 Management is a discipline of managing
things in the best possible manner. It is the
art or skill of getting the work done through
and with others. It can be found in all the
fields, like education, hospitality, sports,
offices etc.
 Comparison Chart

Basis for Comparison Leadership Management

Management is an art of systematically

Leadership is a skill of leading others by
Meaning organizing and coordinating things in an
efficient way.

Basis Trust Control

Emphasis on Inspiring People Managing activities

Power Influence Rule

Focus on Encouraging change Bringing stability

Strategy Proactive Reactive

Formulation of Principles and guidelines Policies and Procedures

Perspective Leadership requires good foresightedness. Management has a short range perspective.
New leadership theory
•Transformational theory (bass and avolio,1994.

•Leadersinspire individuals , develop trust, and

encourage creativity and personal growth.

•Individualsdevelop a sense of purpose to

benefit the group, organization or society. This
goes beyond their own self-interests and an
exchange of rewards or recognition for effort or

1. Guide/coordinate team members- encourage

teamwork and motivate individuals.
2. Provide structure for team – set mission and
purpose, clarify roles and responsibilities,
allocate tasks and set objectives.
3. Clarify working method, practises and protocol
4. Focus on performance-anticipate challenging
monitor performance, delegate and provide
CPD support.

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