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General statement

Specific statement

Thesis statement

Outline of main ideas you will discuss

INTRODUCTION : Although more and more people read the news on the internet,
newspaper will remain the main source of news for the majority of people. Do you agree or
disagree with the statement?

General statement : The Internet is one of the most prominent inventions of 21 st century.

Specific statement : It is true that more and more readers nowadays prefer the Internet as a
source of news instead of newspapers. Despite this, some people argue that newspapers will
never be replaced by the internet as a main source of news.
Thesis statement: As for myself, I disagree with this point of view for two main reasons

Outline of main ideas you will discuss: Firstly, the Internet helps readers to keep up with the
most recent news in a swift fashion. Secondly, with the Internet, readers have access to a
variety of news instead of a single topic.





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