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Behaviour of Air
2 ( 5 MARKS) + 1 (10 MARK)
• It is a wave in the form of a Pressure
Disturbance that travels through a medium by
means of particle to particle interaction.
• As one particles becomes disturbed, it exerts a
force on the next adjacent particle, thus
disturbing the particle from the rest and
transporting the energy through the medium.
• E.g. Throwing a stone in water
Sound Amplitude & Frequency
• It can be visualized in the form of sine wave
• The rate at which the pressure wave fluctuates
is called Frequency.
• Amplitude -The amount of pressure that
varies below and above the pressure of
prevailing atmosphere. It can be measured by
sensitive instruments.
Sound Transmission
• Sound travels in the form of slight pressure
fluctuations. It is a physical disturbance.
• It can travel through air or any other elastic
medium like water or steel.
• It can reach to the listener by any one of a
number of paths.
Sound and Noise
• Technically waves of regular amplitude and
frequency denotes sound but when such
waves adopt irregular amplitude and
frequency denotes noise.
Speed of sound
• Speed – How fast – Distance
• Frequency – how often – No. of vibrations that
an individual particle makes per unit of time.
• Speed = Distance/Time. = m/s
Factors Affecting Speed of Sound
Closely Dense Pack can move faster
asolid > aliquid > agas
a – speed of sound
Formula – Speed of sound
• a= √ γRT
• T – 288 k
• γ = 1.33 ( gas) 1.4(air)
• Rair= 287 J/Kg. K
• R = 8.314 J/mol.k = 8.314 J/0.02897 Kg.K
• 1 mol = 28.97 g of air present = 0.02897 Kg
• R – universal gas constant
• Temperature in kelvin = 288 k
• a = √ 1.4 x 287 x 288 = 340 m/s
Mach Number
• Speed of sound in air is used as a relative
measure of speed
• M = V/a
• V – speed of Object; a – Speed of sound
• M < 1(subsonic), M>1 (Supersonic) M =
1(Sonic), M>5( Hypersonic)M 0.8 to 1.2
Mach No
• Since speed of sound varies with
altitude(decreases) thus for an a/c climbing at a
particular speed, its Mach number will keep on
Increases. M = v/a
• 680/340 =2 680/290=2.344
• For an a/c climbing at a fixed Mach number the
a/c speed will reduce with altitude ( v = m x a)
• 0.75X 340=255 M/S 0.75 X 290 =217.5 M/S
Continuity Equation
• It is a universal law that mass can neither be
created nor destroyed. It can be changed from
one form to another.
• Eg. A Water is boiled and its get converted to
water vapour and steam. The water is not lost,
its merely converted to another form.
• Ice to Water
• Mass = Density x Volume
• W=mxg
• When one of the two factor increases the
other decreases
• Eg Pillows we use, New Pillow will be fluffy
& occupies more volume. As we use it shrinks in
size, the cotton gets compressed and density will
Mass Flow Rate
• Fluids ( Liquids & gases), Mass flowing through
any point or area over a period of time is
known as mass flow rate. Rate at which mass
is flowing.
• Mass/time = Density x volume/time
• Volume = l x b x h = l x Area
• length/time = velocity
ṁ = ρ v A (kg/sec)
Flow of a River across various point
• Parallel Duct – Area b/w two sections remain
• Convergent Duct – Area Decreases in the
direction of the flow
• Divergent Duct – Area Increases in the
direction of the flow
• Compressible flow – Density change M> 0.3
• Incompressible flow – Density constant M<0.3
Flow Properties across Duct
Con. Equation
• For a steady flow (When mass flow rate does
not vary with time) the mass of air that flows
through the cross section at any point 1 must
be the same as Point 2 in given period of time.
• A1.V1. ρ 1 = A2.V2. ρ 2 = constant

• Incompressible flow A1.V1 = A2.V2

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