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Conservation of Energy

• The total energy cannot be change. its

• Eg. Heat energy of petrol can be converted
into mechanical energy required to drive car.
• There are many forms of energy like solar,
wind, wave and thermal
Basics forms of Energy
• Sound energy : is produced when a object is
made to vibrate
• Chemical Energy : stored energy in many items
such as in food and petroleum products.
• Radiant Energy: Combination of heat & light
• Electrical Energy: Produced by electrons
moving through a substance.
Forms of energy
• Atomic Energy: produced when atoms are
• Mechanical Energy: Moving objects produce
mechanical Energy
Common Forms of Energy
• Potential Energy: Energy that a body has due
to its position.
• PE = m.g.h
• Unit of Potential Energy is Nm
• m – kg
• g – m/s2
• h-m
Kinetic Energy
• Energy of motion is the energy possessed by a
body due to its motion.
• KE = ½ m.V2
Interchange b/w K.E & P.E
Pressure Energy
• It is the energy in a body due to pressure
exerted on it. A body at sea level experiences
a pressure different at 1000 m.
• P/ ρ ; Pressure x Area= Force
• F = P1.A1
• W = Force x Distance = P1.A1 x d =
• W/m = P1.v/m = P1/ρ
Bernoulli’s Theorem
• p/ρ + V2/2 + gh = Constant
Bernoulli's Eqn
• Pressure Energy + K.E + P.E = Constant
• P.v+ ½ mv2 + mgh = const
= P.v/m + ½ v2 + gh = const
= P.v/m.g + ½ v2/g + h=const
=m.g – weight/volume - density
= P/ ρ+ ½g v2 + h = constant
H – height or elevation
P/ ρ+ ½ v2 = const ( h is at surface level)
Bernoulli's Eqn
• P1/ ρ + V12 / 2g + h1 = P2/ ρ + V22 / 2g + h2
Venturi Principle
Static Pressure
• It is the pressure that exists on the surface.
• It is the pressure experienced on a body when
the fluid is not moving.
• If body and the fluid is moving, then it is the
pressure at a point on a body moving with a
Salient Features of static pressure
• When only pressure is mentioned, it refers to
static pressure.
• An a/c altimeter is operated by static pressure
• Denoted by p
Dynamic Pressure – ( ASI)
• It is the pressure exerted by the fluid in
motion and is also called velocity pressure.
• It is experienced when the velocity is brought
to zero; Velocity energy is converted to
pressure energy
• It is the K.E per unit volume of the fluid
particle and denoted by q.
Total Pressure- P0
• Static Pressure + Dynamic Pressure = Total
• P + q = P0
Stagnation Pressure
• Pressure at a point where the flow is brought
to rest
• Sometimes referred to as pitot pressure
because it is measured using a pitot tube
• V=0

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