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For Supervisors
Session Objectives
You will be able to:
• Recognize the value of team efforts
• Identify the characteristics of an effective
• Build commitment and cooperation among
team members
• Use teams effectively to achieve goals
Session Outline
• Characteristics of effective teams and
• Creating a productive work atmosphere
• Encouraging commitment, cooperation, and
• Effective communication and conflict
• Measuring progress and recognizing
Benefits of Teambuilding
• Increased efficiency
• Heightened motivation
• Improved quality of
• More flexible operations
• Enhanced creativity
Effective Teams
• Manageable size
• Diverse skills,
knowledge, and
• Resourceful, competent
• Common goals
Effective Teams (cont.)
• Cooperation
• Solidarity
• Open exchange of ideas and information
• Mutual respect and support
Team Members
• Understand their own and others’ roles
• Agree on goals and the tasks to achieve
• Trust and cooperate with one another
• Continually communicate and coordinate
Team Members (cont.)
• Achieve consensus through listening,
debating, and compromise
• See value in combining all members’ skills,
experiences, and perspectives
• Believe that the combined efforts of the team
will produce worthwhile benefits
Teams and Team Members
• Questions?
Create the Right
• Design an informal,
relaxed, and open work
• Encourage respect for
different points of view
• Require professionalism
and courtesy
• Promote mutual respect
• Be fair and consistent
Set Clearly Defined Goals
• Communicate
expectations at the outset

• Explain goals and

• Encourage feedback
• Prioritize goals and
determine how each will
be achieved
• Decide how success will
be measured
Build Commitment
• Write a mission statement
• Cultivate a sense of belonging and
• Set a good example
Build Commitment (cont.)
• Show concern for team members
• Celebrate group success
Encourage Contributions
• Ask for full participation

• Welcome suggestions
• Coach and counsel
team members
Encourage Contributions

• Provide challenging assignments

• Delegate meaningful tasks
Promote Cooperation
• Emphasize
collaboration, not
• Promote the sharing of
information, ideas,
and expertise
• Endorse compromise
• Reinforce team-oriented
Provide Adequate Support
• Keep in close touch with
the group
• Provide adequate training
• Make sure required
resources are available
• Give the team enough
time to complete its
• Give clear and accurate
Provide Adequate Support

• Help members coordinate team duties with

other responsibilities
• Encourage team members to bring problems
to you
• Go to bat for your people
• Encourage support between one another
Maintain Communication
• Allow adequate time for
group discussion
• Encourage constructive
criticism of ideas
• Provide feedback and
• Teach debating and
listening skills
• Be accessible to your
Resolve Conflicts Promptly
• Some conflict is normal
• Establish ground rules for dealing with
• Teach conflict resolution techniques
• Encourage team members to manage their
own conflicts
• Step in when there is no swift resolution
Teambuilding Techniques
• Questions?
Establish Links
• Maintain relationships with other teams,
departments, and functions
• Keep your manager informed
• Encourage team members to make useful
• Focus on the big picture
Measure Progress
• Keep an eye on
• Check workflow
• Monitor quality
• Observe individual
Recognize Achievement
• Recognize both
individual and group
• Bestow a sense of
prestige and status on
team membership
• Recognize contributions
in appraisals
• Reward successful
completion of the
Key Points to Remember
• Teams make use of diverse skills,
knowledge, and experience
• Effective teams improve efficiency, quality,
and motivation
• Your role is to provide leadership, support,
and encouragement

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