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Define Leadership
The definition
• Leader: who establishes vision, sets goals,
motivates people and obtains their
commitment to achieve the goals and realize
the vision.
• Leadership: influencing people to work toward
desired goals.
How to Influence?
• Disagreement on ways and means to influence
• Result of disagreement: Different theories
Leader vs Manager
Leaders Managers
Personal and active Passive role
interest in achieving goals
Inner drive to achieve Become anxious if asked to
goals independently work alone
Frequently interact with Interaction limited to
people fulfilling managerial
Coping with change Coping with complexity
Derive power often from Derive power from the
informal sources chair
Leader vs Boss
Leadership skills

• Technical Skills: the abilities and knowledge needed to

perform specific tasks.

• Human Skills: An individual’s ability to cooperate with other

members of the organization and work effectively in teams

• Conceptual Skills: The ability of an individual to analyze

complex situations and to rationally process and interpret
available information
Leadership Skills
Leadership Styles
• Autocratic Leadership: Leaders who adopt this style retain all the authority
and decision making power
• Consultative Leadership: It encourages employees to participate in
• Laissez Faire Leadership: The leader completely delegates the
responsibilities and decision making power to the subordinates
• Bureaucratic Leadership: Leaders set certain rigid rules and regulations
and procedures
• Manipulative Leadership: Leaders believe that employees should be
manipulated to get them to behave in the way the leader wants them to
• Expert Leadership: A person with a high level of knowledge and abilities
leads the group
• Authentic Leadership: Leaders who know who they are, know what they
believe in and value and act on those values and beliefs openly and
• Sit as per your IBS club memberships i.e.,
members of the same club should sit together
• Sit as per your IBS club memberships i.e.,
members of the same club should sit together
• Those who do not belong to any club should
sit together
• Sit as per your IBS club memberships i.e.,
members of the same club should sit together
• Those who do not belong to any club should
sit together
– One leadership style would be given to each club
– The club members need to discuss that leadership
style and decide who would be the leader who
would persuade the non-members one by one by
adopting a leadership style.
• Sit as per your IBS club memberships i.e., members of
the same club should sit together
• Those who do not belong to any club should sit
– One leadership style would be given to each club
– The club members need to discuss that leadership style and
decide who would be the leader who would persuade the
non-members one by one by adopting a leadership style.
– The more students are inducted the higher score the group
will get.
• Sit as per your IBS club memberships i.e., members of
the same club should sit together
• Those who do not belong to any club should sit together
– One leadership style would be given to each club
– The club members need to discuss that leadership style and
decide who would be the leader who would persuade the
non-members one by one by adopting a leadership style.
– 1 non-member inducted = 1 mark scored
– non-members can argue
• Groups are assigned a number from 1 to 7
Leadership Styles
3 Autocratic Leadership: Leaders who adopt this style retain all the authority
and decision making power
4 Consultative Leadership: It encourages employees to participate in decision-
1 Laissez Faire Leadership: The leader completely delegates the
responsibilities and decision making power to the subordinates
2 Bureaucratic Leadership: Leaders set certain rigid rules and regulations and
6 Manipulative Leadership: Leaders believe that employees should be
manipulated to get them to behave in the way the leader wants them to behave
7 Expert Leadership: A person with a high level of knowledge and abilities
leads the group
5 Authentic Leadership: Leaders who know who they are, know what they
believe in and value and act on those values and beliefs openly and candidly
Likert’s systems of Management
• Exploitative-authoritative style: All decisions are made by
managers and there is little employee participation

• Benevolent-authoritative style: Subordinates are allowed to

participate to some extent in decision-making, but retain
control over policy matters

• Consultative style: Mangers seek advice from subordinates but

they retain the right to take final decision

• Participative style: Managers encourage participation of

employees at all levels in decision-making
Determinants of Leadership

• Quality of Subordinates: The team should consist of

independent and self-motivated subordinates

• Nature of the situation: An individual who has the background

and knowledge relevant to a given situation will come forward
by himself/herself to lead the group when the situation arises
Traits of Effective Leaders
• Initiative
• Desire to lead
• Integrity
• Self-confidence
• Analytical ability
• Knowledge of specific company
• Creativity
• Flexibility
• Charisma
Trait Theories
• Emotional Intelligence Theory: The important characteristics
of successful leaders are:
 Empathy
 Graciousness
 Optimism
 Ability to read non-verbal cues in a social situation.
 Ambition
 High levels of energy
 Desire to lead
 Honesty
 Integrity,
 Self confidence
 Intelligence
 Job relevant knowledge
Trait Theories (contd.)
• Great Person theory: Leaders are born not
made (eg. Alexander and Napoleon)
– Would have led even in different situation
– Common trait among leaders: intelligence
• Limitation: Little analytical or predictive value
Behavioral Theories
• Ohio state studies:
– Initiating Structure: ability to define one’s and
others’ tasks and accomplish on time.
– Consideration: care, respect for ideas, feelings,
work relations characterized by mutual trust and
Behavioral Theories (contd.)
• University of Michigan Studies: Findings
similar to Ohio state leadership studies.
– Production Oriented
– Employee Oriented
Behavioral Theories (contd.)
• The Managerial Grid: Blake and Mouton
– Concern for Production
– Concern for People
Behavioral Theories (contd.)
• Scandinavian Studies: Found additional
– Development oriented behavior: experimentation
with new ideas and practices and embracing
Contingency Theories
1. Fiedler’s Contingency Model
2. Situational Theory
3. LMX
4. Leadership-participation Model
5. Path-goal Theory
Fiedler’s Contingency Model
Least-Preferred Co-worker Scale
• Instructions 
– Think of your OB project group members
– Think of the one person with whom you could work least
well that is, the person with whom you had the most
difficulty getting a job done. This is the one person with
whom you would least want to work.
– Describe this person by circling numbers at the appropriate
points on each of the following pairs of bipolar adjectives.
– Work rapidly.
– There are no right or wrong answers.
Leadership-participation Model
Path-goal Theory (contd.)
Other leadership styles

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