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Quiz 1 :

Ansible Basics

1. Ansible is a ?

• Continuous Integration tool

• Configuration Management tool
• Continuous Monitoring tool
• Configuration Deployment tools
2. In Which year Ansible first release
happened by Ansible Inc?

• 2010
• 2011
• 2012
• 2013
3. When did the Red Hat acquired

• April 2015
• March 2016
• October 2015
• January 2017
4. Who is the author of Ansible?

• Micheal Dahaan
• James Shield
• Richie Joe
• Micheal Shoe
5. In Which Language Ansible engine

• Ruby
• Python
6. The default static inventory for
ansible is located at
/etc/ansible/default ?

• True
• False
7. The correct option to use your own
static inventory with ansible ad'hoc
command is ansible local -L localfile -m
ping ?

• True
• False
8. What's the Ansible Playbook
execution order?

• Playbook->Play->Tasks->Task
• Playbook->Play->Task->Tasks
• Play->Playbook->Tasks->Task
• Playbook->Tasks->Play-Task
9. A requirement for ansible is to install
an agent on remote servers to listen to
the control node ?

• True
• False
10. Which command will use servers in
a local inventory called invent.local ?

• ansible servers -m ping

• ansible all -m ping -i invent.local
• ansible all -m ping -f invent.local
• ansible all -m ping
11. Which is the correct format for
running an ansible ad'hoc command?
Choose three

• ansible servers -m ping

• ansible-playbook servers -m ping
• ansible -m ping local
• ansible local -m ping -f 100
12. Playbooks are made up of plays ?

• True
• False
13. Which of these are valid as the first
thing in a playbook? Choose 2

• tasks: name=
• ---
• --- # this is a comment
• - hosts: local
14. The following is allowed in a
- tasks: yaml: name=yum
- hosts: local

• True
• False
15. What's the format of a playbook ?

• .json
• .yaml
• .py
16. This is the right priority order of the
ansible config file location

./ansible.cfg --> ~/.ansible.cfg -->

/etc/ansible/ansible.cfg -->

• True
• False
17. Which command displays examples
on all modules useful in a playbook ?

• ansible --help
• ansible-doc -list
• ansible-galaxy --show-modules
• ansible-doc -l
Quiz 2 :

Ansible Advanced
1. Facts are information on the remote
machines that are systematically
gathered while a playbook is
executed and cannot be disabled

• True
• False
2. When a dictionary is defined the way
to repeat one task on every item is to
use :

• loop
• with_dict
• with_items
3. When a task notifies a handler, the
instruction defined in the handler are
run just after the task is executed.

• True
• False
4. Playbooks will stop executing any
more steps on a host that has a task fail.
To run a task anyways

• I add it to the "block" section

• I add it to the "rescue" section
• I add it to the "always" section
• I add the keyword ignore_errors
5. The ansible-vault command can be
used to encrypt a file?

• True
• False
6. Ansible vault encrypted files are
secure ?

• True
• False
7. With which command you can edit a
file that has been encrypted?

• ansible-vault edit foo.yml

• ansible-vault view foo.yml
• ansible-vauld decrypt foo.yml
• ansible-vauld edit --vauld-id
pass2@vauldpasswd foor.yml
8. A dynamic inventory file that is
executable is expected to respond to
the --list as an option ?

• True
• False
9. If you use the -i option to select a
static hosts file and it’s marked as
executable, it’s still treated as a static
inventory ?

• True
• False
10. Which of the following are a valid use of

• yum: name=template.j2
• template: src:template.j2
• task: template: src=template.j2
• template: src=template.j2
11. Templates must use .json ?

• True
• False
12. A template has a maximum of 10
variables ?

• True
• False
13. To run tasks in serial mode , 2 by 2
servers , you set this parameter in the
fork : 2

• True
• False
14. This is the correct format for using
the role called common in a playbook?
- hosts: webservers
roles = common

• True
• False
15. Any copy, script, template or include
tasks (in the role) can reference files in
roles/x/{files,templates,tasks}/ without
having to path them ?

• True
• False
16. The command ansible-galaxy init
won't create the file structure you need
for roles ?

• True
• False

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