Chile and Nepal Earthquake 10B

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Chile Date of the earthquake Strength of the earthquake

Earthquake 27 February 2010 8.8 on the Richter scale

Where did it happen? Primary effects are caused by the ground shaking and includes
The coast of central Chile. deaths and injuries. and damage to the road and buildings
The earthquake occurred at
a destructive plate margin
causing a number of high Secondary effects are the results of the primary and includes
magnitude earthquakes over tsunami,fire,landslides and responses to the earthquakes such as
many years care and supports

What caused the earthquake?

The Nazca plate went beneath the South American
plate which caused high stress beneath Chile, making
the country highly prone to large magnitude
The Nazca plate moved beneath the south American
plate which cause the large amount of shock waves to
come up to Chile.

Primary effects Secondary effects

500 people were killed and 12 000 injured-800 000 people 1500km of road damage mainly done by land slides. This cut off
affected remote communities from help for many days.
220 000 homes,4500 schools,53 ports,56 hospitals and Several coastal towns were devastated by tsunami waves as the
other public buildings were destroyed earthquake generated a series of waves as the epicentre is
Port of Talcahuano and Santiago airport were badly close the sea
damaged Othe pacific countries struck by tsunami-warning were issued
Nearly all of Chile lost power, water, supplies and which prevented loss of lives
communications A fire at a chemical plant had occurred many people were
In total the earthquake estimated $30 billion evacuated

By Tasnim Ahmed
Strength of the
Nepal Date of the earthquake

Earthquake 25 April 2015 7.9 on the Richter scale

Where did it happen?

The earthquake occurred 80km to the north-west of Nepal's capital city Kathmandu
in the foothills of the Himalayas.

What caused the earthquake?

The earthquake occurred at a destructive
margin where the indo-Austrailian plate is
colliding with the Eurasian plate at 45mm per
year. The collision and the pressure at this
margin are responsible for the formation of
the was also caused by a
sudden thrust of built up stress along the fault
line where the Indian plate is slowly diving
underneath the Eurasian plate

Primary effects
9000 people died and 20 000 injured and over 8 million people
were affected
3 million people were made homeless as their houses were
Secondary effects
Ground shaking triggered landslides and avalanches which blocked
roads and hampered relief efforts
Electricity and water supplies,sanitationand communication were
The avalanche on mount everrest killed 19 people
1.4 million were left without food,water,shelter and were in need
for weeks
The avalanche on Langtang reigon left 250 people missing
7000 schools were destroyed and hospital were overwhelmed
International air ports became congested as aid arrived
A landslide blocked the kali Gandaki river which made many people
50% of shops destroyed affecting food supplies and people
evacuate in case of a flooding
The cost of the damage were estimated over $5 billion

By Tasnim Ahmed

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