Zhōng Guó Chá Wén Huà

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Zhōng guó chá wén huà

中 国 茶 文 化

茶 道

品 茶

Hometown of Tea

All countries in the world received their first import of tea leaves,tea seeds,tea
drinking methods,and tea cultivation techniques directly or indirectly from China.
The wild large tea trees found in China rank first in the world in terms of
age,size,number,and distribution scope.
The word “tea”is from China. The pronunciations for tea in many languages are
found on Chinese character 茶( tea ) .China is birthplace of tea.
Shen Nong(Divine Farmer) and Tea

Shen Nong was a legendary figure in ancient

Chinese myth. The ancient Chinese regarded him as
not only the inventor of agriculture and medicine,
but also the finder of tea.
They therefore attributed the origin of China’s
agriculture production,diet,and medical culture to
“ 茶之为饮,发乎神农氏”
>> 《神农百草图》

The tea tree is a perennial evergreen woody plant
that originates in the provinces of China along the
Yangtze River. It thrives in the regions with humid
climate,abundant rainfall, cloudy and misty weather
,less sunshine and fertile soil.

arbor-type tea tree

茶 树
semi-arbor-type tea tree
Tea Tree

shrub-type tea tree

Chinese Teahouse

Chinese Teahouse is the venue for leisure

spending and amusement.Among the recreational
activities in a teahouse are Chinese folk art
performances such as comic dialog,ballad
singing,and story telling.Tea drinkers enjoy the
tea and the performances in the
teahouse,spending their leisure hours happily.
茶 道

茶道 茶道六君子
茶筒 Tea
茶的美感之道。 tube
茶匙 Tea
美心修德,学习 spoon
仪式。 茶漏 Tea
茶则 Tea
茶夹 Tea

绿茶 红茶 黑茶 白茶 黄茶 青茶
Green tea is non_fermented tea. Green ten can be classified as
roasted green tea ,baked green tea,solar-dried green tea The
classifications of tea and steamed green tea.
Green tea is mainly produced in the lower reach of Yangtse
Zhejiang province is one of main production areas of green tea.
Xihu Longjing(Dragon Well tea ) is the famous and traditional
green tea.
The appearance of high-quality green tea has green
color,delicate aroma,mellow taste,and beautiful shape.
The high-quality green tea contains the most quantity of
vitamins,catechin and protein in all kinds of tea.
Black tea is fermented tea. Black tea can be used as basic layer of
rose tea. The high-quality Black tea is characterized as bright and
lustrous color,freshand strong taste.
The most popular Black tea are the Anhui_qihong 、 Yuannan-
Dianhong 、 Fujing_ Black tea xiaozhong 、
The main characteristic of Black tea is strong and brisk tasting.
The Black tea is good for stomach.
Pu_er tea
Pu_er tea is one kind of dark black tea. Sun_dried green tea can
brused as material of Pu_er tea.
Pu_er tea has two specifications of bulk and compressed.
Pu_er tea is mainly produced in Xishuang banna,the south part of
Yunnan province.
The leaf of high_level Pu_er tea is plump and strong while tender
leaves have white floss.
The liquor of Pu_er is wery rich,and can endure repeated infusion
without losing much of its original strength and emitting strong flavor.
Drinking Pu_er tea on long run is good for digestion and decreasing
blood pressure.
Oolong tea
Oolong tea is semi- fermented tea.
Oolong tea is produced in Fujiang ,Taiwan and Guangdong
According to the genus of tea ,processing method and the quality of
tea , Oolong tea can Beclassified into Shuxian(narcissus),Fonghung
Dancong(Phoenix Select),Tie_guanying,Huang_jingui,Baozhong and so
Each kind of the (Oolong)tea has its own unique flavor.
Oolong tea is described as “green leaf with red border” 。
White tea is slightly_fermented tea,a special local product in
White tea is produced in Zhenghe,JianyangandFuding,the
counties of Fujian Provinces.
The character of Yinzhen_Balhao’s leaves are straight like
needles and white like silver.
Junshan_Yinzhen is yellow tea,is produced in Dongting
mountain of Hunan province.
After infusion,all the tea buds of Junsan-Yinzhen stand
straightly,and look like bamboo shoots comimg up of the ground,It
is enjoyable.
The main purpose of drinking Baihao-Yinzhen and Junshan-
Yinzhen is to enjoy the sight of tea buds,so It’s better to use glass
Scented tea is reprocessed tea.
Scented tea is produced only in China by scenting primary tea
with fragrant flowers in a closed wooden box.
Baked green tea can be used as primary scented tea.
Baked green tea is mainly selected for primary scented tea and
Jasmine tea is one df the most popular flower_scented tea.
Asmine tea has both the taste of tea and the aroma of flower.
Different flowers are used make different scented tea. Besides
jasmine tea,there are magnolia tea,pomelo tea,chulan
tea,daidai_flower tea,orchid tea,osmanthus tea,etc.
According to the nature of primary tea,scented tea can be
classified into scented green tea,scented black tea,scented oolong tea.
Tea ceremony
>> 第一道:孔雀开屏,观赏美叶
First: Like a peacock, appreciating beautiful tea leaves

Tea tray ;
Tea pot ;
Fair pot: It is used to make the tea ingredient. First, put the tea into the
Fair pot and then distribute it to guests, so that the guests can drink
neither too weak nor too strong tea, which shows that Chinese Tea
Ceremony is respectful to every guest.
Smell cup used to smell the tea.
Taste Cup used to taste the tea.
Teaspoon is used to measure the amount of tea;
Tea folder is used to cramp the tea cup;
Tea strainers is to prevent tea spilled;
Tea Wizard is used to take tea;
Tea needle is used to clear the spout.
Tea caddy is used to store tea.
Tea holder is used to put the tea in and view its shape.
Now, we put the teaspoon into the tea holder.
Watching the beautiful tea leaves: Please watch the
shape and the color of tea.
>> 第二道:温暖茶壶,绿茶入宫
Second: To warm the tea pot, green tea coming into the

Putting the tea into the ceramic tea pot, which is also
called green tea coming into the palace.
>> 第三道:高山流水,春风拂面
Third: Flushing high and puring low, and the wind blowing
When making tea, we emphasize “flushing high and
pouring low”. “Flushing high” means flushing with a
pot in a higher place; “The wind is blowing your face”
means scratching the foam from the surface of the tea
with the teapot lid, so that the tea will be clearer.
>> 第四道:绿茶入海,仙茶沐浴
Fourth: Green tea coming into the sea and fairy tea enjoying a

We always say that when making tea, what we make tea for the first time
is called water, what we make for the second time is called tea, and what we
make for the third and fourth time is called essence. As the result, we won’t
drink the tea made for the first time and we will pour it directly, which is
called green coming in the sea.
“Fairy Tea Bath” means that making tea for the second time. This time
you should fill the teapot with boiled water and cover the lid. After that,
leach the pot with boiled water so that the temperature of the pot will
increase and help the tea aroma spread.
>> 第五道:母亲哺育
Fifth: The mother nurturing

Tea ceremony means life style,

emphasizing harmony the most.
Putting the tea into the Fair pot is
like a mother nurturing her baby, so
it is also called “Mother is
>> 第六道:飞龙在天上降下雨,凤凰点头
Sixth: The dragon flying, giving sweet rains and
the phoenixes nodding

Dragons and phoenixes are mascots of males

and females according to Chinese ancient legends.
Putting the tea into Wen cup evenly, which is
called the dragon, flying in the sky, gives us sweet
rains. When there is little tea left in the teapot, we
should switch to a more lighthearted approach so
that the amount of tea in each teacup can be equal.
We call it “The phoenix nods”, which represents
that we show our respect to our guests.
>> 第七道:夫妻并肩 ( 伉俪情深 ) ,吉祥鱼翻身
Seventh: Husband and wife side by side, lucky fish turn over

Putting the Pin cup with Wen cup

together is called “Husband and wife side
by side”, wishing that lovers get married
and their family live harmoniously.
Turning the cup over is called “Lucky fish
turn over”. It is said that if a fish turn over,
leaping over the gate, it can become a
flying dragon in the sky. So, I give my best
wishes to you here.
>> 第八道:捧杯敬茶
Eighth: Hail the cup, offering the tea

Now tea master, please give

the tea to the guest and let
them taste carefully.
>> 第九道:欣赏汤色,细闻香气
Ninth: Appreciating the tea, smelling the tea aroma
There are three steps of tasting tea: observing
the tea, smelling the tea aroma and taste the tea.
First take up the Wen cup slightly and put the
tea into the Pin cup. Before that, you should
observe whether the tea is golden yellow. Then
we tub the cup with our hands, which is good for
the tea aroma to spread. At the same time, we
should observe whether the aroma is significant.
>> 第十道:三龙护杯,细尝名茶
Tenth: Three dragons protecting the cup, tasting the famous
Please hold the cup with your
thumb and index and lift the bottom
of the cup with your midfinger.
This way of holding cup is steady
and respectable so we call it “Three
dragons protecting the cup”.

In Chinese, the word “Pin( 品 )” consists of three

“ 口” .
As the high temperature of the tea, we often taste the tea
in three sips. We drink the tea slowly in the first
sip,feeling the tea aroma in our mouth. In the second sip,
we let the tea roll in our mouth, tasting carefully so that
we can feel the special aroma of green tea.

香叶 嫩芽

慕诗客 爱僧家

碾雕白玉 罗织红纱

铫煎黄蕊色 碗转曲尘花

夜后邀陪明月 晨前命对朝霞

洗尽古今人不倦 将知醉后岂堪夸

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