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Lecturer: Eng. Abdirisak Sajin


• Subsurface exploration: The process of identifying the layers of deposits that underlie a

proposed structure and their physical characteristics.

• The extent of exploration depends on the importance of the structure, the complexity of the soil

conditions and the budget available for exploration.

• purpose of subsurface exploration is to obtain information that will aid the geotechnical engineer


1. Selecting the type and depth of foundation suitable for a given structure.

2. Evaluating the load-bearing capacity of the foundation.

3. Estimating the probable settlement of a structure.

4. Determining potential foundation problems (e.g., expansive soil, collapsible soil, and so on).

5. Determining the location of the water table.

6. Predicting the lateral earth pressure

7. Subsurface exploration may also be necessary when additions and alterations to existing

structures are contemplated.

Soil data required

 Soil Profile:

-Layer thickness and soil densification

 Index Properties:

-Water content, Atterberg limits, etc.

 Strength And compressibility strengths:

- Cohesion, Friction angle, Compressibility index, etc.

Methods Of subsoil Exploration

1. Direct Method- Test Pits

o Test pit or trenches are open type or accessible exploratory method

o Soils can be expected in their natural conditions

o Needed soil samples may be obtained by sampling techniques.

1. Direct Method- Test Pits…..

o Test are suitable for small depths only- up to 3m

o The cost of test pots increases rapidly with depth

o For greater depths, lateral support or bracing of the excavation will be necessary

o Test pits are only used for supplementing other methods or for minor structures
2. Semi-Direct methods – Borings

Boring: Drilling bore holes in the ground with a view to obtain soil or rock sample from

specified depth.

Common methods of bore holes are:

 Auger Boring

 Wash Boring

 Rotary Drilling
Auger Boring:
• Auger boring is a device that is useful for advancing a bore
hole into the ground.
• Augers may be hand operated or power driven.
• Hand operated augers are used for small depths (3 to 5
meters or less)
• Power Driven augers are used for greater depths up to 70 M
• Augers boring are convenient for partially saturated sands,
silts and medium to stiff cohesive clays.

Hand tools: (a) posthole auger; (b) helical auger

Wash Boring
Rottary Drilling
3. Indirect methods

Standard Penetration Test

• Widely used to determine the parameters of the
soil in-situ.
• Consists of driving splits-poon Sampler into the
soil through a bore hole at the desired depth.
• The split-spoon Sampler is driven into the soil a
distance of 450 mm.
• A hammer of weight 63.5 kg with a free fall
height of 750 mm is used to drive the sample
• The test is usually performed in three stages. The

blow count is found for every 150 mm penetration

• The blows of the first 150 mm is ignored as they

are required for the seating drive.

• The number of blows for a penetration of the last

300 mm is designated as “the Standard Penetration

Value” or “Number N”.

Refusal of Test occurs when:

 Any 150 mm increment requires 50 blows.

 100 mm blows are required to obtain 300 mm penetration

 10 successive blows produce no advancement

Chapter 2: Subsurface Exploration
Lecture 2
Lecturer: Abdirisak Sajin
SPT Corrections
• There are many factors that can
affect the N value.
• These factors include the hammer
type, drill length and type of anvil,
blow rate, etc.
• The most significant factor is the Mubarak
amount of energy delivered to the
drill rods.

In the field, the magnitude of Er can vary from 30 to 90%. The standard practice now is to
express the N-value to an average energy ratio of 60% = ( N60).
Standard penetration number corrected for field conditions

2 Ramadan
Φ=27.1+0.3 𝑁 − 0.00054 𝑁
Try it out.
An SPT test was carried for a proposed construction site, the device used US Donut

hammer and a rod of 70 mm in diameter and 12 m in length with an standard sampler.

The hammer transfers an energy of 0.38 KN.M to the Sampler. Determine the internal

friction of the clay tested, its consistency and unconfined compression strength.

Other Indirect Methods:

1. Static Cone Penetration Test Mubarak
2. Dynamic Cone Penetration Test
3. Dilatometer
4. Pressuremeter
Soil samplings and samplers

Disturbed samples:
The structure of the soil is disturbed to a considerable degree by the action of the
boring tools or the excavation equipment.
The disturbances can be classified in following basic types:

 Change in the stress condition,

 Change in the water content and the void ratio,
 Disturbance of the soil structure, Mubarak
 Chemical changes,
 Mixing and segregation of soil constituents
The causes of the disturbances are listed below:
 Method of advancing the borehole,
 Mechanism used to advance the sampler,
 Dimension and type of sampler,
 Procedure followed in sampling and boring.

• Representative sample
• Non- representative sample

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