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1) Definitions
2) Types of decisions
3) Decision Making techniques
4) Steps of making decisions
5) Behaviours
Definitions :
 A decision is the act of an actor (or a set of coherent
actors) who make a choice between several solutions
to solve the problem or the situation they face.
 In general, a decision is the action of the mind which
decides something after an individual or collective
 The decision making process is the different steps
taken in consideration to solve a problem or make a
choice about something important, especially in a
group of people or in an organization.
Types of decisions

• Concerned with the • Related to difficult

problems of repetitive situations for which there is
nature or routine type no easy solution.
matters. • A new strategy or
• A standard procedure is procedure can be followed
followed for tackling such for such a decision
problems • Taken at the higher level of
• Taken generally by lower the organization
level managers
Decision-making techniques
Spontaneous Agreement

• Strengths:
 Fast and easy
 everyone is happy
 unites the group

• Weaknesses:
 May be too fast; perhaps the issue actually needs discussion
Majority Voting

• Strengths :
 Fast process
 Everyone has an equal say in the process
 Can get good results if a good discussion is had before the vote
• Weaknesses:
 Can be too fast
 People can vote without knowing the full implications
 Can cause a split in the group
 The show of hands method may put pressure on people to
Consensus Building

• Strengths:
 collaborative process that can unite the group team;
 people are all given a chance to state their views
• Weaknesses:
 it can take up a lot of time,
 it can result in decisions being made that are weak due to
 it can be difficult to carry out if people don't feel
comfortable putting across their view or find it difficult
working in groups
Steps of making
Step 1 : Identify the decision

Try to clearly
define the
nature of the
decision you
must make.
Step 2 : Gather relevant information

Collect some
before you make
your decision.
Step 3 : Identify the alternatives

List all possible

and desirable
Step 4 : Weigh the evidence

Evaluate and
place the
alternatives in
a priority
Step 5: Select the best alternative

Once you go through

from Step 1 to Step 4,
this step is easy.
In addition, the selection
of the best alternative is
an informed decision
since you have already
followed a methodology
to derive and select the
best alternative.
Step 6: Execute the decision

Convert your decision

into a plan or a sequence
of activities. Execute
your plan by yourself or
with the help of
Step 7 : Evaluate the results

Evaluate the outcome of

your decision. See whether
there is anything you should
learn and then correct in
future decision making. This
is one of the best practices
that will improve your
decision making skills .
Behaviours that help

• Making a distinction
between facts and
• Staying calm and
• Asking others to
critique your ideas,
and accepting the
• Being open to
accepting alternative
Behaviours that don’t help
• Getting overly emotional;
showing hostility in the face
of any disagreement
• Pushing your own ideas
while ignoring other inputs
• Criticizing others’ ideas, as
opposed to giving them
useful feedback
• Sticking to your ideas only
and blocking suggestions
for alternatives

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