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MGT 212: Organizational

Mid 1 Lecture 2- Culture, Constrains &
Challenges for Managers

MD Asif Hossain 
Today’s Topic

 Discuss
view of Management: Omnipotent &
 Examine the challenges in the External & Internal
 Characteristics of organizational culture
 The challenges managers are facing in terms of
organizational culture.
 Current cultural issues organization are facing
View of Management: Omnipotent &
 Omnipotent View of Management

- Managers are directly responsible for success or

- Someone have to be held accountable when organization
performance is low regardless of the reason.
-The quality of the organization is determined by the
quality of its managers
- For example, Football Coach  
External Environment that Effect the

Common Stakeholders of an
Any constituencies in the
environment that are
affected by an
organization’s decisions
and actions
View of Management: Omnipotent &
Symbolic (Cont.)

 Symbolic View of Management

- Most of the organizational success/failure is due to

external factors. These are usually out of the manager’s
-  Such as the economy, customers, government policies,
competitors’ action, industry conditions and decisions
made by previous managers
- According to the symbolic view, the actual part that
management plays in the success or failure of an
organization is minimal. 
Constrain And Challenges

 Reality: Managers are neither all-powerful nor helpless. 

 External Environment/Organizational Environment both
imposes constraints on manager’s operation.

External Internal
How External Environment Affects
 Jobs and Employment-
- (Recession= people losing jobs; layoff; graduates finding it difficult
to get jobs)
- The economic condition also effects how a company hires. (For
example, Managers going for freelancers/part-timer)
 Assessing Environmental Uncertainty- It gets difficult for
organizations to access the degree of changes in the business
 Managing Stakeholders/Relationship- Its important in any business
to build relationship with stakeholders. As any decisions will effect
stakeholders and stakeholders effect the decision making as well.

Organizational Culture
 Definition:
The shared values, principles, traditions, and ways of doing
things that influence the way organizational members act and
that distinguish the organization from other organizations.

This definition Implies:

 Culture is Perception (Something based on what they experience
within the culture)
 Culture is Descriptive (How the people working in the
organization explains it)
 Culture is Shared Term (It shared/shaped by different
individuals in the organization)
Dimensions of Organizational Culture
Apple’s dedication towards Attention to

Story Time
Where Culture Comes from and How it
Organizational Culture (Cont.)
 Strong Cultures
 - Those in which the key values are deeply held and widely shared.
 -They have a greater influence on employees

 Factors Influencing the Strength of Culture

- Size of the organization
- Age of the organization
- The strength of the original culture
- Clarity of the cultural values
Strong vs Weak Cultures

Strong Weak
 Values widely shared  Values limited to a few people—
 Culture conveys consistent usually top management
messages about what's important  Culture sends contradictory
 Most employees can tell stories messages about what's important
about company history or heroes  Employees have little knowledge
 Employees strongly identify with of company history or heroes
the culture  Employees have little
identification with the culture
 A strong connection between
shared values and behaviours  Little connection between shared
values and behaviours
How Employees Learn Culture

 Stories- Narratives of significant events or actions of

people that convey the spirit of the organization
 Rituals- Repetitive sequences of activities that express
and reinforce the values of the organization
 Materials Artefacts and Symbols- Physical assets
distinguishing the organization
 Language- Phrases, acronyms, and jargon of terms, Words
meaning specific to an organization.
How Culture Affects Managers
 Cultural Constraints on Managers
 Whatever managerial actions the organization
recognizes as proper or improper on its behalf
 The culture conveys to managers what is appropriate
behaviors and what is not.
How Culture Affects Managers (Cont.)
3 Current Cultural Issues

Innovative Culture,
Responsive Culture &
Sustainable Culture
Innovative Culture
 Challenge and Involvement: Are employees involved/motived by long
term goals and success of the organization?
 Freedom- Are employees provided enough freedom on how to do their
 Trust and openness- Are employees supportive and respectful of each
 Idea Time- Do individual have time to elaborate on a new idea before
taking action.
 Playfulness/ Humor- It the workplace environment fun
 Conflict Resolution- Are issues resolved based on the good of the
organization or personal interest
 Debates- Are employees allowed to express an opinion
 Risk-taking- Do managers tolerate uncertainty? Are they rewarded for
Customer Responsive Culture
Example of Customer Responsive Culture

Story Time

Claims they are obsessed

with customer
 Omnipotent VS Symbolic Views
 What is Organizational Culture  
 How does internal/external environment effect the
manager’s decision making?
7 Dimensions that shapes the culture.
 Strong vs. weak Culture
 Cultural Issues- Innovative/ Customer responsive.
Further Reading

 Chapter7- Management 14th Edition- Stephen P.

Robbins, Mary Coulter

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