Siddhasana: Adept's Pose

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Adept's pose
• Siddhasana -------->siddha + asana

perfect or posture or
adept seat
• Also called as “accomplished pose”.
• Press the perineum with the heel of one foot
,place the other foot on the top of the other,
rest the chin on to the chest,remaining steady
and still gaze steadily into the eyebrow
centre,this is called as siddhasana.
When practised by women called as siddhayoni
• It is the best meditative posture.
• Sit down with both legs outstretched in Dandasana.
•• Bend the left leg at the knee and place the heel pressing the
perineum, the space between the anus (Guda) & the scrotum,
• Then fold the right leg & place the heel against the pubic bone or
above the genitals .
•Both ankles are then resting one on top of the other.
• Let both the knees and left heel remain in touch with the floor.
• Push the toes and edge of the right foot in between the left thigh
and calf muscles
• Keep the body comfortable and steady, and spine erect.
• Rest the hands on the knees in Gyan mudra posture (allowing the tip
of the thumb & the tip of the index finger of each hand to touch one
• Lower the chin on collarbone(clavicle), relax the head.
• Gaze at eyebrow centre - shambhavi mudra
• Stay in this position as long as possible & breathe normally.
• • Repeat again by reversing the position of the feet for the same
length of time with normal breathing.

• NOWADAYS ,siddhasana is practiced without lowering the head with

the head erect and eyes closed.
• Siddhasana can be only
practiced by men. When
practiced by women is called as
siddha yoni asana.
• It is practiced in the same way
as siddhasana , except the lower
heel is pressed into the opening
og vagina and the upper heel
rest against the clitoris.
• The toes of both feet are
inserted between the thigh and
calf muscles.
1. Siddhasana or siddhayoni asana stimulates and stabilizes the lower 2 center
or chakras -mooladhara and swadhisthana, and redirect the prana upwards
towards higher centres.
important for stimulating ajna chakra and controlling the nervous and pranic
impulses from mooladhara and swadhisthana chakras.
ajna chakra awakened----------> pure consciousness ----> liberation.
shambhavi mudra --> stimulate ajna chakra, pranic impulses coming from the
lower centre can be recieved and directed to ajna chakra.
2. Blockage of energy within the centre is responsible for health various
mooladhara-----> root or moola chakra ------> support whole body
----physical , mental ,psychic aspects.
swadhisthana -----> centre responsible for the sexual and emotional aspects.
• pranic level : it balances ida and pingala nadi and
activates sushumna nadi.
• isthe best for meditation,easier to practice and siddhasana the feet are less likely to fall
asleep and body is locked firmly in this position.
• Siddhasana regulates blood pressure and stabilizes
cardiac function.
-regulates production of testosterone,
- maintain inner body temperature
• normal breathing
• deep or ujjayi breathing.

sacral infections,
disorders in lower spine,
• vishramasana or dandasana
• shavasana

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