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“The nature of systems and the first
law of thermodynamics”

 Energy
 Thermodynamics
 System of thermodynamics
 Types of System
 Process of thermodynamics
 First law of thermodynamics
 Example
 Limitation of thermodynamics first law
Every process in our physical environment requires energy for
its maintenance and thus it vital that some detailed
consideration be given to the principle of energy. It is the very
important key word in this course.

In physics, Energy means the ability

to do the work. Objects can have
energy by virtue of their motion, by
virtue of their position or by virtue
of their mass.

Figure: Electrical Energy

What is Thermodynamics ?
The word “thermodynamics” has derived from two
Greek words “thermo” & “dynamics”.
 Thermo means heat
 Dynamics means power
Thermodynamics is the field of physics that deals with
the relationship between heat and other properties (such as
pressure, density, temperature, etc.)in a substance.

“Thermodynamics is the study of

the effects of work , heat, energy
on a system. Thermodynamics is
only concerned with large scale

Figure: Example of Thermodynamics

Thermodynamics System

 System
 Boundary
 Surroundings
Thermodynamics System

“A thermodynamics system
is defined a definite space or
area on which the study of
Energy Transfer and Energy
conversions is made”

Figure: System of thermodynamics.

Boundary & Surroundings

Boundary: The system and

surrounding are separated by
boundary . It may be fixed or
movable or imaginary . It will
not occupy any volume or mass
in space

Surroundings: Anything outside

the system which affects the
behavior of the system is known
as surrounding.
Types of system

 Open system
 Close system
 Isolated system

Figure: Types of system

Open System

One in which both

energy and mass
cross the boundaries
of the system

Figure: Water cycle is open system.

Close System

One in which mass

dose not cross
boundaries of the
system, though
energy may do so.

Figure: Earth is close system

Isolated System

One in which
neither mass nor
energy crosses
the boundaries
of the system

Figure : Isolated system

The process of thermodynamics

 Isothermal
 Isobaric
 Isovolumetric
 Adiabatic
Laws of Thermodynamics

There are four laws of thermodynamics. They are ……

 Zeroth law
 First law
 Second law
 Third law
First law of Thermodynamics
The Main Concept of this Law

“The change in internal energy of a system is

equal to the heat added to the system minus the
work done by the system”

Heat added = Change in internal energy + External work done by

the system
Q = E+ W
Heat Change work done by
added in internal or on the
energy system
“Never waste energy and always
proper utilize energy”

Donald A. Davidson, “Science for Physical

Geography”, published -1978.
 Higher secondary physics by Sahajahan Topon
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