Power and Energy

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Prayer by St.

Thomas Aquinas
Creator of all things,
correctly and fundamentally.
true source of light and wisdom,
Grant me the talent
origin of all being,
of being exact in my
graciously let a ray of your light explanations
and the ability to express myself
the darkness of my understanding.
with thoroughness and charm.
Take from me the double darkness
Point out the beginning,
in which I have been born,
direct the progress,
an obscurity of sin and ignorance.
and help in the completion.
Give me a keen understanding,
a retentive memory, and I ask this through Christ our
Who’s doing work?


How much work is done in lifting a 10 kg

box 1.5 m off the floor?
Given: m = 10 kg, d = 1.5 m
Find: W = ?
Formula: F=ma : w=mg
Solution: w=(10 kg)(9.8 m/s2 )
W= Fd
W = (98 N)(1.5 m)
Power is the rate at which work is done
SI unit: watts (1 watt=1 joule/s)

 1. A force of 150 N is used to push a

motorcycle 10 m along a road in 20 s. Calculate
the power in watts.
Given: F = 150 N, d = 10 m, t = 20 s
Find: P = ?
Formula: P = Fd/t
Solution: P = (150 N)(10m)/20 s
= 1500 Nm/20 s
= 75 Nm/s or watts

2. An 80 kg man runs up a flight of stairs 5.0 m

high in 10 seconds. What is the man’s power
output in watts?
Given: m = 80 kg, d = 5.0 m, t = 10 s
Find: P = ?; F = w = ?
Formula: P = Fd/t; w=mg
Solution: w = mg
= (80 kg)(9.8 m/s²)
= 784 kg.m/s² or N
P = (784 N)(5.0 m)/10 s
= 3920 Nm/10 s
= 392 Nm/s or watts
Which person below does more work?
Which person has greater power?
•Energy is defined as the ability to do work
• Two types of energy: kinetic (motion) and
potential (stored)
• SI unit of energy are joules (1 joule=1kgm2/s2)
Kinetic Energy
• KE is energy of motion
• KE is a scalar quantity
Practice Exercise 1:

What is the kinetic energy of a 60 kg girl on skis traveling at

20 m/s?
Given: m = 60 kg, v = 20 m/s
Find: KE = ?
Formula: KE = ½ mv²
Solution: KE = ½ (60 kg)(20 m/s)²
= ½ (60 kg) (400 m²/s²)
= ½ (24 000 kg. m²/s²)
= 24 000 kg. m²/s²/2
= 12 000 kg. m²/s² or J
Practice Exercise 2:

A sports car is moving at 4.0 m/s. If the mass of

the car is 800 kg, how much kinetic energy does it
Given: m = 800 kg, v = 4.0 m/s
Find: KE = ?
Formula: KE = ½ mv²
Solution: KE = ½ (800 kg)(4.0 m/s)²
= ½ (800 kg) (16.0 m²/s²)
= ½ (12 800 kg. m²/s²)
= 12 800 kg. m²/s²/2
= 6 400 kg. m²/s² or J
Potential Energy
• PE is stored energy
The compressed spring has
potential energy because
when released it can do work
on the mass, m
• Gravitational PE is energy
of position
Potential Energy
• Gravitational PE is energy of position
Practice Exercise:

1. A mass of 100 kg is lifted a distance of 50 m. How

much potential energy does it possess?
Given: m = 100 kg, h = 50 m
Find: PE = ?
Formula: PE = mgh
Solution: PE = (100 kg)(9.8 m/s²)(50 m)
= (980 kg.m/s²)(50 m)
= 49 000 kg.m²/s² or J

2. A 70kg diver standing on a diving

platform possesses 35000 J of PE. How
high is the platform?
Given: m = 70 kg, PE = 35 000 J
Find: h = ?
Formula: h = PE/mg
Solution: h = (35 000 J)/(70 kg)(9.8 m/s²)
= (35 000 J or kg.m²/s²)/686 kg.m/s²)
= 51.02 m
Conservation of Energy
• The sum of kinetic energy and potential
energy in a system is constant, in absence of

• Energy cannot be created or destroyed; it

may be transformed from one form to
another, but the total amount of energy in a
system remains constant.
Conservation of Energy
Practice Exercises:

1. A 10kg boulder rests at the edge of a 100m

a.How much potential energy does the
rock possess
b.The rock rolls off the cliff and falls to the
bottom. How much kinetic energy does
the rock possess at the bottom of the
Thank you and God Bless Us!

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