Judicial System of The USA

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Judicial system of the USA

• At the top is the high court, also known as the

Supreme Court. It is both a trial court and a court of
appeals. It hears appeals from each state’s supreme
court, and from the Court of Appeals. The thing
about the Supreme Court is that it can turn away
cases it doesn’t want to hear. The Court has
adopted a “rule of four” where at least four out of
nine judges must agree to accept the case. Most of
the cases the Supreme Court hears are from
• Below it are the Courts of Appeal. The
appellate courts hear appeals of cases from
the District Courts. There is one appellate
court for each judicial circuit, of which there
are 12. There is also a court of appeals for the
federal circuit (hears appeals from the US
Court of Federal Claims and Court of
International Trade).
• The lowest level of court is the District Court.
The District Courts are organized by judicial
district, of which there are 94. They hear all
beginner court cases filed in their district. Each
of these courts also has a bankruptcy court in
its jurisdiction which is inferior to it.
• High court - [haɪ kɔːt] - Высший суд
• Supreme Court - [sjuːˈpriːm kɔːt] – Верховный суд
• Trial court - [ˈtraɪəl kɔːt] – суд первой инстанции
• Court of appeals - [kɔːt ɒv əˈpiːl] – апелляционный суд
• Case - [keɪs] - дело
• Hear - [hɪə] - слушание
• District Court - [ˈdɪstrɪkt kɔːt] – районный суд
• Judicial circuit - [ʤuːˈdɪʃəl ˈsɜːkɪt] – судебный округ
• Federal circuit - [ˈfedərəl ˈsɜːkɪt] – федеральный округ
• The US Court of Federal Claims - [ðiː ʌs kɔːt ɒv ˈfedərəl kleɪms] – суд США по
федеральным претензиям
• Court of International Trade - [kɔːt ɒv ɪntəˈnæʃnəl treɪd] – суд международной
• Bankruptcy court - [ˈbæŋkrʌp(t)sɪ kɔːt] – арбитражный суд
• The Russian judiciary is divided into three
branches: The courts of general jurisdiction
(including military courts); subordinated to the
Supreme Court; the arbitration (commercial)
court system under the High Court of
Arbitration; and the Constitutional Court (as
well as constitutional courts in a number of
administrative entities of the Russian
• Civil and criminal cases are tried in courts of primary jurisdiction, courts of
appeals, and higher courts. The general court system's lowest level is the
municipal court, which serves each city or rural district and hears more
than 90 percent of all civil and criminal cases.

• The next level of courts of general jurisdiction is the regional courts. At the
highest level is the Supreme Court. Decisions of the lower trial courts can
be appealed only to the immediately superior court unless a constitutional
issue is involved.

• The arbitration court system consists of city or regional courts as well as

appellate circuit courts subordinated to the High Court of Arbitration.
Arbitration courts hear cases involving business disputes between legal
entities and between legal entities and the state.

• Judges are approved by the President after being nominated by the

qualifying collegia, which are assemblies of judges. These collegia also
have the authority to remove judges for misbehavior, and to approve
procurator's requests to prosecute judges.
• The court of general jurisdiction – [ðiː kɔːt ɒv ˈʤenərəl ʤʊərɪsˈdɪkʃn] – суд общей
• Military court - [ˈmɪlɪtərɪ kɔːt] – военный трибунал
• The arbitration court system - [ðiː ɑːbɪˈtreɪʃn kɔːt ˈsɪstɪm] – арбитражная судебная
• The High Court of Arbitration - [ðiː haɪ kɔːt ɒv ɑːbɪˈtreɪʃn] – высший арбитражный суд
• Constitutional Court - [kɒnstɪˈtjuːʃnəl kɔːt] – конституционный суд
• Administrative entities of the Russian Federation - [ədˈmɪnɪstrətɪv ˈentɪtɪs ɒv ðiː rʌʃn fedə
ˈreɪʃn] – административные субъекты Российской Федерации
• Court of primary jurisdiction – [kɔːt ɒv ˈpraɪmərɪ ʤʊərɪsˈdɪkʃn] – суд первой инстанции
• Municipal court - [mjuːˈnɪsɪpəl kɔːt] – муниципальный суд
• Rural district - [ˈrʊərəl ˈdɪstrɪkt] – сельский округ
• Regional court - [ˈriːʤ(ə)nəl kɔːt] – областной (районный) суд
• Lower trial court - [ˈləʊə traɪəl kɔːt] – низший суд первой инстанции
• Appellate circuit court - [əˈpelɪt sɜːkɪt kɔːt] – апелляционный окружной суд
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