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Facts on Argon

 Argon was discovered by Sir William Ramsay and Lord Rayleigh in 1894.
 Argon makes up 0.93% of the earth's atmosphere.
 Derived from the Greek word ἀργόν, neuter singular form of ἀργός
meaning "lazy" or "inactive”.
 It is in group 18 of the periodic table.
 Argon is inert, colourless, odourless, and non-toxic.

Sir William Ramsay

Full shells of

Lord Rayleigh
Composition of argon in the atmosphere
How Agron is Obtained and its Applications

 Argon is obtained through industrial fractional

distillation of liquid air.
 Some uses of Argon:
 In graphite electric furnaces
 Incandescent, fluorescent lighting
 Fluorescent glow starters
 Preservative
 To cool the heads of heat-seeking
 To destroy tissue such as cancer cells
Fractional Distillation

preservation Fluorescent lights

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