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Statistical Method For Transportation


Matric No.: GS49547

Lecturer : Assoc. Prof. Dr. Law Teik Hua


 To determine annual vehicle kilometer travel (VKT) amon

g Malaysia motor vehicle users.
 To compare annual VKT between different groups of motor
vehicle users.
 To investigate the impact of demographic factors on ann
ual VKT.

 Total 40 questionn
aires were sent t
o my friends and t
heir friends
 32 effect question
naires are selecte
d to do this study
Household 1st 2ed VKT

Data Collection
No. Gender Age Education Income Annual VKT
Size Reading Reading 14days
1 M 51 Degree 8xxx 5 602564 603761 1197 31208
2 M 34 Degree 3xxx 4 114456 114812 356 9281
3 F 26 Degree 2xxx 3 120559 120995 436 11367
4 M 36 Degree 3xxx 5 105143 105546 403 10507
5 M 25 Degree 2xxx 3 142577 143144 567 14783
6 F 32 Degree 3xxx 3 88796 89102 306 7978
7 F 37 Master 4xxx 2 209870 210232 362 9438
8 M 45 Degree 4xxx 4 389033 389658 625 16295
9 F 26 Degree 2xxx 5 96436 97216 780 20336
10 F 28 Diploma 2xxx 5 147680 148159 479 12488
11 F 26 Diploma 2xxx 3 58900 59082 182 4745
12 M 32 Phd 6xxx 5 438290 438884 594 15486
13 M 36 Diploma 3xxx 6 158434 158675 241 6283
14 F 39 Degree 3xxx 5 124789 125139 350 9125
15 M 40 Degree 4xxx 2 554878 555052 174 4536
16 F 33 Diploma 3xxx 3 35768 36087 319 8317
17 M 29 Degree 2xxx 4 43280 43515 235 6127
18 M 25 Diploma 1xxx 4 7505 7642 137 3572
19 F 31 Diploma 1xxx 3 33468 33677 209 5449
20 M 27 Degree 2xxx 5 8446 8800 354 9229
21 F 31 Diploma 1xxx 3 53790 53947 157 4093
22 F 25 Degree 3xxx 3 42468 42814 346 9021
23 M 39 Master 4xxx 2 36572 36992 420 10950
24 M 25 Degree 3xxx 4 40683 41278 595 15513
25 F 25 Degree 2xxx 5 12468 12784 316 8239
26 F 28 Diploma 2xxx 5 37839 38127 288 7509
27 M 35 Diploma 2xxx 3 13246 13396 150 3911
28 M 45 Degree 3xxx 5 56214 56580 366 9542
29 M 30 Diploma 2xxx 6 23567 23834 267 6961
30 F 26 Diploma 3xxx 5 15478 15846 368 9594
31 M 27 Degree 3xxx 2 73733 74359 626 16321
32 F 33 Diploma 1xxx 3 456782 456884 102 2659
Data Collection
Data Collection
Data Analysis

 Distribution of VKT
 Hypothesis tests
 Multiple linear regression
Distribution of VKT
Frequency distribution bar chart for All Vehicles
Class Interval Mid Point Relative 16

(Km) (Km) Frequency
2500-7499 5000 10 0.31 14
7500-12499 10000 15 0.47
12500-17499 15000 5 0.16
17500-22499 20000 1 0.03 10
22500-27499 25000 0 0.00
27500-32499 30000 1 0.03 8
Total   32 1
6 5

All Vehicles
Mean 10027 2 1 1
Std. Deviation 5769.44 0
5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000

Annual VKT
Distribution of VKT

Cars Motorcycles

50% 50% 56%

Female Male Female Male

Distribution of VKT

Frequency distribution bar chart for Car

Class Relative
Interval(KM) Mid Point Frequency Frequency
2500-7499 5000 3 0.19

7500-12499 10000 8 0.50 8
12500-17499 15000 3 0.19
17500-22499 20000 1 0.06 7

22500-27499 25000 0 0.00

27500-32499 30000 1 0.06
Total   16 1.00 5

3 3

Car 2
Mean 12011 1 1
Std. Deviation 6696.3
5000 10000 15000 20000 25000 30000

Annual VKT
Distribution of VKT

Frequency distribution bar chart for Motorcycle

Class Relative 6
Mid Point Frequency
Interval(KM) Frequency

2500-5499 4000 5 0.31 5 5
5500-8499 7000 4 0.25
8500-11499 10000 5 0.31 4
11500-14499 13000 0 0.00
14500-17499 16000 2 0.13 3

Total   16 1.00

Car 1
Mean 8043
Std. Deviation 3818.8 0
4000 7000 10000 13000 16000

Annual VKT
Distribution of VKT

 From the histogram, the VKT data is skewed left (positiv
ely skewed), highest frequencies in the range of 2500-12
499 (78%).
 Between range 22500-27499, there are no vehicle fill in
since the samples size too small. When the sample size b
ecome large enough, certain percentage vehicles will fil
l in this range.
 The percentage of male and female driver for car is same
, and the percentage of male rider is slightly higher th
an female rider for motorcycle.
Hypothesis tests
The mean of the VKT for cars and VKT for motorcycles

 H0 : μ1 – μ2 = 0, H1: μ1 – μ2 ≠ 0
 μ1 =12011, σ1=6696.3
 μ2 =8043, σ2=3818.8
μ1 is the mean of VKT of car
μ2 is the mean of VKT of motorcycle
σ1 is the standard deviation of VKT of ca
σ2 is the standard deviation of VKT of mo
Hypothesis tests

= 2.06
Critical value :
= =2802527.106
= =911452.09
Hypothesis tests

Critical value :



So, fail to reject H0

There is significant evidence to say that the mean of the
VKT for motorcars and motorcycles is similar at significa
nce level α=0.05
Hypothesis tests
The mean of the VKT for Male and Female

Gender Annual VKT Gender Annual VKT

M 31208 F 11367
M 9281 F 7978
M 10507 F 9438 Mean 11206
Std. Deviation 6785.76
M 14783 F 20336
M 16295 F 12488
M 15486 F 4745
M 6283 F 9125 Female
Mean 8690
M 4536 F 8317 Std. Deviation 4180.78
M 6127 F 5449
M 3572 F 4093
M 9229 F 9021
M 10950 F 8239
M 15513 F 7509
M 3911 F 9594
M 9542 F 2659
M 6961    
M 16321    
Hypothesis tests
The mean of the VKT for Male and Female

 H0 : μ1 – μ2 = 0, H1: μ1 – μ2 ≠ 0
 μ1 =11206, σ1=6785.76
 μ2 =8690, σ2=4180.78
μ1 is the mean of VKT of Male driver/rider
μ2 is the mean of VKT of Female driver/rider
σ1 is the standard deviation of VKT of Male dri
σ2 is the standard deviation of VKT of Female d

Level of significant α = 0.05

Hypothesis tests

= 1.28
Critical value :
= =2708619.928
= =1165261.427
Hypothesis tests

Critical value :



So, fail to reject H0

There is significant evidence to say that the mean of th
e VKT for Male and Female is similar at significance lev
el α=0.05
Hypothesis tests
Annual VKT Between Household Income

 H0 : There is no significant difference in the average o

f annual VKT between household size < 4 and household
income >= 4.
H0 : µ1 - µ2 = 0

 H1 : There is a significant difference in the average o

f annual VKT between household size < 4 and household i
ncome >= 4.
H1 : µ1 - µ2 ≠ 0
Hypothesis tests
Annual VKT Between Household Income

 level of significance = 0.05

 Degree of Freedom, df = 32 – 2 = 30
 Critical Region :
t < -t 0.025, 30 = -2.042
t > t 0.025, 30 = 2.042
Hypothesis tests
Annual VKT Between Household Income
Household Size Household Size
Annual VKT Annual VKT
(>=4) (<4)

4 9281 2 9438
4 16295 2 4536
4 6127 2 10950
4 3572 2 16321
4 15513 3 11367
5 31208 3 14783
5 10507 3 7978
5 20336 3 4745
5 12488 3 8317
5 15486 3 5449
5 9125 3 4093
5 9229 3 9021
5 8239 3 3911
5 7509 3 2659
5 9542
5 9594
6 6283
6 6961
Hypothesis tests
Annual VKT Between Household Income

Excel Result:
  Annual VKT Annual VKT

Mean 11516.3294 8111.93878

Variance 41922997.1 17532248.7

Observations 18 14

Pooled Variance 31353672.8

Hypothesized Mean Difference 0

df 30

t Stat 1.70616273

P(T<=t) one-tail 0.04915575

t Critical one-tail 1.69726089

P(T<=t) two-tail 0.0983115

t Critical two-tail 2.04227246  

Hypothesis tests
Annual VKT Between Household Income

 t stat = 1.706 < t 0.025, 30 = 2.042

 So, fail reject hypothesis null, there is no significan

t difference in the average of annual VKT between house
hold size < 4 and >= 4.

Multiple linear regression

No. Gender Age Education Income (k) Annual VKT
1 0 51 2 8 5 31208
2 0 34 2 3 4 9281
3 1 26 2 2 3 11367
4 0 36 2 3 5 10507
5 0 25 2 2 3 14783
6 1 32 2 3 3 7978
7 1 37 3 4 2 9438
8 0 45 2 4 4 16295
9 1 26 2 2 5 20336
10 1 28 1 2 5 12488
11 1 26 1 2 3 4745
Groups Weights 12 0 32 4 6 5 15486
Male 0 13 0 36 1 3 6 6283
14 1 39 2 3 5 9125
Female 1 15 0 40 2 4 2 4536
Diploma 1 16 1 33 1 3 3 8317
17 0 29 2 2 4 6127
Degree 2
18 0 25 1 1 4 3572
Master 3 19 1 31 1 1 3 5449
PhD 4 20 0 27 2 2 5 9229
21 1 31 1 1 3 4093
22 1 25 2 3 3 9021
23 0 39 3 4 2 10950
24 0 25 2 3 4 15513
25 1 25 2 2 5 8239
26 1 28 1 2 5 7509
27 0 35 1 2 3 3911
28 0 45 2 3 5 9542
29 0 30 1 2 6 6961
30 1 26 1 3 5 9594
31 0 27 2 3 2 16321
32 1 33 1 1 3 2659
Multiple linear regression

Regression Statistics
Multiple R 0.734000643

R Square 0.538756944

Adjusted R Square 0.450056357

Standard Error 4278.513818

Observations 32


  df SS MS F Significance F

Regression 5 555932759.3 111186552 6.073882 0.000748557

Residual 26 475947692.7 18305680.5

Total 31 1031880452      
Multiple linear regression

  Coefficients Standard Error t Stat P-value Lower 95% Upper 95%

Intercept 4431.6579 6115.9237 0.72461 0.475162325 -8139.8034 17003

Gender 69.895845 1677.9481 0.04166 0.967091537 -3379.1759 3519

Age -212.8546 156.66986 -1.35862 0.185938845 -534.89414 109.18

Education 120.5777 1461.5229 0.0825 0.934879876 -2883.6257 3124.8

Income 3347.8556 902.83626 3.70815 0.00099604 1492.0491 5203.7

Household Size 735.11821 673.443 1.09158 0.285029397 -649.1637 2119.4

Multiple linear regression

 Adjusted= 0.45
45% of variation in the Annual VKT can be explained by the age,
income level, education level, gender, and household size.

Determine the null hypothesis and alternative hypothesis

H0 : Neither of the independent variables is related to the
dependent variable
H1 : At least one the independent variable is related to the
dependent variable
Multiple linear regression

Since p-value, 0.00075 is less than α=0.05, reject


Thus, there is significant evidence that at least

one of the independent variables is related to the
independent variable at α=0.05

F =6.07388 > Significance F =0.00075, so the

result is reliable (statistically significant)
Multiple linear regression

Regression Line:

Y = 4431.66 + 69.9X1 – 212.85X2 + 120.58X3 + 3347.86X4+735.12X5

Y= Annual VKT;
X3= Education;
X4= Income;
X5=Household Size
Multiple linear regression
 When X1, X2, X3, X4 & X5 are zero, the estimated values
of Annual VKT is 4431.66.
 When X2, X3, X4 & X5 are held constant, the estimated va
lues of Annual VKT increase by 69.9 for every 1 unit in
crease in gender.
 When X1, X3, X4 & X5 are held constant, the estimated va
lues of Annual VKT increase by -212.85 for every 1 unit
increase in age.
 When X1, X2, X4 & X5 are held constant, the estimated va
lues of Annual VKT increase by 120.58 for every 1 unit
increase in education level.
Multiple linear regression

 When X1, X2, X3 & X5 are held constant, the estimated va

lues of Annual VKT increase by 3347.85 for every 1 unit
increase in income.
 When X1, X2, X3 & X4 are held constant, the estimated va
lues of Annual VKT increase by 735.12 for every 1 unit
increase in household size.
Thank you

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