Mechanism Method For 2way Slabs

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Mechanism Method for

2Way Slabs
Yield-Line Method
Part 2
Example Simply-supports

• Calculate the design plastic moment “mp” for the

isotropic simply supported square slab that supports
an ultimate uniform load of w. L

• The expected yield line patterns are shown, the max L

deflection is at the middle, the axes of rotations are at Simply-supports

the edges for each segment.

• External work = 4*w*(L*L/4)*(1/3)*Δ = (4/12)wL2*Δ
• Plastic work = 4*mp*L*Δ /(L/2)=8mp*Δ
(4/12)wL2*Δ = 8mp*Δ L
mp = wL2/24
Example Continuous Support
• Calculate the design plastic moment “mp” for the isotropic
continuously supported square slab that supports an

ultimate uniform load of w. Assume negative bending L
capacity m’p = mp

• The expected yield line patterns are shown, with the

negative bending yield lines shown in dashed lines. The max
deflection is at the middle, the axes of rotations are at the
edges for each segment. L

• External work = 4*w*(L*L/4)*(1/3)*Δ = (4/12)wL2*Δ

• Plastic work = 4*mp*L*Δ /(L/2)+ 4*m’p*L*Δ /(L/2) =16mp*Δ L

(4/12)wL2*Δ = 16mp*Δ
mp = wL2/48
Example Continuous Support

• The uniform ultimate load on the isotropic slab is 15 kN/m2, determine

m m/2
the bending capacities for the slab, assume that in both directions, the m m/2
negative bending capacity is half the positive bending capacity. Positive Negative

• The yield line pattern is shown. The max deflection is along the middle
10 m
positive yield line
• Due to symmetry we can only compute energies for half the slab.
• External work = 2w*{ (x*5/2)*Δ/3 + 2*(x*2.5/2)*Δ/3 +(10-2x)*2.5*Δ/2}

Seg 2
= (25 – 1.67x)w*Δ
Seg 1 5m
Max Def: Δ
• Plastic Work:
Positive Y-L : 2*[ { 5*m*Δ/x } Seg1 + {10*m*Δ/2.5)}Seg2 ] =(10/x + 8)*m*Δ x 10-2x x

Negative Y-L: 2*[ { 5*(m/2)*Δ/x } Seg1 + {10*(m/2)*Δ/2.5)}Seg2 ] = (5/x + 4)*m*Δ

• Plastic Work = (15/x + 12) *m*Δ 5m
• Equate both energies: (25 – 1.67x)w*Δ = (15/x + 12) *m*Δ
Gives: w = { (15/x + 12)/(25 – 1.67x) }*m = f(x)*m
x 10-2x x
• We can find x by minimizing the load w, hence minimizing
the function f(x), by taking df(x)/dx = 0, solving gives two
values: x=3.25 , -5.75, we reject the negative value, and
we take the value(s) within the range of parameters.
• Or we can plot the function f(x) and look for the
minimum value.
• Using x = 3.25 gives f(x) = 0.85 , giving m = 15/0.85 =
17.65 kN.m /m
• Notice: since w = f(x)*m, then to find minimum value of w, we take df(x)/dx = 0
• We can invert the equation: m = w/f(x) , now take dm/dx = -{w*f(x)/dx}/f 2(x), thus if
we set dm/dx = 0, it also gives df(x)/dx = 0, which is equivalent to finding the
minimum value for w. However, for m, we take the maximum values!!

• Square isotropic slab must carry a uniform load of 10 kN/m2.


Determine the plastic resistance m. Assume negative and positive 4m
moment capacities are equal in both directions
• Assuming yield line pattern as shown continuous
• External work = w*{(4*x/2)*Δ/3 + (4-y)*(x/2)*Δ/3 + (4-x)*(4-y)*Δ/2
+ x*y*Δ/3 + (4-x)*y*Δ/2 }
• EW = { 48+x*(y-4) }*w*Δ/6
• Plastic work “PW” =(2* 4m*Δ/x )+ 4*m*Δ/y + 4*m*Δ/(4-y) + 4*m*Δ/y
• Isolate w:
• Now try to find x and y by taking dW/dx = 0 and dW/dy = 0, and
solving the two equations, you obtain no real roots for the x 4-x
nonlinear function.
• So, to find values of x and y that minimizes w, we have to plot the
function as 3D.
• We can use MAPLE to plot the surface as
function of x and y.
• The minimum value of w {within the range
of parameters} happens when x = 4 and y =
• Substituting y=2.6,x=4 gives w = 1.12*m,
which gives m = 10/1.12 = 8.9 kN.m/m
• We can also plot m by inverting the relation,
which gives the max value for m of 8.9 at
y=2.6 and x=4
Slab Detailing for Yield-Line Method
• The computed design bending capacity is generally increased by 10% ( the
10%-Rule) to account for deviations in the mechanism at the corners and the
intersection of Y-L’s, and more importantly: the interaction effect of shear on
bending capacity.
• Typical reinforcement detailing as those mentioned in design codes
(ACI318/ASCE) are followed. The steel ratio must comply with that of under-
reinforced slab to allow for ductile behavior.
• The deflection is checked separately in an elastic analysis and using cracked
section for long term
• Generally, if the slab-to-depth ratios given in design codes are respected,
then deflection is likely to be alright.
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