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Let’s start with
IGOV Qualitative group 5
Andhika Rachman Farhan Fansuri Maswi
Febrizky (20180520027) (20180520282)

Ayu Cahya Ningtyas Febriana Andiani Putri

(20180520124) (20180520174)
Benicko Prio Tanjoko

“Creswell (2014) Data collection
techniques are a step or activity that
aims to collect various information
to answer research questions that
arise while doing a research”.

Documentation study
▪ The procedure of collecting data by recording
existing data. The documentation study technique is
defined as data collecting used to trace historical
▪ The technique of collecting data using
documentation studies has a number of advanteges
and disadvantages.

Pros: more efficient in using time, effort and cost

Weaknesses: the validity and reliability of the date
are still low and still in doubt.
A number of
documents into
several types
1. Bungin (2007) divides 2. Sugiyono (2015) distinguishes
documentation into two forms, document into three forms:
namely personal and official writing, pictures and works.
documents, personal documents are
written records of a person about his 3. Kosim (1988: 33) assumes
actions, experiences and beliefs, in documents as sources of written data
the form of diaries, personal letters, so that they can be divided into two:
and autobiographies. official and unofficial sources.
Interview techniques
The interview is a process of interaction between
the interviewer and the interviewee as a source of
information which is carried out by
communicating directly or online.
Types of Interview
1. In-depth interview
2. Guided interview
3. Interview with general instructions
4. Open standard interview
5. Undirected interview
The process of collecting data using
interview techniques in detail
1 Determine the 4 Use adequate 7 Determine the location
research questions that recording procedures of the interview where the
will be answered in when conducting researcher can propose an
interview location that is
the interview. individual or group
quiet and free from 9 Use good and
2 Identifying sources distractions. correct interview
5 Design and use an procedures.
to be interviewed.
interview protocol.
8 Obtain approval
3 Determine the type from individuals who
of interview that is
6 Further refine will participate in the
interview questions research
practical and can yield
and pilot testing
useful information.

Observation techniques are one of the
data collection techniques in addition to
documentation and interview studies
techniques that are already very prevalent
in qualitative research methods.
Observation means collecting data
directly from the field (Semiawan 2010).

Based on the data collection process, observations are
distinguished into two participants and non-participants.
Bungin (2007: 115-117) then presented several forms of
observation, namely:
Participation Unstructured Group
observation observation Observation
Is a method of Is an observation Is observations
collecting research made without the use made by a group of
data used to collect of observation research teams on
research data guidelines, so an issue that was
through observation researchers develop raised to be the
and sensing where their observations object of the study.
researchers are based on
involved in the developments that
daily life of occur in the field.
Survey Technique
“A Survey technique is a technique of
collecting information by collecting it from
respondents using a questionnaire that is
distributed directly or through media such
as a questionnaire paper or online
questionnaire. In general, research that
uses survey methods can be described as
scientific research where data is collected
from a sample that has been selected from
the entire population”.

Survey research methods can
be divided into two types, There are two types of
namely survey research, that is
1. Cross-Sectional Survey, is used to find
1. Survey to collect basic data in order to
out issues that are of temporary data
gain an overview which is useful for
collection is enough once.
planning and public policy
2. Longitudinal Survey, used to understand a
2. Surveys are used to express opinions,
continued issue, but a smaller population
attitudes, and public expectations (for
with data collection periodically. This
example vote prediction of the presidential
survey is also often subdivided into a trend
election). That the first reveals the facts, the
study, group study, and panel study.
second reveals the effect of like it or not.

There are 5 types of surveys Public Opinion Poll, a survey
Sample Survey, a Census, a survey
01 survey conducted on 02 03 that asks questions to
conducted on all
the population respondents about a topic of
members of the
(sample) general opinion, for example:
attitudes towards
street child

04 Cross sectional 05 Longitudinal Survey, a

survey, a survey that survey that will see
compares two groups changes or
of people know more developments that
to see the differences occur over time.
between the groups

Group discussion technique
Grouped group discussion or often known as
Focus Group Discussion (FGD) This technique
aims to find valid and objective data in a group.
This technique is different from other group
discussion techniques, for example the Delphi
process, brainstorming, and nominal groups which
usually aim to make a consensus and solve
problems according to the agreement of all parties
(Paramita & Kristiana, 2013).

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