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Theory Framework Writing


P U T R I S Y I FA (2 0 1 8 0 5 2 0 0 2 3 )
O C TAV I A D IA H L E S TA R I (2 0 1 8 0 5 2 0 1 7 2 )
N A B E L L A K I N TA N (2 0 1 8 0 5 2 0 2 7 8 )
P U S PA K H A R I SM A (2 0 1 7 0 5 2 0 1 4 9 )
RIVI SAPUTRI (2 0 1 8 0 5 2 0 11 8)
G A R IN D A (2 0 1 8 0 5 2 0 2 5 4 )
“What is a Theoretical framework”
According to KBBI (2016), the word “Theory" means opinions or views
based on research or findings supported by data and argumentation,
experimental investigations that can produce facts based on methodology.
Similarly, Cambridge Dictionary (2020) explains that theory is a formal
statement about the rules on which to base studies or ideas suggested to
explain facts or events.
The purpose of writing a theoretical framework
The purpose of writing a theoretical framework is to become
the main basis for explaining certain concepts technically so that
no more debates or ambiguities or misunderstandings arise
from readers about the concepts offered in a study.
5 fundamental points for writing a theoretical framework

According to Uma (2014), there are five basic things that need to be considered in compiling a
theoretical framework, including:
1. Variables are clear and case studies are considered definite to be researched.
2.In it discusses and explains why two or more variables are said to be related to each other.
3. There is a discussion of a positive or negative relationship.
4. Explanation is estimated.
5. Diagram of the theoretical framework for easy viewing to facilitate understanding of the
theorized related relationships.
Significance of Conceptual Definitions and
Definitions Conceptual definitions and operational definitions are a
continuation of the theoretical framework writing. If the theoretical framework
is the writing of a whole theory based on reading sources, the conceptual
definition is writing about the concepts briefly and clearly in the view of the
researcher. Usually the conceptual definition consists of just one sentence
about the concept. Likewise, the operational definition is a technical derivative
and is usually written in the form of sub-indicators or parameters or criteria to
measure the reality that is the object of research.
Conceptual definitions are boundary
Conceptual definitions are boundary withdrawals that describe a concept in a solid and clear
brief and contain an explanation of a variable that researchers formulate based on the source of
the reading related to the study. operational definitions contain specific characteristics of a
variable such as indicators, parameters, instruments, criteria, or definitions of variables that are
considered important

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