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TO D AY ' S TO P I C  

/ L i t er a t u r e R e v i e w

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T O D AY ' S T O P I C
Literature Review

Qualintative Research / Group THREE

M e m b e r ’s

Qualintative Research / Group THREE

Member ’s

20170520098 20170520277 20180520115 20180520166 20180520276

Bhakti Laksono Dody Harry Yulita Fatma Wati Annisa Putri Islami Nurfitriana

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T O D AY ' S C L A S S !
W E L C O M E T O TO D AY ' S C L A S S   / To d a y ’s m a t e r i a l


Qualintative Research / Group THREE

What is literature review and purpose 01

Meaning and function of literature review

How to use Literature Review



Technics, types, and source of Literature Review 04

Steps in writing a Literature Review 05

Sample literature review results from journals 06

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Literature review / What is literature review and purpose


Qualintative Research / Group THREE

What is Purpose
description of the theory, findings, and so that researchers can know and delve
other research materials obtained from into the research, and be a basic
materials used as a reference basis for scientific contribution to the topic of the
research activities to develop a clear author's research
framework of the formulation of the
problem to be observed

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Literature Review / meaning and function

Qualintative Research / Group THREE

Literature Review
Meaning and Function

o Give criticism to a paper scientific 'research' for specific problems. This library
o Forming a framework of theories on the topic/field review usually contains reviews, summaries, and
of research authors' thoughts on several sources of literature
o Determine studies, models, case studies that (articles, books, slides, information from the internet,
support the topic etc.) on topics covered. Good literary reviews should
o Describe definitions, keywords, and terminology be relevant, timely, and adequate. the foundation of
theory, theory review, and literature study

Function Meaning

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How to Use Literature Review

Qualintative Research / Group THREE

How to use

According to Creswell : By Researchers :

o Start by identifying a few research o Try to find at least 50 research report

keywords o Skim read a collection of articles or
o Visit the library and start looking for chapter in book
catalogs to reference materials o Designing a litterature map
o Make a summary
o Time to make a literature review

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Te c h n i c s , Ty p e s , a n d S o u r c e o f L i t e r a t u r e

Qualintative Research / Group THREE

Technics, types, and source

Technics Types Source

o Looking for similarities o Traditional Review o Publication of papers in national and
o Looking for Inequality o Systematic Mapping Study international journals
o Provide Views o Systematic Literature Review o Thesis (S2)
o Comparing o Tertiary Study o Dessertation (S3)
o Summarize o Journal
o Magazines, Phamphlets, clippings
o Abstract of reserch Result
o Proceedings
o Website

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Steps in writing a Literature

Qualintative Research / Group THREE

Creating problem Formulation 01
Steps in writing

Looking for Literature 02

Evaluating Data 03

Analyse and Interpret 04

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Sample literature review report from journal

Vi ta El s ia, Ake Wi hadan to , S umart o

Literature review / report from journal

( 201 7)

Qualintative Research / Group THREE

Implementatin of e-
Government to Encourage
Integrated Public Services in

To support the the gvernment in providing moden

public servants, the government uses a advances in
information technology for government activities,
such as e-Government. The e-Government certainly
has the goal of providing public services in the field of
government more effectively to the community.
Various effort must also be made to improve the
quality of the e-Government.

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I sn ai n i Mu al li d in (20 15)
Literature review / report from journal

Qualintative Research / Group THREE

Concepts, Frame of Thought,
Va l u e o f E - g o v e r n m e n t a n d E -

The beginning of the existing plan and the

establishment of e-government as well as e-service is
relly tied to the availability of a progress recognition
with adjustments to ICT and wide range f e-gvernment
services that become protective until it will be able to

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H.S .Hass an , Cr anfi eld Uni vers i t y, UK
Literature review / report from journal

Qualintative Research / Group THREE

A Framework for E-Service
Implementation in the
Developing Countries

In response to bureaucratic problems thattend to reap

criticism in developing countries caused by complex
procedural, high cost, ineffective, and inefficient, it
tends to be corrupt and much more. There needs to be
bureaucratic reform, one of whice is the use of e-
Government in public services (e-service) in
developing countries.

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C harl es Thr if t an d Li vi a Bi zi ko va
Literature review / report from journal

Qualintative Research / Group THREE

Bottom-up Accountability fr
Sustainable Development
Goals (SDGs) Are subnational
indicator systems aligned?

This journal discussed the gaps identified through the

analysis are also of interest there was n aligment
identified for six of the 17 SDGs, and for seven of the
19 thematic categories. Some of these gaps are
unsurprising, whereas others present and opportunity
to cover additional sustainability aspects, in rder to
contribute to the bottom up accuntability and reporting
on SDGs, it is critically important to align subnational
indicator systems so they can be aggreagated at the
national level into country-level SDG progress

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I sh ar to no & S an t os o Tri Rahar jo (2 016 )
Literature review / report from journal

Qualintative Research / Group THREE

Sustainable Development
Goals (SDGs) and Poverty

This Journal discusses Historically the Social Work

profession was arguably bom of the problem of
poverty. This profession even puts the problem of
poverty as the main field handled by social work. If it
highly upholds the principles of Human Rights,
Social Work must be at the forefront in effort to
overcome poverty. MDGs which then shift to SDGs
are a common goal that requires join both vertical and
horizontal. In maintaining the balance of the three
dimensions of development, the SDGs have 5 main
foundations namely human, planet, prosperity, peace,
and partnership that want to achieve three noble goals
in 2030 in the form of ending poverty, achieving
equality and overcoming climate change.
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Literature review / report from journal

A L O V E LY S E S S I O N .

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Qualintative Research / Group THREE

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