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Topic 3:
Government Leader and
Government Communication
Definition of leadership:
Activities / arts to influence the behavior of others,
either individually or in groups, to achieve certain goals.
It does not have to be tied up in an organizational and
structural communication.
Leadership that is limited by bureaucratic or
organizational rules is referred to as management.
Management definition:
A process of achieving organizational goals
through the efforts of others.
Innovate (inovasi) Administer (mengelola)

Develop (mengembangkan) Maintain (memelihara/

Inspire (menginspirasi) Control (mengawasi)

long term view (berpandangan jangka short term view (berpandangan

panjang) jangka pendek)

ask “what and why” (bertanya apa ask “how and when” (bertanya
dan mengapa) bagaimana dan kapan)

Originate (orisinil) Imitate (meniru)

challenge it (menantang keadaan) accept the status are (menerima

does the right things (melakukan does things right (melakukan

tindakan yang benar) tindakan dengan benar)
A set of interpersonal behaviors that are used
in a particular situation.
The suitability of the communication style
used depends on the intent of the sender
(sender of the message) and the expectations
of the receiver (receiver of the message).
1) The controlling style
The will to limit, coerce, regulate the behavior,
thoughts, responses of others
One-way, paying more attention to the message
sent and not expecting feedback, explaining
what is wanted.
2) The equalitarian style
The basis of equality, applies the flow of verbal and written
messages that are 2-way, open, relaxed, informal.
Those who care and build good relationships with others in
the context of work and personal relationships2) The
equalitarian style
The basis of equality, applies the flow of verbal and written
messages that are 2-way, open, relaxed, informal.
Those who care and build good relationships with others in
the context of work and personal relationships
3) The structuring style
Utilizing the delivery of verbal messages in
writing and verbally to strengthen orders to be
carried out, job scheduling, and organizational
Effective with the "initiation structure"
leadership style
4) The dynamic style
Aggressive tendencies, sender understands that
the work environment is action-oriented
The goal is to stimulate employees to work better
and faster
Effective for overcoming critical conditions but
requires employees to have the ability to
overcome problems
5) The relinguishing style
Willingness to accept suggestions, opinions,
ideas from others rather than giving orders.
Although senders have the right to give orders
or control others.
Effective when dealing with people who are
experts, knowledgeable, experienced,
responsible for all the work assigned to him.
6) The withdrawal style
There is no desire to communicate with other
people and be responsible for their work.
Cannot be used in the context of organizational

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