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1. Ni Made Kartika Asriyani (1801882030036)
2. I Putu Adi Suryana Kastawa (1801882030046)
3. Luh Gede Niky Widiantarini (1801882030055)
4. Veronica Malo (1801882030061)
5. Ni Nyoman Tri Suantari (1801882030065)

Instructional design is the whole process of analyzing needs and learning

objectives as well as developing teaching techniques and learning materials to meet
these needs. This includes the development of learning packages, teaching
activities, trials, revisions and activities to evaluate learning outcomes. The systems
approach in education can cover several arable areas. For example, the curriculum
system approach, learning system, implementation system, implementation system
and so on.

Lesson plan that we used was lesson plan from SMK (SMEA) Saraswati 1
Denpasar. In Permedikbud No. 22 Year 2016, a lesson plan consists of
School identity, Subject identity, Class/Semester, Topic, Time
Allotment, Learning Objective, Basic Competency and Indicator of
Competency Achievement, Learning material, Learning Method /
Technique, Learning Media, Learning Sources, Learning Activity, and
Assessment. We already analyzed the lesson plan based on
Permendikbud No. 22 Year 2016

After we analyzed the lesson plans that we got from the school, we can conclude that lesson plan
consist all components in the Permendikbud No. 22 and as clear as possible. The learning objectives and
learning material have been explained very well so those are easy to understand. But there is no clearly
explanation for which one is the students’ worksheet and which one is assessment sheet.
Based on the lesson plan that we have analyzed, the component of
lesson plan on Permendikbud no 22 Year 2016 already explained as
clear as possible but the teachers need to consider in students’ activity to
give practice and assess their understood about the material. Two
important things which need to be consider were the students’
worksheet and assessment sheet. The teachers must give clearly
instruction on students’ worksheet or assessment sheet. In addition, the
teachers should mention it well. On the other hand, the teachers need to
consider with the test which will give to the student. The first test is
written test and it was not appropriate with the indicator. In the
indicators, the teachers use determining as indicator but there was no
instruction to determine the social function and language features so the
teachers should mention clearly what the students need to do.
Thank You

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