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Institute of Postgraduate Studies and Research

GMIT 603
Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Lecture 01
General Course Information and Introduction
Semester I, 2020|2021
23 November, 2020 ~ 19 March, 2021

23 December, 2020
General Course Information
 Regular Class Timings
 Students Expected
• Lectures @ Computer Lab (Mpendae)
• Pre-requisite: None –Wednesdays 1645~1845hrs
• Seminars @ Computer Lab (Mpendae)
 Instructor
–Wednesdays 1900~2000hrs
• Name: Prof. Omar
• E-mail:
 Office @ Mpendae
• Mobile 1: 077 221 9999
- Weds/Thurs/Sats/Suns
• Mobile 2: 065 295 6136

• Course • Hours
– GMIT 603 – 30 Lecture hours
– Entrepreneurship and Innovation – 15 Seminar hours
– 1 Credit Units’ Core Course for MBA (IT) – α Extra/less hours

Course Description
•This course aims:
• to provide students with an understanding of the nature of enterprise and entrepreneurship

• To introduce the role of the entrepreneur, innovation and technology in the entrepreneurial process

• To clarify the concept of small business or life style businesses and the development of growth oriented

• To make students understand the for-profit and not-for-profit businesses

• To make students understand entrepreneurship as both a way of thinking and of doing

• To make students understand entrepreneurship as a way of "building something from nothing"

• To make students understand successful entrepreneurs know how to manage and mitigate uncertainty
and risk.
Course Objectives
• Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to: -
Understand the concept of entrepreneurship and its close relationship
with enterprise and owner management

Understand the nature of business development in the context of

existing and new business start ups

To enable students understand the concepts of innovation and

creativity and the roles that both play in entrepreneurship and business
Course Contents
 Introduction to Entrepreneurship
 Definitions and evolution of entrepreneurship and innovation
 Role of innovation in entrepreneurship and organizational development
 Role of technology in innovation
 Innovation as a capability/core competence
 Understanding entrepreneurial and innovative individuals
 Design thinking and innovation
 Family business management
 Implementing innovation (entrepreneurial project - Prototyping)
 Measuring innovation performance
 Some key issues in innovation management
Course Format
•Classroom lectures
•Case studies
•Problem assignments
•Quizzes and tests
•Final examination (UE) 6
Tentative Course Schedule – 1/2
Week Topics Remarks
1 General Course Information and Introduction  
2 Introduction to Entrepreneurship Assignment 01
3 Definitions and evolution of entrepreneurship and innovation Assignment 02

4 Role of innovation in entrepreneurship and organizational Assignment 03

5 Role of technology in innovation Assignment 04
6 Innovation as a capability/core competence Assignment 05
7 Mid-Term Test
8 Understanding entrepreneurial and innovative individuals Assignment 06
9 Design thinking and innovation Assignment 07

Tentative Course Schedule – 2/2

10 Family business management Assignment 08

11 Implementing innovation (entrepreneurial project - Assignment 09

12 Measuring innovation performance Assignment 10
13 Some key issues in innovation management Assignment 11

Required Readings

Timmons, Jeffry A., Gillin, L. M., Burshtein, S., and

Spinelli, Stephen Jr. (2011). New Venture Creation:
Entrepreneurship for the 21st Century – A Pacific
Rim Perspective, 1st Edition. McGraw-Hill Irwin.
ISBN: 0070277664

Recommended Readings
Bessant, J. (2003) High Involvement Innovation: Building and Sustaining Competitive Advantage Through
Continuous Change. Chicester: John Wiley & Sons.
Bygrave, W and Zackarakis, A (2013) Entrepreneurship, 3rd Edition, John Wiley and Co.
Drucker, P. (1999) Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Butterworth Heinemann, Oxford.
Fagerberg, J, Mowery, DC and Nelson, RR (2005) The Oxford Handbook of Innovation, Oxford University
Press, NY.
Hisrich, R.D., Peters, M.P., and Shepherd, D. (2013) Entrepreneurship, McGraw-Hill Irwin, Boston.
Kuratko, D. (2013) Entrepreneurship: Theory, Process, and Practice, 9th Edition, Wiley online library.
Moore, Geoffrey, (1999) Crossing the Chasm, Harper & Collins.
Porter, ME, Competitive Advantage: Creating and Sustaining Superior Performance, Free Press, New
York, NY, 1985

• Assessment
• Pop-up Quizzes - Unknown dates  Any time during class/seminar hours
• One Mid-term Test
• Assignments/Presentations
• Seminars/Viva voce
• University Exam
• Strictly covering the whole syllabus
• Evaluation
• CA - 50% of Final
• Pop-up Quizzes/Monday Tests – 12.5% of CA
• Mid-Term Test - 50% of CA
• Assignments/Presentations – 12.5% of CA
• Seminars/Viva voce - 25% of CA
•  UE - 50% of Final
Final = CA + UE 11
Institute of Postgraduate Studies
GMIT 603
Entrepreneurship and Innovation

Week 2 - Lecture 02
Introduction to Entrepreneurship
Semester I, 2020|2021
23 November, 2020 ~ 19 March, 2021

30 December, 2020
Important Lessons - 5
• LESSON 1: Self Discovery
• LESSON 2: Opportunity Discovery
• LESSON 3: Business Models
• LESSON 4: Customers and Markets
• LESSON 5: Money and Records Keeping
Lean Canvas of Entrepreneurial
Business Model


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