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 This tutorial offers several things.

 You’ll see some neat features of the language.

 You’ll learn the right things to google.
 You’ll find a list of useful books and web pages.

 But don’t expect too much!

 It’s complicated, and you’ll learn by doing.
 But I’ll give it my best shot, okay?
 Basic syntax
 Compiling your program
 Argument passing
 Dynamic memory
 Object-oriented programming
#include <iostream>  Includes function definitions
using namespace std; for
console input and output.
float c(float x) {
return x*x*x;  Function declaration.
}  Function definition.

int main() {
float x;  Program starts here.
cin >> x;  Local variable declaration.
cout << c(x) << endl;  Console input.
 Console output.
return 0;  Exit main function.
// This is // This is mymath.h
#include <iostream> #ifndef MYMATH
#include “mymath.h” #define MYMATH
using namespace std;
float c(float x);
int main() { float d(float x);
// ...stuff...
} #endif

Functions are declared in mymath.h, but not defined.

They are implemented separately in

  
g++ -c g++ -c g++ -c

  
main.o mymath.o mydraw.o

  
g++ -o myprogram main.o mathstuff.o drawstuff.o

myprogram 
// This is
#include <GL/glut.h>  Include OpenGL functions.
#include <iostream>  Include standard IO
using namespace std; functions.
 Long and tedious
int main() { explanation.
cout << “Hello!” << endl;
return 0;  Calls function from standard
 Calls function from

% g++ -c  Make object file.

% g++ -o myprogram –lglut main.o  Make executable, link
% ./myprogram GLUT.
 Execute program.
 Software engineering reasons.
 Separate interface from implementation.
 Promote modularity.
 The headers are a contract.

 Technical reasons.
 Only rebuild object files for modified source files.
 This is much more efficient for huge programs.
Most assignments include
LINKFLAGS = \ makefiles, which describe
-L/afs/csail/group/graphics/courses/6.837/public/lib \
-lglut -lvl the files, dependencies, and
steps for compilation.
CFLAGS = -g -Wall -ansi
CC = g++
OBJS = $(
PROG = a1

all: $(SRCS) $(PROG)

You can just type make.
$(PROG): $(OBJS)
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $(OBJS) -o $@ $(LINKFLAGS)

So you don’t have to know

$(CC) $(CFLAGS) $< -c -o $@ $(INCFLAGS)

makedepend $(INCFLAGS) -Y $(SRCS)
the stuff from the past few
rm $(OBJS) $(PROG)

main.o: parse.h curve.h tuple.h

# ... LOTS MORE ... But it’s nice to know.

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main() { Arrays must have known

int n;
sizes at compile time.
cin >> n;
float f[n];
This doesn’t compile.
for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
f[i] = i;

return 0;
#include <iostream> Allocate the array during
using namespace std;
runtime using new.
int main() {
int n;
No garbage collection, so
cin >> n;
float *f = new float[n];
you have to delete.

for (int i=0; i<n; i++)

Dynamic memory is
f[i] = i;
useful when you don’t
delete [] f; know how much space
return 0; you need.
#include <iostream> STL vector is a resizable
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
array with all dynamic
memory handled for you.
int main() {
int n;
cin >> n;
STL has other cool stuff,
vector<float> f(n); such as strings and sets.

for (int i=0; i<n; i++)

f[i] = i; If you can, use the STL
and avoid dynamic
return 0; memory.
#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std; An alternative method
that does the same thing.
int main() {
int n;
cin >> n; Methods are called with
vector<float> f; the dot operator (same as
for (int i=0; i<n; i++)
vector is poorly named,
return 0; it’s actually just an array.
float twice1(float x) {  This works as expected.
return 2*x;

void twice2(float x) {  This does nothing.

x = 2*x;

int main() {
float x = 3;
twice2(x);  The variable is
cout << x << endl; unchanged.
return 0;
twice(vector<float> x) {
int n = x.size(); There is an incredible
for (int i=0; i<n; i++) amount of overhead here.
x[i] = 2*x[i];
return x;
} This copies a huge array
two times. It’s stupid.
int main() {
y(9000000); Maybe the compiler’s
y = twice(y); smart. Maybe not. Why
return 0;
risk it?
void twice3(float *x) {  Pass pointer by value
(*x) = 2*(*x); and
} access data using
void twice4(float &x) {
x = 2*x;
}  Pass by reference.

int main() {
float x = 3;
return 0;  Address of variable.
}  The answer is 12.
 You’ll often see objects passed by reference.
 Functions can modify objects without copying.
 To avoid copying objects (often const references).

 Pointers are kind of old school, but still useful.

 For super-efficient low-level code.
 Within objects to handle dynamic memory.
 You shouldn’t need pointers for this class.
 Use the STL instead, if at all possible.
 Classes implement objects.
 You’ve probably seen these in 6.170.
 C++ does things a little differently.

 Let’s implement a simple image object.

 Show stuff we’ve seen, like dynamic memory.
 Introduce constructors, destructors, const, and
operator overloading.
 I’ll probably make mistakes, so some debugging too.
Live Demo!
 The C++ Programming Language
 A book by Bjarne Stroustrup, inventor of C++.
 My favorite C++ book.

 The STL Programmer’s Guide

 Contains documentation for the standard template library.

 Java to C++ Transition Tutorial

 Probably the most helpful, since you’ve all taken 6.170.

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