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Corporate Society Responsibility in

Automatic painting machine project

Automatic Painting Machine
Why do project
• Automatic Painting machine is located in car factory industrial 3
• It’s available to finish 10 car per day for painting service. The problem
is a size of problem is small size in nozzle head. It’s special type of the
nozzle head. That’s why it’s not available in local market to buy
standard part. It’s very expensive for order form oversea. It’s available
in our company.
• The nozzle is very small. That’s why it can’t be finish to paint more
• The maintainer are go to industrial 3 and change the big new nozzle.
Project management problem
• There is a many problem in this project. In project time the company
will give many facilities to staff and labor. When the labor are accident
in workplace the company will assist to his family and hospital costs.
• After project, staff and labor are allowed to visit the beach. The
company will provide this vacation for relax all of the staff.
• And another is the company give the warranty for their customer
when the painting machine spray gun damage maintainer are come
and change the new spray gun.
Estimate cost
Explain the estimate cost
• They are six parts in painting machine.
• The cost of material are one lakhs estimate.
• Transportation fees is one lakhs.
• Labors cost is five lakhs because they are ten labors in this workplace
(one person = fifty thousand).
• Packaging cost is fifty thousand.
• Assembly of automatic painting machine cost is fifty thousand.
• The automatic painting machine maintenance cost is two lakhs.
Flow chart diagram
Start Start to moving 360 degree

Ready for painting

Painting for car parts

Spray gun

Final painting for car body

• Project: Automatic painting machine
• Problem: spray gun damage, motor error or damage
• How to solve: buy spare parts and keep up with maintainer
• The way of problem solving: Need to repair the maintainer 24hr.
• Risk: Computer error and lost the paint
• Safety risk: PPE(Personal Protective Equipment)
• Management plan
• Management tools (CPM/CPA)
• Skill? (Per, Nego, conflict)
• Project goal:
• What experience get during the project;
• Project is an attempt to create a distinct result, product or service by
an organization.
• It include project objectives and project title. Project start date,
business cost and budget stage, high-level scope and criteria, planned
project results and outcomes, project manager's important role and
other tools.
What is project management?
• Project management is a technique to manage roles and
responsibilities, use of knowledge, realize the kinds of risk(known risk,
unknown risk) and risk evaluation theories, talent, proficiency and
expert, and practice to increase the level of the level of efficiency in
the project.
Project management life cycle

Project to be successful, the five process cycle must be completed

Outcome of project management
The most important advantages of working with the cyclical method
are as follow;
• Higher product quality and improved implementation of
• More realistic estimates of time and money
• Project team is under less pressure
• Higher quality
Compare of the before and after project
6 3.5

5 3

4 2.5

3 2

2 1.5

Category 1 Category 2 Category 3
Category 1 Category 2 Category 3
Series 1 Series 2 Series 3
Series 1 Series 2 Series 3

Series 1 = Product
Series 2 = Cost
Series 3 = Labour cost
The context of social responsibility for
scientists and engineers(sustainable)
The social responsibility are,
1. Safety
2. Reliability
3. Security
4. Economics
• Occupational safety and health (OSH) covers issues related to the
social, mental and physical wellbeing of workers. For many years
these issues have been recognized as main aspects of corporate social
responsibility(CSR), which is based on voluntary integration of social
and environmental concerns into the companies decision-making.
This has been expressed directly or indirectly in various definitions
and approaches to CSR developed in the last decades.
• Today, however the most companies are want to concentrate on a topic that
seemingly has nothing to do with the finances, administrations or operational
minutia that come with running a security company. The companies want to
review the concept of corporate society responsibility(CSR). Many people do
CSR-type activities in their personal and professional sphere. Most of us in
this industry are drawn to contribute to the common good; whether that is
through volunteerism, donating their time, money, ability, or being more
ecologically minded in our operations.  There is definitely a feel good aspect
to doing these types of activities.  When they donate their time, money, or
efforts to a charity or cause, there is a sense that we are being good citizens
or contributing members of society.  Most of the time, we do these types of
activities, not expecting anything in return. 

• The economics of Corporate social responsibility(CSR) is often used

these day. CSR refers to voluntary decision of companies to address
social and environmental concerns by contributing to a public good,
reducing external cost, and increasing fairness distributional equity. In
this note, most companies are look at CSR from an economic point of
view. They focus on environmental and natural resource issues with a
particular emphasis on water. We first clarify and contextualize the
term CSR before we situate it in the economics literature.
1. Appearance
2. Reliability
3. Competence
4. Ethic
• The professional is neat in appearance. Be sure to meet or even
exceed requirement of company’s dress code, and pay special
attention to company appearance when meeting prospects or clients
and take your lead from the way they dress.
• As a professional, you will be counted on to find a way to get the job
done. Responding to people immediately and following through on
promises in a timely manner is also important, as this demonstrates
reliability. It’s about meeting expectations, which requires effective
communication skills.
• Professionals are striving to become experts in their field, separating
them from the rest of the pack. This can mean continuing your
education by taking courses, attending seminars and attaining any
related professional designations.
• Personal such as doctors, engineers, lawyers, business man and public
accountant must obey to a strict code of ethics. Even if the company
or industry doesn’t have a even code, you should display ethical
behaviour all the times.
Interpersonal skill
1. Communication skills
2. Creativity
3. Adaptability
4. Collaboration
5. Leadership
Communication skills
• Engineers and other STEM(science, technology, engineering and
mathematics profession place higher value on technical skills than
communications. However, effective communication is equally as
important. In order to succeed and innovative in their position, they
must be able to communicate their ideas.
• The technical skills to find and fix system issues is just as valuable as
the creativity to find new ways to solve problems. People who
continually push the envelope to find and develop new products,
processes, parts and accessories get the recognition from peers and
• Like creativity, the ability to continually push and change is invaluable.
Challenges arise daily and as an employee and job seeker, you must
be able to adapt, be creative, and communicate the issues to work
towards a solution.
• Product design, process execution, and system development are not
carried out by one person. Steve Jobs may have been an incredible
driving force behind the success of Apple, but there have been
countless designers, programmers and other professionals working to
create, market and sell their products. Collaborating in a team setting
is not only necessary for a job seeker and employee, but is absolutely
• We all know what a leader is, however becoming one takes thought. If
you want to make a difference in your company, city, the world in any
profession, leadership skills must come into play. Developing these
skills over time will help you achieve success outside your profession
as you build relationships.
• Business should not think about only profit but also look for
Corporate social responsibility (CSR) activity well being and economic
well being. Positive outcome arise when business adopt policy of CSR
company benefit, benefits to the community and the general public
and environmental benefits.

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