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Ancient Italy

Gianan, Eleonor F. and Maglaqui, Ramon Joseph N.

 Facts  Roman Empire
 Historical  Rome Vs Greece
Background  Great Leaders
 City of Rome  Timeline of Roman
 Government History
 Roman Civilization  Landmarks
 Ancient Italy  Contributions
 Italian Deities  Videos
Facts about
Ancient Italy
• Official Name – Italia
The name Italy comes from the Latin word Italia that
referred to a territory owned by Rome.
• Capital – Rome
• Official Language – Italian
• Total Land Area - 301,338 km2 (71st)
116,346 sq mi 
• Total Water Surface – 2.4%
• Currency - Euro (€)2 (EUR)
Facts about
Ancient Italy
1. In ancient Italy, the Roman gods and goddesses played as large a
role as they did in Greece.
2. Rome was established in 753 BC.
3. The early inhabitants of ancient Italy were widely varied.
4. Engagement rings originated in ancient Italy.
5. The Pantheon dome still stands.
6. Farming is a long-held tradition in Italy.
7. Architecture from ancient Italy still survives today.
8. Clothing indicated social class in ancient Italy.
9. Divination was popular in ancient Italy.
10. Education was important to the ancient Romans.
Historical Background
of Ancient Italy

A. Map
B. Location and Climate
C. Flags and symbols
D. Etymology
E. People

Map of Italy
Map of Ancient Italy Back

• Located in southern Europe.

• Italy is a peninsula extending into the Central
Mediterranean Sea.
• It is shaped like a high-heeled boot kicking a
"triangle"—the island of Sicily.
• Italy borders France to the west, Switzerland and
Austria to the north, and Slovenia to the east. 

• Temperate (mild) climate with regional

• Coastal areas have mild winters and warm, dry
• Mountains have cold, wet, and snowy winters
and humid summers
• “Italos” was the Greek word for bull-calf.
Because the earliest Romans used cattle as a
form of money. This “Land of Calves” soon
became known as Italy.

Flag of Italy

Meaning of National Italian Flag

Italy's flag is a tricolor featuring three equally sized
vertical bands of green, white and red, with the green
at the hoist side.
Italy’s Flag
• “Il Tricolore”,  is a vertical tricolour with from left to
right the colours green, white and red. When used for
seafaring, the white bar in the Italy flag should have
added the combined weapons of four of the most
important seafaring republics of Italy. 
• The four most important seafaring republics in Italy are
Venica, Genua, Amalfi and Pisa. A lion represents Pisa,
Genua is represented by a red cross on a white
background, Amalfi and Pisa are also represented by a
cross, that of Amalfi being white on blue and Pisa
being a white cross on red background.
Italian Symbols
War Flag Italian Emblem

The emblem comprises a white five-pointed

star, with a red border, superimposed on a five-
spoked cogwheel which stands between an
olive branch on its left and a branch of oak on
its right; the branches in turn are bound by a
red ribbon bearing the legend "REPVBBLICA
ITALIANA" (Italian Republic) 
National Anthem 
• "Il Canto degli Italiani" (The Song of the Italians), was
written in 1847, with lyrics by Goffredo Mameli.

Subsequently, the song is often known as L'Inno di

Mameli (Mameli's Hymn). When Italy united as a
nation in 1861, the song was then known as the "March
of the House of Savoy" and it became the official
Anthem in 1947, one year after Italy was proclaimed a

• The term Italia was borrowed through greek from the oscan Víteliú,
meaning "land of young cattle“.
• The bull was a symbol of the southern Italian tribes and was often depicted
goring the Roman wolf as a defiant symbol of free Italy during the Samnite
• The name Italia originally applied only to a part of what is now Southern
Italy: according to Antiochus of Syracuse, it defined the southern portion
of the Bruttium peninsula (modern Calabria). But by his time Oenotria and
Italy had become synonymous, and the name also applied to most
of Lucania as well. The Greeks gradually came to apply the name "Italia"
to a larger region, but it was not until the time of the Roman conquests that
the term was expanded to cover the entire peninsula.

Ancient People of Italy
Ancient People of Italy

• The Early Inhabitants

1. Italians
The Italians proper inhabited the centre of the peninsula.
Two Branches:
• Latins
• Umbro-Sabellians

2. Iapygians
The Iapygians dwelt in Calabria, in the extreme southeast corner of
Italy. Inscriptions in a peculiar language have here been discovered,
clearly showing that the inhabitants belonged to a different race from
those whom we have designated as the Italians. They were doubtless
the oldest inhabitants of Italy, who were driven toward the extremity
of the peninsula as the Latins and Sabellians pressed farther to the
Ancient People of Italy

• The Early Inhabitants

3. The Etruscans (Rasena)
– The Etruscans, or, as they called themselves, Rasena, form a
striking contrast to the Latins and Sabellians as well as to the Greeks.
– Their language is radically different from the other languages of
Italy; and their manners and customs clearly prove them to be a people
originally quite distinct from the Greek and Italian races.
– Their religion was of a gloomy character, delighting in mysteries and
in wild and horrible rites. Their origin is unknown.
Ancient People of Italy

• The Greeks
The Greeks planted so many colonies upon the coasts of southern Italy
that they gave to that district the name of Magna Graecia. The most
ancient, and, at the same time, the most northerly Greek city in Italy,
was Cumae in Campania. Most of the other Greek colonies were
situated farther to the south, where many of them attained to great
power and opulence. Of these, some of the most distinguished were
Tarentum, Sybaris, Croton, and Metapontum.
• The Gauls
The Gauls, as we have already said, occupied the greater part of
northern Italy, and were so numerous and important as to give to the
whole basin of the Po the name of Gallia Cisalpina. They were of the
same race with the Gauls who inhabited the country beyond the Alps,
and their migration and settlement in Italy were referred by the Roman
historian to the time of the Tarquins. 
Ancient People of Italy

Ancient Races

• The Sabini aka Sabines

The Sabini inhabited the rugged mountain-country in the central chain of
the Apennines, lying between Etruria, Umbria, Picenum, Latium, and the
country of the Marsi and Vestini. They were one of the most ancient races
of Italy, and the progenitors of the far more numerous tribes which, under
the names of Picentes, Peligni, and Samnites, spread themselves to the east
and south. Modern writers have given the general name of Sabellians to all
these tribes. The Sabines, like most other mountaineers, were brave, hardy,
and frugal; and even the Romans looked up to them with admiration on
account of their proverbial honesty and temperance.
Ancient People of Italy

Ancient Races

• The Marsi, Peligni, Vestini, and Marrucini

The Marsi, Peligni, Vestini, and Marrucini  inhabited the valleys of the
central Apennines, and were closely connected, being probably all of
Sabine origin. The Marsi dwelt inland around the basin of the Lake
Fucinus, which is about thirty miles in circumference, and the only one
of any extent in the central Apennines. The Peligni also occupied an
inland district east of the Marsi. The Vestini dwelt east of the Sabines,
and possessed on the coast of the Adriatic a narrow space between the
mouth of the Matrinus and that of the Aternus, a distance of about six
miles. The Marrucini inhabited a narrow strip of country on the
Adriatic, east of the Peligni, and were bounded on the north by the
Vestini and on the south by the Frentani.
Ancient People of Italy

Ancient Races

• The Frentani
The Frentani dwelt upon the coast of the Adriatic from the frontiers of
the Marrucini to those of Apulia. They were bounded on the west by
the Samnites, from whom they were originally descended, but they
appear in Roman history as an independent people.

• The Brutti
The Brutii inhabited the southern extremity of Italy, lying south of
Lucania; and, like Lucania, their country is traversed throughout by the
chain of the Apennines.
Ancient People of Italy

Ancient Races

• The Latium
The Latium was used in two senses. It originally signified only the land
of the Latini, and was a country of small extent, bounded by the Tiber
on the north, by the Apennines on the east, by the sea on the west, and
by the Alban Hills on the south. But after the conquest of the Volscians,
Hernici, AEquians, and other tribes, originally independent, the name
of Latium was extended to all the country which the latter had
previously occupied. It was thus applied to the whole region from the
borders of Etruria to those of Campania, or from the Tiber to the Liris.
The original abode of the Latins is of volcanic origin. 

• The Roman civilization is considered to be the most leading among all due
to its wide spread popularity and acceptance around the world. The
influence of the Roman Civilization can be felt even in the modern times in
the fields of law, art, battles, language and architecture etc.
Features of the Roman Civilization
• The Italian peninsula was the legendary base where the great civilization
rose to power.
• Rome derived its name from Romulus (who along with his twin brother
Remus is regarded as the founder of Rome). Romulus is said to have killed
Remus in a fight to construct their cities.
• Rome was born on the Palatine hill as a small community. Gradually the
community began to spread into the nearby hills and gave birth to the city
of Rome.

• Latin language became popular world over in the times of the Roman
civilization as the various facts about this culture were discovered in this
• The Romans enriched their culture with that of the Etruscans (people from
ancient Tuscany and Umbria) like gladiator wars and chariot races etc.
It all started as a miniscule community and rose into a large empire. The
remarkable civilization of ancient Rome has witnesses the following

• Monarchy - the kind of government in which all political decisions are

made by a single leader.
• Oligarchy - the kind of government in which the political powers are
conferred upon a societal group on the basis of their family status and
• Autocracy - this kind of government is more or less synonymous to
monarchy. In this unlimited authorities are bestowed over the ruler.
• The massive spread of the civilization was into Europe, Middle East and
some parts of Africa. The acceptance of the Roman culture among people
was either by force or own will.
The three classes were as below:
• Servi - These were the slaves who lived a hard life with laborious jobs.
They were the basic economy builders being ruled by the top classes.

• Liberti - These were slaves who were liberated and given Roman
citizenship and were known as freedmen. The freedom was granted to the
slave if he was highly educated or had delivered an exceptionally good
service for long. The slave could also buy his freedom by paying the
desired amount or possessions to the owner.

• Cives - These were the topmost class who were considered to be free-born.
There were divisions within this class as well like the patricians (having
one of the 100 patriarchs as their ancestors who founded Rome) and the
plebeians (who became politically strong with their wealth).
City of Rome
• Rome, - the capital city of Italy
• It was the capital of roman empire until it was replaced by
Mediolanum (Milan) under the tetrarchy Emperor Maximian,
in 285.
• At the beginning of the 5th century, Emperor Honorius moved
the capital of the Western Roman Empire to Ravenna.
• With the founding of Constantinople, the center of the Empire
moved eastward, but the city remained central to the Roman
Empire, not only historically and culturally (if no longer
politically), but as the home to the head of the western church,
the Pope.

Officials and
• Rome was ruled by kings, who were elected from each of
Rome's major tribes in turn.
– He may have held near-absolute power, or may also have
merely been the chief executive of the Senate and the
– He was also the head of the state religion. 
Officials and
• Aedile
The aediles were Roman ministers with various duties. the
curule aedile came to be responsible for the games.
• Argentarii
Argentarii were Roman money changers.
• Praetors
Praetors were Roman officials who were the original
replacements for the king.
• Excubitor
Excubitor was a palace guard corps organized by the Emperor
Officials and
• Comitia Tributa – Plebeian Assembly
The supreme power in the Roman Republic was the assembly
which was made up of all the citizens of Rome.
• Magister Officiorum
The Roman Magister Officiorum was a powerful imperial
Roman bureaucrat
• Plebeian
The term plebeian is synonymous with lower class, but by the
time of Caesar, the patrician Claudius chose to become a
plebeian in order to hold an important political office.
Officials and
• Quaestor
were financial and administrative officials in charge of the
treasury. Quaestors served as paymasters in the military.
• Prefect
is a type of Roman military or civil official.
• Comes
Emperor’s Companion, an officer in the military whose rank is
lower than that of a master (magister) of the soldiers.
Roman Law
• The Law of the Twelve Tables (Lex Duodecim Tabularum,
more informally simply Duodecim Tabulae)
was the ancient legislation that stood at the foundation of Roman law
and formed the center piece of the constitution of the Roman Republic.
The extension of the Roman empire, the increase of riches, and
consequently of crime, gave occasion to a great number of new laws,
which were distinguished by the name of the person who proposed
them, and by the subject to which they referred. The content of this
article provides interesting history, facts and information about life in
Ancient Rome including Roman Law.
Roman Law
• The Law of the Twelve Tables (Lex Duodecim Tabularum,
more informally simply Duodecim Tabulae)
– Laws relating to debtors
– Laws relating to inheritance
– Laws relating to Marriage
– Laws relating to the Rights of a Father
– Laws relating to Property
– Laws relating to Will and Testaments
– Guardians
– Laws relating to a Women
Roman Law
•  Civil Law
Civil trials, or differences between private persons were tried in the forum
by the praetor. If no adjustment could be made between the two parties, the
plaintiff obtained a writ from the praetor, which required the defendant to
give bail for his appearance on the third day, at which time, if either was
not present when cited, he lost his cause, unless he had a valid excuse.
Actions were either real, personal, or mixed. Real, was for obtaining a
thing to which one had a real right, but was possessed by another. Personal,
was against a person to bind him to the fulfilment of a contract, or to
obtain redress for wrongs. Mixed, was when the actions had relation to
persons and things.
Roman Law
• Criminal Law
Trial by jury, as established with us, was not known, but the mode of
judging in criminal cases, seems to have resembled it. A certain number of
senators and knights, or other citizens of respectability, were annually
chosen by the praetor, to act as his assessors, and some of these were
appointed to sit in judgment with him. They decided by a majority of
voices, and returned their verdict, either guilty, not guilty, or uncertain, in
which latter instance the case was deferred; but if the votes for acquittal
and condemnation were equal, the culprit was discharged. Punishments in
cases involving criminal law was in many instances more severe than it is
at the present day.

Roman Empire
Roman Empire
• The Roman Empire is the term used to refer the period in
Ancient Roman history and civilization when Rome and its
territories were ruled by autocratic Emperors.
• The most powerful the territories of the Roman Empire
included lands in West and South Europe (the lands around the
Mediterranean), Britain, Asia Minor, North Africa including
• The Roman Empire was established in 27 BC when Octavian,
the adoptive son of Julius Caesar, was given the title
'Augustus' by the Roman Senate and became the first emperor
of Rome, known as Augustus Caesar.  
Roman Empire
– The Roman Empire became so vast that in 285 AD the Roman
Empire was split in half by Diocletian - the Western Roman Empire
and the Eastern Roman Empire (aka the Byzantine Empire).
Theodosius I was the last emperor of both the Eastern and Western
Roman Empire. After his death in 395 AD the two parts of the Roman
Empire were split permanently.
– The Western Roman Empire fell after the city of Rome was first
sacked by the Visigoths in 410 and then by the Vandals in 455. The
sacking of Rome signalled the disintegration of Roman authority and
the ultimate Fall of the Roman Empire.
– The Fall of the Roman Empire (the Western Empire) ended
officially with the abdication of Romulus Augustus on 4 September
476. The Eastern Empire (Byzantium) continued for nearly 1000 more
Rome Vs Greece
Gods and Goddesses
Rome Vs Greece
• The ancient Greek city-states were
GEOGRAPHY separated from each other by hilly
countryside and all were near the water.
• Rome was inland, on one side of
the Tiber River, but the Italic tribes (in
the boot-shaped peninsula that is now
Italy) did not have the natural hilly
borders to keep them out of Rome. In
Italy, around Naples, Mt.
Vesuvius produced fertile land by
blanketing the soil with tephra which
aged into rich soil. There were also two
nearby mountain ranges to the north
(Alps) and east (Apennine).
Rome Vs Greece
• Greek art is considered superior to
ART (imitative) Roman art.
• The goal of the classical Greek
sculptors was to produce an ideal
artistic form, where the goal of Roman
artists was to produce realistic portraits
for decoration.
• This is obvious oversimplification,
especially when considering the
division of Greek art into
the Mycenaean, geometric, archaic, and
Hellenistic periods, in addition to the
Classical, but the art we associate with
Greece is the Venus de Milo, and the
Roman art is the mosaic or wall
painting known as fresco.

The Entruscans made colors for

their arts from rocks and minerals.
Crushed chalk gave them white,
charcoals gave them black and
oxidized iron granules made red.
Rome Vs Greece
• The economy of both Greece and Rome
ECONOMY was based on agriculture. Greeks
ideally lived on small self-
sufficient wheat-producing farms, but
bad agricultural practices made many
households incapable of feeding
• The Romans, who imported their wheat
and annexed provinces that could
provide them with this all-important
staple, also farmed, but they also
engaged in trade.
• Both Greece and Rome worked mines.
Rome Vs Greece
• Greece • Rome

–Slaves –Slaves
–Freedmen –Freedmen
–Metics –Plebeians
–Citizens –Patricians
Rome Vs Greece
WOMEN • Dealing with Athens, according to the
literature, women were valued for not
gossiping, for managing the household,
and, most of all, for producing
legitimate children. The aristocratic
woman was secluded in the women's
quarter and had to be accompanied in
public places. She could own, but not
sell property. The Athenian woman was
subject to her father, and even after
marriage, he could ask for her return.
Rome Vs Greece
• The Roman woman was subject to
the pater familias, whether the
dominant male in her household of birth
or the household of her husband. She
could own and dispose of property and
go about as she wished. From
epigraphy, we read that a Roman
woman was valued for piety, modesty,
maintenance of harmony, and being a
one-man woman. She could be a
Roman citizen.
Rome Vs Greece

• Originally kings ruled Athens; then an

oligarchy, and then democracy (voting
by the citizens). Kings originally
governed Rome.
• Rome enjoyed a mixed Republican
form of government, followed by

Timeline of
Roman History
Date Event
800 – 600 B.C. Greeks, Etruscans and others settle in Italy.
753 B.C. Mythical founding of Rome by Romulus and
753 – 509 Time of the Kings
509 Rome became a republic by overthrowing
King Tarquin the Proud
494 Revolt of Plebeians against Patricians –
Plebeians gave right to choose their own
tribunes and have a voice in government.
458 General Cincinnatus came out of retirement,
put down his plow, and took up position of
dictator to save Rome. As soon as he won
the battles he returned to Rome, resigned and
returned to his fields
Timeline of
Roman History
Date Event
451 Rome developed the first law code, the
Twelve Tables
390 Gauls invaded and sacked Rome
312 Began construction of first aqueduct and first
major road
275 Rome controlled all of Italian Peninsula
264 - 241 First War between Rome and Carthage (First
Punic War)
218 – 201 Second Punic War with Carthage with
Hannibal leading the Carthage Army
202 Romans defeated Hannibal at battle of Zama
200 Romans used concrete for first time in
Roman town of Palestrina
Timeline of
Roman History
Date Event
149-146 Third Punic War
89 Roman Citizenship extended to Latin and
Italian Allies
85 Invention of heating system known as the
hypocaust used in villas spread to most
public baths
73 – 71 Slave revolt led by gladiator Spartacus
67 Pompey rid the Mediterranean sea of pirates
60 Pompey, Crassus and Julius Caesar formed
alliance known as First Triumvirate
58 – 51 Julius Caesar conquered all of Gaul - current
day France
Timeline of
Roman History
Date Event
55 – 54 Julius Caesar attacked Britain
49 Julius Caesar ordered to disband army -
instead began civil war
49 – 45 Civil war with Julius Caesar the winner
44 Julius Caesar assassinated on the Ides of
March (15th)
44 – 30 Civil war between Marcus Antony and
42 Hortensia argued that taxes on rich women
were unfair
31 B. C. Marcus Antony and Cleopatra defeated at
battle of Actium
30 B. C. Marcus Antony and Cleopatra escaped to
Egypt and committed suicide
Timeline of
Roman History
Date Event
27 B. C. Beginning of Empire age with Octavian
claiming title of Augustus and assuming all
the power of the magistrates in the Roman
government-beginning of the Pax Romana
(peace of Rome)
A. D. 6 Vigils developed to protect and fight fires in
city of Rome under Augustus
A. D. 19 Pont du Guard aqueduct in Gaul ( France)
built, still stands today
A. D. 30 Jesus Christ Crucified in Jerusalem
64 Great fire in Rome - Nero blamed Christians
and began persecution
66 – 73 Jewish Revolt
Timeline of
Roman History
Date Event
69 – 96 Flavian period
79 Vesuvius erupted burying towns of Pompeii
and Herculaneum
80 Colosseum finished
121 – 126 Hadrian's wall built in Britain
130 Hadrian ordered building of Pantheon in
96 – 138 Empire reached greatest extent under
Emperors Trajan (96-117) and Hadrian (117-
138 – 193 Antonine Period of rulers
235 – 285 Time of Anarchy, uncertainty who was
legitimate Emperor for much of the time
Timeline of
Roman History
Date Event
197 Roman soldiers given permission to marry
during tour of duty
293 Diocletian split empire into four sections
ruled by two co-emperors
303 Persecution of Christians
312 Constantine I invaded Italy and took over
with Licinius
313 Edict of Milan gave freedom of worship to
Christian church, Christianity became official
religion of Empire
324 Constantine I defeated Licinius and took over
sole rule of Empire
330 Capitol moved from Rome to Constantinople
(current day Istanbul) by Constantine I
Timeline of
Roman History
Date Event
395 Empire divided into East and West
410 Rome lost control of Britain
452 Attila the Hun invaded Italy - stayed out of
Rome as request of Pope Leo I
453 Attila the Hun died
455 Rome sacked by Vandals
476 Fall of the Western Roman Empire by
invasion of Goths
533 – 554 Justinian began to recapture Western Roman
554 – 1453 Eastern Empire survived as the Byzantine
1453 Byzantine Empire defeated by Ottoman Turks

Ancient Italy

A. Culture
B. Cuisine
C. Marriage and
Home Life
D. Money
E. Clothing
F. Religion Main
- The Italians identify first with their village, this is
known as "Campanilismo" - that area visible from the
bell tower of the church in their village. "Campanile"
meaning bell tower.
- But first and foremost Italians give priority to
themselves, then their families, the village, province,
region, and finally the country.
Italian Family and Values
- The family is the centre of the social structure and
provides a stabilizing influence for its members. 
- In the north, generally only the nuclear family lives
together; while in the south, the extended family often
resides together in one house. 
- The family provides both emotional and financial
support to its members.
Italian Style
- Appearances matter in Italy. 
- The way you dress can indicate your social status,
your family's background, and your education level. 
- First impressions are lasting impressions in Italy. 
The concept of 'bella figura' or good image is important
to Italians. They unconsciously assess another person's
age and social standing in the first few seconds of
meeting them, often before any words are exchanged. 
Italian Style
- Clothes are important to Italians. 
- They are extremely fashion conscious and judge
people on their appearance. 
- You will be judged on your clothes, shoes, accessories
and the way you carry yourself.
Bella figura is more than dressing well. It extends to
the aura your project too - i.e. confidence, style,
demeanour, etc.
-  The primary religion in Italy is Roman Catholic. 
- There are more Catholic churches per capita in Italy
than in any other country. 
-  Although church attendance is relatively low, the
influence of the church is still high. 
- Many office buildings will have a cross or a religious
statue in the lobby. 
- Each day of the year has at least one patron saint
associated with it. 
-  Children are named for a particular saint and
celebrate their saint's day as if it were their own
- Each trade and profession has a patron saint. 
- The church promulgates hierarchy, which can be seen
in all Italian relationships. 
- They respect and defer to those who are older, those
who have achieved a level of business success, and
those who come from well-connected families

Food and
- It was popular food in ancient Rome. Many historical evidences reveal a
pizza was relished by ancient historians Cato the Elder and Herodotus. In
olden days, a pizza was baked on a hot stone. Later it was consumed with
vegetable or meat stew. Sometimes pizzas were seasoned with herbs and
Food and
Magna Graecia
- A few dishes belonging to Magna Graecia include sweet meats
made from almonds and walnuts, honey sauces, soups and meat in
Food and Beverages
Tuscan Roast Beef
This dish has some similarity to Canadian roast beef, but the preparation is
very different. It is best prepared with rump roast, but you can use top
sirloin as well. Serve as a main course with roasted root vegetables and
Food and
Mozzarella Cheese
is made of water buffalo’s milk.

Provolone Cheese
is made of cow’s milk.
Foods and
Hard-boiled Spaghetti
Hard-boiled egg with spaghetti sauce.
Food in the old days of poor people.
Foods and
• Gnocchi
These small dumplings are one of the oldest preparations in the history of
food, recorded as far back as cookbooks of the thirteenth century. In a
fragment of a book of the 1300s there is a recipe for gnocchi written in the
Tuscan dialectal language.
Foods and
• Pasta
Fresh pasta is dough made of flour and water and is present in most
cultures and on all continents. Dry pasta began in Italy and embarked from
there to conquer the world.
Foods and
• Wine
It is an alcoholic beverage, made of fermented fruit juice, usually from
grapes. Italy is the largest producer of wine. This makes sense because the
Romans made the most contributions to the ancient art of viniculture.

Marriage and
Home Life
• The father was head of the household and was
called paterfamilias.
• Women were not entirely without rights, but
they never became full citizens.
• Widow women had a big difference with
women that are married.
• Parents arranged marriages for their children.

• The aureus a gold
coin of ancient
Rome valued at 25
silver denarii.
•  the denarius was a
small silver coin
• The sestertius was
a bronze coin.
• The dupondius was
a brass coin

• Toga
The toga was the standard dress
for all Romans. This was a long
sash like garment, which is about
6 meters in length. The toga was
wrapped around the body and was
made of wool. This kind of
ancient Roman clothing found its
base in the formal dress robe that
was used by the Etruscans. The
classic toga was always worn
over a tunic. 
Different types of togas were worn by people of different
social rank:
• Toga Praetexta:   Characterized by a purple stripe, worn by
curule magistrates as well as boys until the age of 15 or 16. 
• Toga Virilis:  The plain toga of a typical citizen.  Worn by boys
after age 15 or 16.
• Toga Picta:  A crimson toga embroidered with gold, donned by
victorious generals in triumphal processions and the emperors.
• Toga  Candida:   A toga given a shiny, glossy look by rubbing it
with chalk, worn by people running for public office.
• Toga Pulla:  Made of natural black wool and worn in funerals.
• Stola
The stola was only worn by the
women in ancient Rome. The stola
was created on similar lines of the
toga. The toga was almost like a
large blanket wrapped around the
body and the stola was rectangular
in shape. When draped around the
body, it formed as a long garment
that reached the ground. The stola
also included pleats for the
garment and was also worn over a
• Tunics/Tunica
The Romans also wore garments that
were known as the tunics or the tunica
which were around knee length. These
were long and resembled the Tee shirts
because they were loose and
comfortable and also made generally of
linen. The unmarried women also wore
the tunica but it was styled differently.
Women also had to cover their head in
the ancient days as per the customs and
traditions. Little boys in Rome also
wore tunics, which went all the way
down to their knees. These were often
styled in white color and with a crimson
• Cloaks
One can see that the Romans also used • Women in particular loved to
a variety of cloaks that formed an wear ornate necklaces, bracelets
important part of their attire. Cloaks with the Roman clothing. 
such as the palla (worn over the tunic or • Men wore a personalized signet
the toga), the panenula (simple cloak), ring, as other forms of jewelry
the laena (double coat) and the lacerna were considered not really
(military cloak) were some of the suitable for men. Hairstyles were
varieties that were used by the Romans. also elaborate and the use of false
Colors often dictated the social status of hair can be seen since the ancient
the people in Rome. The Romans were days. This was done to increase
quite particular about their dressing the thickness of the hair.
which included accessorizing and even
styling their hair.
• Cloaks
Apart from the ancient Roman
clothing, the footwear also
denoted the status of the person in
the society. One of the typical
patterns of the Roman sandals
that are used even today is the tie
up fashion. In ancient Rome, such
a sandal had a leather sole and the
lace was used to wind around the
legs. The thickness of the sandals
always indicated the quality of the
shoes. The various strata of
society wore various types of
Roman sandals. 
• Trousers
The Romans initially wore neither
stockings nor breeches, but used
sometimes to wrap their legs and
thighs with pieces of cloth called
from the parts which they
covered, tibialia and feminalia.
This later changed in the period
of the Roman Empire when
soldiers wore trousers or
• A carlatina was a sandal made from one
piece of leather with a soft sole and
openwork upper fastened by a lace. 
• A soccus has a sole without hobnails and a
separate leather upper. 
• A calceus was a hobnailed shoe secured by
• A solea was a simple sandal with a thong
between the toes and a hobnailed sole. 
•  A caliga, worn by soldiers, was a heavy
sandal with a hobnailed sole and separate
leather upper fastened by thongs (the
emperor Caligula's name means little
boots).  Shoes could also be made of wood.
• Men went to special shops to have the hair on
their arms removed. A mixture of bats’ blood
and hedgehog ashes was popular for getting
rid of unwanted hair.

Worshipping the
• Romans worshipped the same gods as the
Greeks, but with another name.
• They use Animals to predict if there will be
something good or bad that will happen.
• Christianity
Because of Jesus being executed under roman
law. His death inspired the spread of the
Christian Religion throughout the Empire.

Italian Deities

Italian-Roman god of love

and passion. He was,
specifically, the god of
mutual love and would
punish those who did not
return love.
Italian Deities

Italian witch goddess. She

came to earth to teach her
mother Diana's magic.
Symbolizes the air element,
the moon.
Italian Deities

Italian goddess of truth and

justice. Also known as
Italian Deities
• Carmen  
Italian goddess of spellcasting and • Corvus
enchantments. Italian messenger god.
• Cel • Fauna
Italian god of death and the Italian goddess of the earth, wildlife,
underworld. forests, and fertility. Symbolizes
  prosperity as well.
• Comus  
Italian god of revelry, drinking, and • Faunus
feasting. Roman and Italian god of woodlands.
  Symbolizes love. Also known as
• Copia Pan [Greek].
Italian goddess of wealth plenty.
Italian Deities
• Frebruus
Italian god of purification, • Jove
initation, and of the dead. Italian-Roman sky god.

• Fortuna • Lethns
Italian goddess of fortune, fate, Italian earth and nature deity.
destiny, blessings, luck, and Invoke during sky, water, or
fertility. Often invoked when one element of earth, or for divination.
wants to receive money by chance,
like in a lottery or contest. • Lucifer
Italian god of sun and light.
• Jana Brother and soulmate of Diana,
Italian goddess of the moon. father of Aradia.
Italian Deities
• Lucina
Italian goddess of childbirth. • Umbria
  Italian goddess of shadows and
• Lupercus things which are hidden or secret.
Italian god of agriculture, wolf-
god. • Uni
Italian goddess of witchcraft.
• Marica  
Italian goddess of agriculture. • Vertumnus
Roman-Italian god of fruits.
• Nox
Italian goddess of the night. • Virbius
Italian god of outlaws and
•  Pertunda outcasts; the guardian of
Italian goddess of sexual love. sanctuaries.
The Pantheon The Pantheon stands as the most
complete Roman structure on earth,
having survived 20 centuries of
plunder, pillage and invasion.
The original Pantheon was a
rectangular temple built by Marcus
Vipsanius Agrippa, son-in-law of
Augustus, the first Roman emperor, as
part of a district renewal plan in 27-25
The Pantheon contains the tombs of
Rafael and of several Italian Kings.
Pantheon is a Greek word meaning "to
honor all Gods."
Roman Forum The Roman Forum (also known
as the Foro Romano, in Italian,
or just the Forum) is one of
the Top Ancient Sites in
Rome as well as one of the Top
Rome Attractions for visitors. 
The Forum was the center of
political, religious, and
commercial life of ancient
Rome and provides insight into
the splendor that once was the
Roman Empire. 
The Capitoline Hill The Capitoline Museums in
Rome, or Musei Capitolini,
were established by Pope
Clement XII in 1734, making
them the first museums in the
world open to the public.
Actually one museum spread
out in two buildings – the
Palazzo dei Conservatori and
the Palazzo Nuovo – the
Capitoline houses numerous
artistic and archeological
treasures that help to tell the
story of Rome.
Piazza Navona

It built as a stadium in the first

century for athletic contests and
chariot races, Piazza Navona is
lined with luxurious cafes and
Baroque palaces and is the
home to three lavish fountains.
It was laid out in the 15th
century on the ruins of the
The Palantine Hill The area of the Palatine is about 25
acres. It is the central hill of the
seven hills of Rome. It was the first
hill area to become a settlement.
Much of the Palatine has not been
excavated, except for the area
nearest the Tiber. The residence of
Augustus (and Tiberius, and
Domitian), the Temple of Apollo and
temples of Victory and the Great
Mother are there. The exact location
on the Palatine of Romulus' home
and the Lupercal cave are unknown.
Baths of Diocletian The Baths of Diocletian, once
covering 32 acres, were the largest
public baths or thermae in ancient
Rome. Opened in 306 AD, the baths
were used for more than 200 years
and accommodated up to 3000
bathers. Besides baths and pools,
there were two libraries, a garden,
and an exedra, probably used as a
theater, where Piazza della
Repubblica is today. The baths were
richly decorated with marble,
sculptures, and floor mosaics.
At the foot of the Aventine hill
Baths of Carcalla
are the monumental ruins of
the Baths of Caracalla, used
from the Second to Sixth
century AD. Taking a bath was
a social event for the people of
ancient Rome and the huge
complex could hold up to 1600
bathers! Besides baths, they
held an array of facilities such
as a gym, art galleries,
gardens, and shops selling
food and drinks.
Trajan’s Market • Trajan's Market are now believed by
many to be administrative offices for
Emperor Trajan. The shops and
apartments were built in a multi-
level structure and you can visit
several of the levels. Highlights
inlcude delicate marble floors and
the remains of a library. The
new Museum of the Imperial
Forums houses a wealth of artifacts
from all of ancient Rome's forums.
Trajan's Market is at Via Quattro
Novembre 94, closed on Mondays.
It is known to be one of the most
Castel Sant’ Angelo
marvelous monuments over the
entire Rome. What’s more, it can
give you the most fantastic
panoramic views of Tiber.
Castel Sant’ Angelo has become
the haven of numerous popes, as
it contains a passageway going
to the Vatican, as well as Roman
emperors. This massive structure
also served as Roman fortress.
Catacombs are interesting
burial places in Italy and
some of the best are in Rome.
Mazes of underground tunnels
were used to bury thousands
of bodies and some of them
are open to the public for
tours. Here are the best places
to visit catacombs in Rome.
The Colosseum of Rome • The Colosseum, sometimes
spelled "Coliseum", was built
between 70 and 82 AD in the
heart of Rome. It was called
the Amphitheatrum Flavium or
Flavian Amphitheater because
it was built by the the Flavian
emperors, Vespasian and Titus.
Some say is was able to hold
87,000 spectators, but more
likely it was around 50,000,
still monumental for the time.
• The Roman army has 2 forms:
– Infantry (on foot)
– Cavalry (on horseback)
The Roman Legion
A roman legion consisted of about 5,000 foot-
soldiers. Before going to war, this legion was
divided into groups and called a century with 100
men was led by a commander called centurion.
Besides the weapon that they carry food for 3 days
and tools for making camps.
• The conquest of ancient Rome depended on its
well-trained army, a powerful fighting force
that marched across much of the known world
pushing out the Empire’s frontiers.
Great Leaders
Julian-Claudian Dynasty Julius Caesar – The Dictator
27 BC to AD 68 Augustus Caesar – “The first Roman
Tiberius - "The Emperor who trusted Sejanus
and lived in Capri" 
Caligula - "The Evil Emperor who proclaimed
himself a god" 
Claudius - "The bumbling Emperor who
married the infamous Messalina“
Nero - "The mad tyrant who blamed the
Christians for the burning of Rome"

Great Leaders
The Year of the Four Galba - "The old man the first in the Year of
Emperors 68 - 69 AD the four Emperors" 
Beginning of the Flavian Otho -  "The greedy ruler who lasted just three
Dynasty months“
Vitellius - "The man who killed his dissolute
Vespasian - "The Emperor who built the

Great Leaders
Flavian Dynasty 69AD - Vespasian 
96AD Titus -  "The Emperor who destroyed the temple in
Domitian - "The evil emperor who murdered
thousands of Christians"
List of Five Good Emperors Nerva -  "The first of the Five Good Emperors"
and the Nervan / Antonine Trajan - "The Emperor who left the legacy of
Dynasty Trajan's market and Column"
(96–192) Hadrian - "The Emperor who built Hadrian's Wall"
Antoninus Pius -  "The Excellent Emperor"
Marcus Aurelius  - "The Philosopher, last of the
Five Good Emperors"

Great Leaders
Antonine Dynasty Lucius Verus - ruled jointly with Marcus Aurelius
Commodus  - "More savage than Domitian, more
foul than Nero".
Year of the Five Emperors Pertinax - "The Emperor who was murdered by the
(192 - 193) Praetorian guard" 
Didius Julianus - "The man who paid to become
Pescennius Niger -  "The Black Emperor" 
Claudius Albinus -  "The Emperor who made a bad
Septimius Severus -  "Emperor who increased the
Praetorian Guards to 50,000" 

Great Leaders
Severan dynasty Septimius Severus
(193 - 235) Caracalla - "The common enemy of mankind." 
Geta "The hated brother of Caracalla..."
Macrinus - "The Praetorian guard who killed
Diadumenian (son of Macrinus) - "Boy-Caesar -
killed when he was 10 years old"
Elagabalus - "He married a Vestal Virgin and then
took a husband."
Alexander Severus - "He who revoked all former
edicts against the Christians"

Great Leaders
Crisis of the Third Century  Maximinus Thrax  - "The Thug." 
Year of the Six Emperors Gordian I - "The Octogenarian." 
(238) Gordian II - "Co-Emperor with his father“
Start of the Barracks Balbinus - "The Orator and Poet.“
Emperors Pupienus - "The Disciplinarian.“
(238 - 268) Gordian III - "Grandson Of Gordian I and Nephew Of
Gordian II" 
Barracks Emperors Philip the Arab "Philip and Severa - the first Christian
(238 - 268) imperial couple"   
Philip II - "The boy emperor who died in his mother's
Pacatian -  "The Usurper from Bulgaria.“
Jotapian  - "The Usurper from Syria.“
Trajan Decius - "One of the most cruel persecutors of
the Christians" 

Great Leaders
Barracks Emperors Herennius Etruscus - "Killed by a Goth's arrow"
(238 - 268) Hostilian - "The Emperor who died from the Plague“
Trebonianus Gallus -  "The Emperor, the Plague,
the Persians and the mutiny"  
Volusian - "The son who was raised to the position
of Joint Emperor"  
Aemilian - "Three months as Emperor, then death“
Valerian - "The Emperor who was skinned and
stuffed with manure"  
Gallienus - "Famine, Plague and the 'Thirty Tyrants"

Great Leaders
Gallic Emperors Salonina Augusta (Empress)
(260 - 273) Valerian II
Tetricus I
Tetricus II

Great Leaders
Illyrian Dynasty Claudius II (Gothicus) - "He fought the Goths, the
(268 - 285) Vandals and Traitors.”
Quintillus - "Champion of the Senate"
Aurelian  - "The illiterate military genius." 
Zenobia (Empress) - "The Warrior Queen."
Tacitus - "The Emperor who followed the
Florianus - "The Emperor who ruled for 88 days." 
Probus  - "The Emperor who believed that idle
hands make mischief." 
Carus - "The Frugal emperor."
Numerian - "The Emperor whose body was left to

Great Leaders
Illyrian Dynasty Carinus - "The debauched Emperor suspected of
(268 - 285) incest..."  
Nigrian - "Was this infant the product of incest?"
Julian of Pannonia - "The last usurper before the
Roman Empire was split."
Roman Empire split into the  Diocletian - "The Emperor who split the Roman
Western and Eastern Roman Empire..."   
Empire in 285AD Carausius - "The Usurper Emperor of the Britannic
Constantinian dynasty Allectus - "The second Usurper Emperor of the
(285 - 364) Britannic Empire."
Domitius Domitianus - "The Usurper Emperor of

Great Leaders
Roman Empire split into the  Constantius I - "The Emperor who recovered
Western and Eastern Roman Brittania."
Empire in 285AD Galerius - "Emperor who persecuted Christians and
then begged for their prayers"
Constantinian dynasty Severus II  - "The Emperor who was murdered at
(285 - 364) Tres Tabernae."
Maximinus - "Killed in Tarsus with his wife and
children ."
Maxentius (usurper)
Valerius Romulus
Domitius Alexander (usurper) - "The usurper
Emperor of Africa." 
Licinius I  - "The Emperor who fought against
Constantine the Great."

Great Leaders
Roman Empire split into the  Licinius II - "The Son of the Emperor who plotted
Western and Eastern Roman with the Goths."
Empire in 285AD Valerian Valens - "The Emperor whose death
formed part of a peace treaty."
Constantinian dynasty Sextus Martinianus - "Executed on orders from
(285 - 364) Constantine"
Constantine the Great - "The Christian Emperor
who united the Empire." 
Crispus - "The Caesar who was falsely accused of
Constantine II - "Killed  fighting over territory with
his brother."
Constans - "The Emperor who was put to death by
an ambitious soldier."

Great Leaders
Roman Empire split into Constantius II "The second and worst of the sons of
the  Constantine the Great"
Western and Eastern Delmatius 
Roman Empire in 285AD Hannibalianus
Constantinian dynasty Decentius (usurper) "The Usurper Emperor who hung
(285 - 364) himself."
Vetranio "The Emperor who was stripped of the purple." 
Nepotian "The Emperor who had his head paraded on a
Constantius Gallus "His pardon failed to reach the
Julian the Apostate "The Last non-Christian Roman
Jovian "The Emperor who re-established Christianity"

Great Leaders
Valentinian dynasty Valentinian I "The Emperor given to fits of rage."
(364 - 394) Valens "The Emperor who allowed the Goths to settle on
Roman territory."
Procopius (usurper) "The last of the Constantinian dynasty
Gratian "The Emperor who was deserted and murdered by
his soldiers."
Valentinian II "The Emperor who was strangled to death."
Theodosius I "The Emperor who resisted the Barbarians."
Magnus (usurper) "Was this Emperor the nephew of Old
King Cole?"
Flavius Victor "The Usurper whose mother was a Queen of
the Britons"
Eugenius "Executed by beheading"
Arcadius "The Emperor who hired Alaric the Goth"

Great Leaders
Emperors of the Western Honorius "The End of the Gladiators and the Sack of Rome" 
Empire Constantine III "The Usurper Emperor who was ordained a
(394 - 476) priest"
Constans II "The Usurper Emperor who was betrayed by his
Priscus Attalus "The Usurper Emperor who was banished." 
Jovinus "The Emperor who defeated at the siege of Valence"
Sebastianus "The Usurper Emperor whose head was sent to
the imperial court"
Constantius III "Emperor who retrieved the western empire
from disaster"   

Great Leaders
Emperors of the Western Ioannes "Captured, mutilated and killed in the Roman
Empire Circus."
(394 - 476) Theodosius II 
Valentinian III "The Vandals were coming and so was Attila
the Hun"
Marcian "The Emperor who refused to recognize the
emperors of the West"   
Petronius Maximus "The Assassin Emperor"
Avitus "The Emperor who was backed by the Visigoths" 
Leo I "Known as 'the great Thracian' by friends, 'the Butcher'
by his enemies”
Majorian "The Emperor who gained victories over the
Franks & Vandals" 
Libius Severus "The Puppet Emperor who was probably

Great Leaders


Emperors of the Anthemius "The Emperor who believed that he
Western Empire was a victim of sorcery”
(394 - 476) Olybrius "Pawn of Ricimer, who died of dropsy"
Glycerius "The Exiled Emperor"
Julius Nepos "The Emperor who was killed by the
man he had deposed"
Romulus Augustus "The Last Roman Emperor"

Contributions to
the Society
• Christianity • Piano, Violin, Cello • Literature
• Rights of Women • Screws • Classical music
• Architecture • Columns • Wine
• Art • Shampoo • Roman Numerals
• Political System • Public pool/bath • Census
• Military Force • Sewer system • Aqueduct
• Latin • Modern wedding
• Optical lasses tradition
• Mechanical clock • Concrete
• Barometer and • Pizza
Thermometer • Modern calendar

• That roman emperors did not wear crowns like
kings. Instead, they wore laurel wreaths on
their heads. These had once been given to
generals to celebrate victories in battles.



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