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(also known as globe-riding, sphereing, orbing) is sport of rolling downhill inside an orb ,that made
of transparent plastic and elastic of good quality. Zorbing is generally performed on a gentle slope but can also
be done on a flat surface. Due to the buoyant nature of the orbs, Zorbing can also be carried out on water,
provided the orb is inflated properly and sealed once the rider is inside.Zorbing involves people getting in a
plastic ball, a kind of human hamster wheel, and propelling it forward by running or walking.
Zorbing History
The activity started in the 1980s. Taking a cue from the plastic hamster balls that had been around for
years, the Dangerous Sports Club of England created a plastic ball that could do the same for humans. It
included two chairs inside. It eventually was scrapped.However, in New Zealand, friends Dwane van der
Sluis and Andrew Akers later invented a plastic ball that humans could stand in, much like a hamster
ball. The pair called the invention a zorb.

The idea was to roll down a gentle slope inside the ball, running to keep balance as the ball increased in
speed. Zorb balls also became adapted to water. If sealed properly, people can engage in “water walking”
inside a zorb ball. It has become particularly popular in England.
A zorb ball features one ball inside of another, with a layer of compressed air between them that absorbs the
shocks experienced by running a zorb ball over land.The zorb now has evolved into an obstacle course game,
such as the one offered by Fun Crew USA.
Zorbing Risk
Although the cushioning design of the orbs prevents many serious injuries, light injuries such as bruises
and grazes can often be sustained by colliding with objects or tripping whilst the orb is rolling down an
incline. Even though severe injury is rare, there have been cases of children passing out due to lack of air
and even some deaths. The pregnant women, the heart disease, the high blood pressure among the
elderly is not suitable for this activity. According to experts, space ball does good to people’s heart and
lung function. Rotating sphere, people need to continue to overcome the force of gravity, causing the
body is of weightlessness at any time.
transparent plastic and elastic ors

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