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Structure of the MPA thesis

Prof. Tek Nath Dhakal

Head, Central Department of Public Administration,
Tribhuvan University, Nepal,
What is research problem?
• Title page
• Approval Sheet
• Recommendation of the Supervisor
• Declaration
• Abstract
• Acknowledgement
• Table of content
• List of tables/graff
• Acronyms & Abbreviation
Main text

• Chapter 1: Introduction
– Background of the study
– Statement of the problem
– Research questions
– Research objective
– Scope of the study
– Limitation of the study
– Chapter plan
Components of a research
• Chapter 2: Literature review and
Theoretical framework
– Discussion of different theories – relevant to the
research question/objective
– Discussion of earlier research work related to this
research issue/objective
– Theoretical framework – conceptual
framework/analytical framework
Analytical framework
Should explain the variables – dependent vs.
Independent variable Dependent variable
Age Student absenteeism
Gender at MPA/PAC
Main text

• Chapter 3: Research methodology

– Research design
– Source of Information - Primary & Secondary data
– Population and sampling
– Methods of data collections - instruments
– Method of data analysis
– Validity and Reliability
Techniques contd…

• Chapter 4: Data Analysis and Presentation

- Analysis on the basis of question/issue
- Give sub-heading – introductory/sentences
- Table No. & Title of the Table
- Major findings and Discussion
Techniques contd…
Chapter 5: Summary and Conclusion
- Summary
- Conclusion
- Suggestion for further research
Useful tips for selecting Research Problem

• Bibliography or Reference to be followed

APA (American Psychological Association)
referencing system.

• Annex like: Questionnaire, some large

tables, important documents, etc.
Thank You

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