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ECEg - 4182

Dr. T.R.SRINIVASAN, B.E., M.E., Ph.D.,
Assistant Professor,
Faculty of Electrical and Computer Engineering,
Jimma Institute of Technology,
Jimma University,
Jimma, Ethiopia

General Semantics of Calls and Returns
• Subprogram call and return operations are together called
subprogram linkage
• The implementation of subprograms must be based on the
semantics of the subprogram linkage
• Actions associated with a subprogram call
• Call process must include the implementation of whatever parameter-
passing method is used
• If local variables are not static, the call process must allocate storage
for the locals and bind those variables to that storage
• It must save the execution status of the calling program unit
• The execution status is everything needed to resume execution of the
calling program unit which includes register values, CPU status bits, and the
environment pointer (EP) is used to access parameters and local variables
during the execution of a subprogram
• The calling process also must arrange to transfer control to the code of
the subprogram and ensure that control can return to the proper place
when the subprogram execution is completed
• If the language supports nested subprograms, the call process must
create some mechanism to provide access to nonlocal variables that
are visible to the called subprogram.
• Required actions of a subprogram return
• less complicated than those of a call
• If the subprogram has parameters that are
out mode or in-out mode and are
implemented by copy
• The first action of the return process is to move
the local values of the associated formal
parameters to the actual parameters
• Next, it must de-allocate the storage used for
local variables and restore the execution status of
the calling program unit
• Finally, control must be returned to the calling
program unit

Implementing Subprograms
• The semantics of a call to subprogram requires the following actions:
• Save the execution status of the current program unit
• Compute and pass the parameters
• Pass the return address to the called
• Transfer control to the called
• Semantics of a return from a subprogram requires the following actions:
• If there are pass-by-value-result or out-mode parameters, the current values of
those parameters are moved to or made available to the corresponding actual
• If the subprogram is a function, the functional value is moved to a place
accessible to the caller
• The execution status of the caller is restored
• Control is transferred back to the caller
• The call and return actions require storage for the following:
• Status information about the caller
• Parameters
• Return address
• Return value for functions
• Temporaries used by the code of the subprograms
• simple subprogram consists of two separate parts:
• the actual code of the subprogram, which is constant,
• the local variables and data which can change when the
subprogram is executed
• Both of these parts have fixed sizes
• The format, or layout, of the non-code part of a subprogram is
called an activation record, because the data it describes
are relevant only during the activation, or execution of the
• The form of an activation record is static

Activation record for simple subprograms 5

The code and activation records of a
program with simple subprograms

Implementing Subprograms with
Stack-Dynamic Local Variables
• More Complex Activation Records
• Languages with stack-dynamic local variables,
activation record instances must be created
• Typical activation record for such a language is
shown below

• Format of an activation record for a given
subprogram in most languages is known at compile
• The size is known for activation records because all
local data are of a fixed size
• In certain cases, the format is static, but the size can
be dynamic
• In languages with stack-dynamic local variables,
activation record instances must be created
• The return address, dynamic link, and parameters are
placed in the activation record instance by the caller,
these entries must appear first
• Return address usually consists of a pointer to the
instruction following the call in the code segment of
the calling program unit 8
• We have now several new actions in the linkage process
• The caller actions are as follows:
• Create an activation record instance
• Save the execution status of the current program unit
• Compute and pass the parameters
• Pass the return address to the called
• Transfer control to the called
• The prologue actions of the called are as follows:
• Save the old EP in the stack as the dynamic link and create the new
• Allocate local variables
• The epilogue actions of the called are as follows:
• If there are pass-by-value-result or out-mode parameters, the current
values of those parameters are moved to the corresponding actual
• If the subprogram is a function, the functional value is moved to a
place accessible to the caller
• Restore the stack pointer by setting it to the value of the current EP
minus one and set the EP to the old dynamic link
• Restore the execution status of the caller. 9
• Transfer control back to the caller
Example Without Recursion
Consider the following C program

void main() {
float p;
. . .
. . .
The sequence of function calls
in this program is
main calls fun1
fun1 calls fun2
fun2 calls fun3

stack contents of the previous slide for
the points labeled 1, 2, and 3 are shown


The activation record

for factorial

Stack contents at position 1 in factorial


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