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EOR Methods

Dr. Tibor Bódi

University of Miskolc
Petroleum and Natural Gas Institute
EOR Methods
Instructor: Dr. Tibor Bódi
25-39 Ext.

Office Hours: Tuesday & Wednesday 08:00 – 10:00

Reference: József Pápay: Development of Petroleum Reservoirs,

Part III Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest 2003.

Handouts will also be distributed

EOR Methods

Course Description: The course starts with an introduction the

natural driving mechanism acting in hydrocarbon reservoirs. The
course will introduce the most frequent used secondary recovery
procedures (immiscible water and gas displacement). The course will
give a general overview of tertiary (Enhanced oil and gas recovery
EOR, EGR) procedures. The course will prepare the students for
design and operate EOR/EGR production processes of hydrocarbon
reservoirs and perform the production forecast calculation.
EOR Methods
Topics covered: The general description of different natural driving
procedure. The course will introduce the solution gas drive or
depletion drive, the natural water drive, the gas-cap drive, compaction
and liquid expansion drive, and gravitational segregation drive. The
course will introduce the secondary recovery procedures immiscible
water drive and immiscible gas drive. The course will introduce the
basic theory of the different enhanced oil recovery and enhanced gas
or gas-condensate recovery procedures. The topic will cover the
different water and gas displacement calculation method. The
theoretical basement of recovery factor increasing methods also will be
introduced. The topic also covers miscible gas displacement procedures
(including CO2 injection), the thermal recovery methods, the polymer
and micellar (tenside) flooding. The topic also includes screening
procedure of EOR methods, and the calculation methods that can be
used for panning and forecasting the different type EOR Procedures.
EOR Methods

The course will include the following modules:

 Methods for increasing the recovery factor

 Enhanced oil recovery processes (EOR)

 Miscible gas injection
 Thermal EOR methods
 Hot water and steam injection
 In situ combustion
EOR Methods
The course will include the following modules:
 Chemical flooding
 Polymer flooding
 Micellar flooding
 EOR screening
 Enhanced gas recovery methods (EGR)
 Enhanced gas recovery of conventional gas reservoirs
 Improvement of the gas recovery
 Improvement of the gas-condensate recovery
 Additional gas-condensate (and gas) recovery
EOR Methods

Pre-requisite Courses:
Reservoir Engineering Fundamentals
Class Attendance: We expect students to come to all
classes, attendance records will be taken and significant
absences reported to university management.
5% of the total course score will be deducted for students
with more than four unexcused absences; in addition, no
make up will be allowed of any quiz or exam taking place
during an unexcused absence.
Note: Students must bring their scientific calculators for
quizzes and tests.
EOR Methods

Getting Help: Every effort will be made to help you master

the course material, and the instructor is usually available
during the office hours shown above, both for this purpose
and to discuss more general course choice issues etc.
Grades: Grades will be assigned on an absolute basis
(criterion-based grading) using the weighting formula
Final mark Grade
91% or above 5, excellent
81% to 90% 4, good
71% to 80% 3, satisfactory
60 to 70% 2, pass
Below 60% 1, fail
EOR Methods

Final mark Grade

91% or above 5, excellent
81% to 90% 4, good
71% to 80% 3, satisfactory
60 to 70% 2, pass
Below 60% 1, fail

Grade Weighting:
Attendance 5%
Short Quizzes 35 %
Final Exam 60 %
Total 100 %
EOR Methods

Quizzes: Quizzes (approx. 30-45 mins) will be given at the

end of course sections to provide motivation for keeping up
to date with the course material and to identify problems in
grasping new concepts. Quizzes will cover material
discussed in the previous lectures, homework assignments
and can be both open and closed book.
EOR Methods

Examinations: The major examinations will generally be

closed book but may include open book segments. The final
examination will cover all of the material in the course.

Class Ethics: The Petroleum Engineering Department

enforces a zero-tolerance and maximum-penalty policy on
academic dishonesty. Any and every student attempting or
committing any form of academic dishonesty will be subject
to the maximum sanctions permitted by university rules.
Natural Production Mechanism
Natural Production Mechanism
– Solution Gas drive
– Gas Cap Drive
– Natural Water Influx
– Compaction drive
– Liquid Expansion Drive
– Gravity Drainage
Natural Production Mechanism
The recovery of oil or gas by natural production
mechanisms is called „Primary recovery”
The term refer to production of hydrocarbons from a
reservoir without the use of any process (such as fluid
injection) to supplement the natural energy of the
– Solution Gas drive
– Gas Cap Drive
– Natural Water Influx
– Compaction drive
– Liquid Expansion Drive
– Gravity Drainage
Natural Production Mechanism
Solution Gas drive

Recovery factor
5% - 25%

Factors give the favorable condition: Low density (high oAPI

gravity); Low oil viscosity; High Solution gas-oil ratio;
Homogenous formation
Natural Production Mechanism
Gas Cap Drive

Recovery factor
20% - 40%
(in special case 60%)

Factors give the favorable condition: Large gas cap; High permeability;
Low oil viscosity; Homogenous formation
Natural Production Mechanism
Natural Water Influx
Recovery factor
 Bottom water drive 35% - 55%
(in special case 75%)
 Edge water drive

Factors give the favorable condition:

Large aquifer; Strong water influx; High vertical permeability; Low
oil viscosity; Homogenous formation;

Strong water influx will reduce the recovery from gas reservoir
Natural Production Mechanism
Natural Water Influx

Bottom water drive

Edge warder drive

Natural Production Mechanism
Natural Water Influx

Energy supplied Energy supplied

by water expansion by surface water
Natural Production Mechanism
Compaction drive
Result of pore volume reduction caused by reservoir
pressure decrease
The compaction drive is significant in the oil reservoir
only if the formation compressibility is high (poorly
consolidated shallow reservoirs)

Liquid expansion drive

Effective of early stage of production in under-
saturated reservoir, before other driving mechanisms
start to act
Responsible for production of less then 1% of the
reservoir pore volume
Natural Production Mechanism
Gravity Drainage Recovery factor
Unfavorable condition
(in special case 75%)

Factors give the favorable

condition: Steeply dipping
beds; High vertical
permeability; Low oil
1.9287 103 k o A
qo 
 o Bo

0.433    o   g  sin  

   
q o m 3 / d , k o  mD,  o  cP, A m 2
Recovery Factor of Oil and Gas Reservoirs

At EOR procedures different fluids (gas, vapor or liquid)

are injected into the oil reservoir through injection wells to
displace the oil from the pore volume.

- The EOR can start immediately after the discovery and

development of hydrocarbon reservoir,
- or after depletion of oil field that were produced with
natural driving procedures

The today technology needs to introduce the EOR methods

as earlier stage of production life of oil reservoir as possible.
Except the EOR procedure is uneconomical.
Recovery Factor of Oil and Gas Reservoirs
The recovery factor is a basic parameter describing the
efficiency of production.
The recovery factor is the ratio of recovered and initial oil and
gas in place:

ER - oil and gas recovery factor respectively [-]

Np ; G p - cumulative oil and gas production [m3]
N - initial oil in place [m3]
G - initial gas in place [m3]
Recovery Factor of Oil and Gas Reservoirs
The partial efficiencies are:
Evol - volumetric-,
ED - displacement-,
EA - areal-,
EV - vertical-,
E D* - displacement efficiency for mobile
EM - possible maximum, or mobilization
efficiency, towards the recovery
factor convergences.
Recovery Factor of Oil and Gas Reservoirs
Recovery Factor of Oil and Gas Reservoirs
Recovery Factor of Oil and Gas Reservoirs

Can also be written in the following form:

Recovery Factor of Oil and Gas Reservoirs
The numerical identity of the definition of the two vertical
efficiencies can be seen from the following relation:

h - thickness of the layer [m]

L - well spacing [m]
z; (z) - height (average) of the displacing agent [m]
I - distance [m]
Recovery Factor of Oil and Gas Reservoirs
If the pressure is constant, the displacement efficiency can
also be expressed by the saturation
Recovery Factor of Oil and Gas Reservoirs
If the pressure is constant
(KLINS M. A., 1984)


Si - initial saturation [-]-

- average saturation [-]
Sr - residual oil or residual gas saturation [-]
Recovery Factor of Oil and Gas Reservoirs
If the pressure changes during the recovery, the formation
volume factor has to be taken into account when calculating
the displacement efficiency

Bi - formation volume factor of oil or gas at initial pressure [m3/m3],
B - formation volume factor of oil or gas at actual pressure
(e.g. abandonment pressure) [m3/m3].
The pressure is usually constant when using analytical methods or even
in laboratory experiments. The recovery factor can be written in another
Areal Sweep Efficiency Well-pattern
Areal Sweep Efficiency Well-pattern
Areal Sweep Efficiency Well-pattern
Areal Sweep Efficiency Well-pattern
Determination of Areal Sweep Efficiency

krw, kro - relative permeability of water and oil , respectively, at the

average saturation of the water and initial saturation of
the oil (Soi). that is krw = krw( Sw ), kro = kro(Soi),
w, o - viscosity of the water and oil.
The areal efficiency usually is given as a function of mobility ratio
(M), the water cut (fw) and the floodable pore volume of the injected

Vi - volume of injected fluid at reservoir condition,

VD - displaceable pore volume.
Vp - pore volume,
Sor - residual oil saturation
Determination of Areal Sweep Efficiency
Determination of Areal Sweep Efficiency
Determination of Areal Sweep Efficiency
Determination of Areal Sweep Efficiency
Determination of Areal Sweep Efficiency

Five-spot System
Determination of Areal Sweep Efficiency

Line-drive System
Determination of Areal Sweep Efficiency

FASSIHI M. R. (1986) developed a correlation equation for the linear

and five-spot well-pattern
Determination of injection rate (M=1)

R = ratio of producing rate of corner well to side well,

(p)i.c = pressure difference between injection well and corner well,
(p) i.s = pressure difference between injection well and side well.
Units in these equations are: bbl/day, D, ft, psi, and cP.
Determination of injection rate (M=1)

R = ratio of producing rate of corner well to side well,

(p)i.c = pressure difference between injection well and corner well,
(p) i.s = pressure difference between injection well and side well.
Units in these equations are: bbl/day, D, ft, psi, and cP.
Determination of injection rate (M=1)

R = ratio of producing rate of corner well to side well,

(p)i.c = pressure difference between injection well and corner well,
(p) i.s = pressure difference between injection well and side well.
Units in these equations are: bbl/day, D, ft, psi, and cP.
Recovery Factor of Oil and Gas Reservoirs

If ED=EA=EV=0.7 then ER=0.343,

If any value of them is only 0.5 then ER=0.245
This is 10 % less than the earlier recovery factor
If the O.O.I.P = 10*106 m3 this change results
100 *103 m3 oil losses in O.O.I.P.

The best recovery factor can be reached if all partial

efficiency are increase simultaneously.

If ED=0.7, but EA=0.8 and EV=0.8 , then ER=0.448

This results 10 % increment in the recovery factor so
the O.O.I.P. will increase with 100 *103 m3
Recovery Factor of Oil and Gas Reservoirs

kihozatali tényező, ER

0,6 0,7
0,0 0,1 0,2 0,3 0,4 0,5 0,6 0,7 0,8 0,9 1,0
kiszorítási hatásfok, ED
Recovery Factor of Oil and Gas Reservoirs
Recovery Factor of Oil and Gas Reservoirs
Surface- and Interfacial Tension
Surface- and Interfacial Tension

F   2l

L  E
L  F  s   2 l s
L  E  A
E L
 
A A 2
p 

A T   so   sw   wo cos  wo

so - interfacial tension between the rock and the lighter fluid (oil),
wo - interfacial tension between the two fluids,
sw - interfacial tension between the rock and the water,
 - angle of wetting measured always in the denser phase.
Vosp Vwsp
I  w  o  
Vot Vwt
Vosp - volume of water, displaced by the spontaneous imbibition of oil,
Vot - the total volume of water, displaced by spontaneous imbibition of
oil and centrifuge (until irreducible water saturation is reached),
Vwsp - the volume of the oil. displaced by the spontaneous imbibition of
Vwt - the total volume of oil. displaced by the spontaneous imbibition
of water and centrifuge (until residual oil saturation is reached).
W  log
A1 - area under the capillary curve of oil displacement,
A2 - area under the capillary curve of water displacement
Vosp Vwsp
I  w  o  
Vot Vot

W  log


Absolute water-wet Strongly water-wet

Intermedier (neutral) Strongly oil-wet

Absolute oil-wet
Krüss G10 computer controlled contact angle measuring device

Young-Laplace (drop fitting) method: the drop contour can be

mathematically described by adapting the Young-Laplace equation
for curved boundary areas. The contact angle is determined as the
slope of the contour line at the three-phase contact point.
Wettability (Spontaneous Immibition)

Semiautomatic apparatus for imbibition tests

Fu  2 r   wo cos  wo
2  wo cos  wo
h( w   0 ) g 
Fd  r 2   h (  w   0 ) g r
p o  p*  h og p w  p*  h w g p c  p o  p w  h ( w   o ) g
2 ow cos  ow
pc 

 1 1 
Pc     
 R1 R 2 

1  1 1  2 cos  wo h (  w   0 )
     
R  R1 R 2  r 

Pc k
J (S w ) 
 12 

Pc k
J (S w ) 
 12 cos  
Residual Oil Saturation
Si  S S i  Sr
ED  E  EM
D E 
D EM 
S i  Sr Si

2  cos 
pB  pA 
Residual Oil Saturation
Residual Oil Saturation

Moore. T. F.
Slobod R. L.
Residual Oil Saturation

Wardlaw N. C.
Correlation Relationships
 The residual saturation of the non-wetting fluids independent of the
viscosity and the displacement velocity
 No correlation relationship between the residual oil saturation and
the permeability
 There is a week relationship betweenen the residual oil saturation
and the porosity
Correlation Relationships
Residual oil saturation-wettability (Donaldson at all (1969)
E R  0 .471  0 .170 W  0 .130k  0 .158 log  o
ER - recovery factor on the injection of one pore volume of water
W - USBM wcttabiliry index ,
k - permeabi lity [D]
o - oil viscosity [cP] 1 1
Residual oil saturation-interfacial tension  p  2  cos   
(Jamin)  r1 r2 
p - pressure difference necessary to push an oil droplet through a
pore neck [Pa]
- interfacial tension of the immiscible fluids [N/m]
r1 - radius of the oil droplet far from the pore neck [m]
r2 - radius of the oil droplet before the pore neck [m]
- wettability angle (grad)
Residual saturation-porosity (Katz D. L. at all. 1966)

S or vagy S g r  0 . 62  1 . 29  for water-wet rocks

Correlation Relationships
Capillary number (Moore T.F. Slobod R. L. 1956)
Viscous force v

Capillary force  ow cos 
v - effective flow velocity ( u ) [m/s],
(Melrose J.
u - DARCY velocity [m/s],
Bradner C. F. 1974)
 - porosity
v w - viscosity of water [mPas], [cP],
Nc  ow - interfacial tension [mN/m), [dyne/em]
 ow
 - wetting angle [grad].
0 .4
v  w 
Nc    (Abrams A.
 S oi  S or   ow cos    o  1975 )
0 .4
v  w  V v
Nc     V
 S oi  S or   ow cos    o   ow cos   S oi  S or 
Correlation Relationships

Filtration velosity
 S oi  S or 

0 .4
v  w  V
Nc    
 S oi  S or   ow cos    o   ow cos 
Correlation Relationships
Residual saturation for three phases
Relationships between the initial and trapped gas saturation of water
flooding for preferentially water wet and oil wet rock (Craig Jr. F. F.)

S gt   0 .8291  S g2 i  0 .857  S g i Trapped (preferentially

water and oil wet rock)
 S or   1 .8297  S gt2  0 .857  S gt Reduction of residual oil
0  S g i  0 .3 Sgi - init ial gas saturation
Sgt - trapped gas saturation
0  S g t  0 .2 Sor - reducing residual oil saturation
CRAIG JR. F. F. (197 1) has come to the conclusion that in oil-wet rock the
residual oil saturation is not decreased by the gas saturation using water flooding.
In this case only the mobility of water which is decreased and so the water cut is
decreased (a similar effect is takes place with the displacement by polymers). This
statement follows from the fact that the wetting oil is located on the wall of the
rock and the gas is located inside the pore reducing the cross section of the pore
channel for the water filtration. Consequently, the water effective permeability is
Correlation Relationships
The value of interfacial forces wg, og, ow and its relation to each
other determine the property of crude oil, i.e. whether it spread s or
not. Moreover it determines whether the oil is forming a continuous
phase or not.
S   wg    o g   o w 
S > 0 the oil spreads on the water forming continuous phase. This
render it possible for the oil to flow at even very low oil saturation
S < 0 no continuous oil film is formed the flow becomes more difficult
and the oil recovery will be harmfully influenced

The distribution coefficient at water wet rock has great influence on

the oil recovery factor , but there is no effect on the recovery factor
in case of oil wet rock.

The oil recovery factor in case of water wet rock is greater than the
oil wet rock
Driving Mechanism of Enchanced
Recovery Processes
The main types of EOR processes are: gaseous miscible, thermal and
chemical flooding methods.

Usually light oil is displaced with high pressure gas or a gas component
in the gaseous miscible process, where miscibility is achieved.
The injected phase or phases have to be less valuable than the displaced
crude oil, because the total volume of the displacing agent cannot be
recovered: it occupies a part of the pore volume and is left behind.

During the thermal processes the mobility conditions (viscosity

reduction) are improved. The heat is generated on the surface or in the
reservoir itself. Because of the higher temperature of the steam injection
and the in situ combustion, the light components of the oil evaporate and
this might result in miscible displacement too. The latter reduces the
residual oil saturation.
Driving Mechanism of Enchanced
Recovery Processes
The types of chemical processes are: displacement with polymer
solutions, micellar/polymer solutions and caustic solutions.

The polymer increases the viscosity of the displacing water in low

concentration and reduces the permeability of the permeable zones
and so makes more uniform the heterogeneous reservoir from a
permeability point of view. This increases the volumetric efficiency of
the "improved water". The ultimate oil recovery cannot be increased
by polymer flooding; only the water cut can be reduced, and thus, the
economic parameters of the recovery may be improved.

In the micellar polymer method the surfactants, which are injected

from the surface, result in a miscible displacement. The micellar slug
(miscible displacement) is followed by a protective polymer slug in
order to protect the micellar solution from the disperse effect of the
water following the slug.
Driving Mechanism of Enchanced
Recovery Processes
In a case in which a caustic solution is injected, the oil-wet rock is
converted into water-wet, and surfactants are formed in situ in the
reservoir. This affects the interfacial tension and increases the recovery
Enhanced gas recovery methods (EGR)
Gas recovery methods can be classified according to the
hydrodynamic system of the reservoir and the condensate content.
The recovery process may increase the recovery of the natural gas,
the gas-condensate or both.

The recovery of gas may be increased by a high rate of gas

production, water production and water injection, respectively.
The recovery of gas-condensate may be increased by gas recirculation
(and/or water injection). On the other hand, it could be increased
with a combination of these methods, depending on the
hydrodynamic system of the reservoir.

The simultaneous increase of gas-condensate recovery and natural

gas can be reached by the injection of inert gas (and/or water
Driving Mechanism of Enchanced
Recovery Processes
Enhanced gas recovery methods (EGR)
Analysis of EPR Methods Technology on
the Basis of Fractional Flow Theory
With regard to the displacement mechanism and process realization, the
most complicated and sophisticated methods are the EPR (Enhanced
Petroleum Recovery) technologies. Due to the complexity and the high
cost of these types of technology the related laboratory measurements,
reservoir engineering analysis and a pilot test to reduce the risk are the
basic requirements before a field scale application. Whether a field-scale
application will be applied or not depends on the results of the pilot test
Preparing a pilot test is usually takes place with the help of laboratory
measurements, correlation functions (generally developed using
numerical models) and by considering the practical results respect to
worldwide application if possible. To understand the displacement
mechanism of the EOR and EGR that is EPR processes, and to use the
sophisticated mathematical model properly, the filtration laws, which
influence the additional oil and gas production, have to be analyzed.
This usually takes place alongside the analysis of the one-dimensional
displacement process.
Analysis of EPR Methods Technology on
the Basis of Fractional Flow Theory
Fractional flow without dispersion
„Stretching principle", as WELGE H. J., at all. (1961).
The essence of this stretching principle is as follows: the displacing front
immediately forms when injection starts. Different saturation values
travel with different velocities and due to this the displacement front
stretches as a function of time
Analysis of EPR Methods Technology on
the Basis of Fractional Flow Theory

dxf - distance of the movement of the shock having saturation

Sw1 during time dt, [m]
Swl - saturation immediately behind the shock, [-]
Sw2 - saturation immediately before the shock , [-]
A - cross section which is perpendicular to filtration, [m2]
qw1 - rate of the displacing fluid behind the shock, [m3/day]
qw2 - rate of the displacing fluid before the shock, [m3/day]
 - porosity
dt - time (element), [d]

uw - velocity of displacing fluid, [m/day]

ut - total velocity of displacing and displaced fluids , [m/day]
fw - fraction of water or displacement fluid, [-]
Analysis of EPR Methods Technology on
the Basis of Fractional Flow Theory

fw1 - water fraction at the front of the stream

fw2 - water fraction before the front in the stream

Welge H. J. (1952)

If Sw2 = Swc and fw2 = 0

Saturations which are larger than the front saturation (S w > Swf) travel
at smaller velocities due to angles of tangents which become smaller and
smaller as the saturation increases.
Fractional Flow Without Dispersion
Both laboratory measurements and field experiments have demonstrated
(JONES M. A., 1966) that irreducible water is completely displaced by
injected water and the displacing water replaces it. This displacement is a
miscible one.
Fractional Flow Without Dispersion

If the dispersion between the

displacing and displaced fluid is
disregarded, then the velocity of
injected water is proportional
with angle (1) of the tangent
and is drawn from the origin
(0,0) to the fractional curve of
the oil-water

The angle (2) of the tangent is drawn from point (Swc, 0) is larger than
1. Therefore the velocity of the displaced irreducible water is higher
than that of injected water . S*wf means the water saturation at leading
edge of injected water (or trailing edge saturation of displaced connate
water); Swf means leading edge of displaced connate water
Displacament of Connate Water
Displacament of Connate Water

Willhite G. P. (1986)

Polymer Flood
It is assumed that the polymer dissolves only in water and its
adsorption by the rock takes place instantaneously. According to the
discussed mathematical model the concentration of the polymer
solution is always constant. Consequently, the volume of the polymer
slug decreases continuously due to adsorption, as the slug progresses
through the rock.

In other words: the volume of water ahead of polymer slug is

increasing continuously until the water breakthrough. This water
consists of irreducible water and polymer-free water due to
Polymer Flood

 - porosity, [-]
Sw - water saturation, [-]
C - polymer concentration in the injected water, [g/cm3]
t - time, [s]
r - density of rock, [g/cm3]
Ai - quantity of adsorbed polymer by 1 g rock, [g/g]
q - rate of the injected polymer solvent, [cm3/s]
A - cross section, perpendicular to the direction of flow, [cm2]
fw - water fraction of the stream [-],
x - distance, [cm]
Cs [g/cm3] - the quantity of adsorbed polymer by 1 cm3 pore volume
Polymer Flood
Determine the additional oil recovery by polymer flooding

Patton. T., Coats K. H. and

Colegrove G. T. (1971).

After differentiation

Introducing the retardation coefficient Di=dCs/dC

The value of Di is constant because it is assumed that the polymer

concentration instantly reaches the injection concentration (C) from
0 value

The velocity of given concentration

Polymer Flood
Assume Swi = Swc

The polymer solvent completely displaces the connate water, the

volume of which is increasing continuously due to its accumulation
and polymer adsorption.
During the displacement two shocks are usually formed: oil is
isplaced with low viscosity water and the saturation of this is Sw2, and
water fraction is fw2 (first shock).
After this the polymer water displaces the oil and water bank, which
is ahead of it. Saturation in front of the polymer solvent bank is Sw3
and the water fraction (with the polymer) is fw3.
Polymer Flood
The process presented in is based on the model of Pppe G. A. (1980 )
Polymer Flood
It is assumed that, at the time of the injection, the front forms
immediately with two shock waves;

The velocity of the zone of

constant saturation (Sw2) is
as follows

The velocity of the polymer (with

a given concentracion) if Di=Dp
Polymer Flood
It is assumed that, at the time of the injection, the front forms
immediately with two shock waves;

The velocity of the second

front is calculated on the
principle of Rankine-

The velocity of the second

front is calculated using
Buckley-Leverett equation
Polymer Flood
Given that the velocities are the same
Polymer Flood
During the calculation of the polymer flooding, it can be assumed that
the polymer injection is a continuous one, opposite to the slug injection.
This approach can be accepted due to the polymer displacement
mechanism: because of the polymer adsorption on the rock surface, the
mobility reduction related to the water is constant, regardless of how
the polymer is injected (i.e. in the form of a slug or continuously).

This calculation process has been modified by LAKE L. W. (1989), who

took into consideration the fact that a fraction of the pore volume is
inaccessible for polymer (Vipv) . The velocity of the polymer solvent, if
Vipv is taken into consideration

Vipv - inaccessible pore volume for the polymer solvent referring to the
pore volume, which should be flooded, in the fraction [-].
Polymer Flood
Considering the breakthrough time, the effect of Dp and Vipv is the
opposite. The adsorption holds up the polymer breakthrough, while Vipv
helps it. Cumulative oil production (Np) is calculated using the change of
saturation as a function of time:

X - length of the linear reservoir, [m]

A - cross section perpendicular to the direction of filtration flow, [m ],
- actual average water saturation, [-],  - porosity, [-],
Swi - initial water saturation, [-], Bo - oil volume factor, [-],
Polymer Flood
Green D. W. and Willhite G. P. (1998) verified that three fronts
could exist

It assumed here that the retardation coefficient is D p1 (straight line 1 ) or

Dp2 (straight line 2), depending on the type of rock. In these example two
types of rocks are assumed.
Polymer Flood
In the case of system 1 (or straight line 1) the tangent is drawn from
point (-Dp1, 0) to the fractional curve of the oil-polymer solvent (f *w),
(tangent point is 3), and its intersection with the fractional curve of the
oil-water is marked by II.
Point II is located above point 1; this is the tangent point of that
tangent which is drawn from point (Swc, 0). In this case (rock type 1) the
saturation distribution is
Polymer Flood
Green D. W. and Willhite G. P. (1998) verified that three fronts
could exist

It assumed here that the retardation coefficient is D p1 (straight line 1 ) or

Dp2 (straight line 2), depending on the type of rock. In these example two
types of rocks are assumed.
Polymer Flood
In the case of system 2 (or straight line 2) only two front forms have a
Dp2 retardation coefficient (rock type 2). The intersection of tangent 2 to
the polymer solvent oil fractional curve (tangent point 2) and water-oil
fractional curve is marked I. Point 1 is located above point I.
So the water saturation of the water slug, consisting of connate water,
is higher than the water saturation of the oil bank, which follows it.
The "oil bank" makes this "water bank" oily and this results the
disappearance of this front and finally the two fronts remain.

Swi>Swc ???
Low Interfacial Tension Flood
In the same way as the polymer flood demonstrated by Pope G. A. (1980) a
modell for the low interfacial tension flood (microemulsion, micellar, etc.) .
The difference between the two models is only the fractional curve due
residual oil saturation. At micellar flood Sorw > Sorc, opposite to polymer
flood where, the residual oil saturation of the water flood and the polymer
solvent flood is the same.
The retardation coefficient which determines the adsorption of the
sulphonate on the rock surface is Di = Ds The displacement fronts are
shown in two cases• depending on whether the recovery process is
secondary or tertiary.
Low Interfacial Tension Flood
In the case of tertiary recovery, the water production precedes the oil
production. The water saturation of the oil bank is Sw2 and the water
fraction is fw2; these are constant. After completing the oil bank
production, a small quantity of oil is produced. This is calculated using
the B-L-W method and the fractional curve of the low interfacial tension
Low Interfacial Tension Flood
Low Interfacial Tension Flood
Low Interfacial Tension Flood
Low Interfacial Tension Flood

If the micellar slug is displaced with a mobility-regulating polymer

slug, the calculation is similar to a modified micellar solvent-oil
fractional curve. The fractional curve is calculated with the polymer
viscosity and the residual oil saturation to the residual saturation of
the micellar flood.

The sulphonate adsorption is calculated with the help of the

retardation coefficient Di =Ds as before.

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