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Chapter 2
History and Development of PR

MKT310 Principle of Public Relations 1

Slides Outline
Evolution of public relations internationally
Development of public relations in Malaysia
Pre and Post independent
Models of public relations
Variables used to explain PR Model.
Press Agentry model.
Public Information model.
Two-way asymmetrical model.
Symmetrical model.
Additional model (mix motive model & personal influence
MKT310 Principle of Public Relations 2
History of PR
PR used
used to
to solve
solve crisis
crisis and
Begin as
as human
human being
being lived
lived in
in problems through 2 way
problems through 2 way
aa society
society comm

As early
early as
as 1800
1800 b.c.
b.c. in
in Iraq,
messages were
were crafted
crafted onon
Almost all
all great
great leaders
leaders are
are aa stones
stones to educate farmers on
to educate farmers on
good PR
PR practioners
practioners agri technique to encourage
agri technique to encourage
them to to be
be involved
involved inin
producing food for the nation
producing food for the nation

Romans and
and Greeks
Greeks are
In Yunan,
Yunan, good
good oratoes
oratoes are
are example
example of good orators who
of good orators who
leaders. Politicians get help
leaders. Politicians get help uses
uses rhetoric
rhetoric to
to perusade
from SUFIs
SUFIs to
to sharpen
sharpen their
their followers.
followers. E,g.
E,g. Julius
Julius Ceaser
comm skills
comm skills and Aristotle
and Aristotle
Importance of Examining the History &
Development of PR
PR practioner can Can learn better
understand the profession communication strategies
and demands of being a to influence public
better practitioner opinion

Can study or learn the

different tools and
methods that were used
during the different stages
of the development of PR

Marketing Publicity

of PR

Information Management

MKT310 Principle of Public Relations 5

Persuasion Publicity Information Marketing Management
• Persuasive • The beginning • To create • Growth in • More concerned
speech to spread of American PR awareness & communication, about
religious eg; is for encourage technology, conducting
Christianity and commercial support during development of public opinion
Islam reasons, fund WW1 &2 infrastructure & to identify the
• Greek & Romans raising, or • To gain more consumer support they
used public building independence oriented society may have
speech to win personalities from colonial • Help to organize • Strategic
support for their • Defensive masters exhibitions & planning and
policies publicity was • Key to road shows and knowledge-
• Indian kings important early development & prepare based
used spies to 20th century to nation building materials like counseling of
research & counter efforts of newly information senior
influence public muckraking independent pamphlets management to
opinion by journalism government growing
spreading news • To recruit war
support during

MKT310 Principle of Public Relations 6

Development of PR in Malaysia

WW2 until Post

Independence Independence

MKT310 Principle of Public Relations 7

Developments of PR in Malaysia
Early PR aimed at After Independence
• Gaining independence • To run nation building campaign
• Formalizing national status • To conduct press relations works
• Promoting and maintaining to aid in government effort to
unity among different ethnic build democratic nation
groups • To disseminate information
• Promoting government about gov policies
development plans and • To promote acceptance of
encouraging participation government policies
among them • To monitor feedback from
• Most activities are conducted general public on government
through public campaign policies

MKT310 Principle of Public Relations 8

PR in Private Sector
PR Consultancies Corporate PR Department
• Grew in 1960’s due to the • The earliest corporation to set
growth of multi-national up in-house PR departments:
organizations as well as Esso (Exxon)& Shell. More on
formation of PR agencies the gaining acceptance of their
first known was Eric White organization & increasing
Association (former Australian) employee productivity and also
stated operations in 1965. Now, supported the government
there are about 40 local & nation-building efforts
foreign based PR agencies in

MKT310 Principle of Public Relations 9

PR Institutions
Institute of PR PR Education
Malaysia (IPRM) • IPTA and IPTS offer PR
• Create Code of Ethics courses
based on British Institute • IPRM offer diploma level
of Public Relations • Business management,
• Give up training course journalism, advertising,
for PR officer mass communication,

MKT310 Principle of Public Relations 10

4’s Model of PR

Public 2-Way
Press Agentry Symmetrical
Information Asymmetrical

MKT310 Principle of Public Relations 11

Model of PR depends on:
Asymmetrical Vs. Symmetrical
Asymmetrical=change public only)
Symmetrical=adjust the relationship between
organization and the public


One way Vs. two way

1 way= dissemination of information
2 way = exchange information
MKT310 Principle of Public Relations 12
Press Agentry Model
Aim to publicize the organization, products and services
One way communication dedicated to help the
organization control the public
Organization does not reveal complete information in an
attempt to control/ dominate the environment
Used to promote celebrities, products etc.

MKT310 Principle of Public Relations 13

Public Information
 Disseminate information to the public as truthfully and accurately as
 One way communication through controlled media
 Not based on research and strategic planning
 Promote the organization and tried to change the behavior of the
 Used by government and non –profit organization

MKT310 Principle of Public Relations 14

2-Way Asymmetrical
Use theory of persuasion to develop message that are likely to
persuade strategic publics to behave as what the organization
wants them
Emphasize on dialogue, requires the public to make changes not
the organization
Can be use effectively when there is little conflict with the public
Researches public attitude
Business firms normally used this

MKT310 Principle of Public Relations 15

 Uses communication to negotiate with publics, resolve conflict, and promote
mutual understanding and respect between the organization and its public
 PR based on research and used two-way communication to manage conflicts
and improve understanding with strategic public
 Negotiates rather than using forces
 Used by highly regulated Business Agencies

MKT310 Principle of Public Relations 16

Mixed – Motive Model (Murphy 1991)

 Middle ground between the two way asymmetrical and

symmetrical model.

 Organization and publics seek to negotiate outcome that are

most advantageous to both parties in the long term.

 Applies in excellent PR department as an extension of

symmetrical model.

 Persuade publics with the asymmetrical model and

negotiates with symmetrical model.
MKT310 Principle of Public Relations 17
Personal Influence Model (Sriramesh 1992)

 Practitioners use interpersonal communication to build

personal and long term relationship with key individuals of
the organization’s strategic public like media, government,
political body or among activist group.

 Uses one-way communication and its purpose is

predominantly “synchronic” or asymmetrical.

 Use various techniques such as hospitality, giving gifts and

brokering of influence to build lasting friendship.

MKT310 Principle of Public Relations 18


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