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ROLL NO - 23
What is Stress?

 Stress is a feeling of emotional or physical tension.

 Itcan come from any event or thought that makes you
frustrated ,angry.
 Stress is your body’s reaction to a challenge or demand .
 In short bursts ,stress can be positive , such as when it
helps you avoid danger or meet a deadline
Emotional tension

 Stress , defined as emotional tension or mental strain , is all too common of a

feeling for many of us
 According to the American psychological association , the average stress of adults
in the United states in 2015 was 5.1 on a scale of 1 to 10 .
 Emotional signs of stress – depression ,unmotivated ,trouble sleeping or sleeping
too much ,problems with your memory or concentration ,making bad decisions .
How to reduce Physical tension

 There are number of ways to reduce physical tension –

 Meditation , tai chi
 Exercise , progressive muscle relaxation
 Yoga , slow breathing
 To reduce our stress it is important that we practice relaxation techniques on a
daily basis .
Mental health

 For managing your stress u need to be mentally strong , here are some tips-
 Talking about your feelings can help u stay in good mental health and deal with times
when u feel troubled
 Sleep and eat well
 Keep active and keep in touch
 Do something your good at .
How to avoid being stressed

 Light a candle-burning a scented candle may help

 Reduce your caffeine intake-caffeine makes you jittery or anxious
 Spend time with family and friends –social support can help you get through
 Laugh-it’s hard to feel anxious when you are laughing
 Listen to soothing music – listening to music can have a very relaxing effect
 Deep breathing- helps in activating your parasympathetic nervous system.
Thank you
stay safe

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