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Sector-III/C, B.S.


English Project

Submitted by-: Komal Kumari

Class -:XII/D
Roll No -:
Subject -: English
Guided by -: Ranjana Singh

Internal Teacher’s Signature External Teacher’s Signature

Summary of Deep
Deep Water is about the writer’s journey of overcoming the fear of water, which is deeply rooted in him since childhood.
The author started fearing water since the age of four. It starts when he was visiting California with his father. He visits a
beach where a wave knocks him down and sweeps over him. This terrifies the author, although the father laughs at this
knowing it was no danger. However, this experience terrifies him and develops a fear of water. After that, when the author
is 11 years old, he experiences another incident which escalates his fear.
He is at a swimming pool in Yakima, trying to learn swimming. On one fine day, a bully decides to pull a dangerous prank.
He pushes him in the deep end of the pool which frightens the author. He reaches nine feet into the water and starts
struggling desperately to hold on to something.
Moreover, he yells for help but he starts feeling paralyzed and only his heart was moving now. Thus, he gives up and
readies himself to die but wakes up at the side of the pool. However, the terror he experiences while drowning never goes
away. It continues to haunt him for many years and even spoiled his future expeditions concerning canoeing, swimming,
fishing and more.
He even visits Marine Lakes, Columbia, New Hampshire and more but is not able to enjoy it. Thus, he decides to overcome
this fear by hook or by crook. He enrolls himself in a swimming class and tries to learn from the instructor. The instructor
teaches him many tips and tricks for swimming. He begins with the inhaling and exhaling part then he practices it for
many weeks.
Further, he moves on to the kicking the legs on the side of the pool. Finally, he combines all this with the final move of
swimming. Although the author knows how to swim, he is still terrified of water. Thus, in order to get rid of the fear, he
decides to confront it. He mocks it by thinking what can it really do? Consequently, he plunges in to the water and to his
surprise, his fear goes away. He faced it in many places and at last, manages to conquer it.
Conclusion of Deep Water
To sum up, Deep Water summary, we
learn that if we are determined enough
and have the courage, we can
overcome any fear that comes our way
without letting the fear overpower us.
List of risk in

Water Quality

Drowning Dry drowning Water Power

Measures Walk don’t run
Taken by

Be careful getting in and out of

the pool
Stay within your abilities
Look before you leap or dive in
Front Crawl (or Freestyle Stroke)
The front crawl (also often called the freestyle stroke) is the fastest of the competitive
swimming strokes.
Body Movement
The front crawl is swum in a horizontal position on the chest.
The body rolls from side to side, always turning to the side of
the arm that is currently pulling in the water. The head remains
in a neutral position, face down, except when breathing.
Arm Movement
The arms move continuously and alternately. While one arm
pulls underwater from an extended forward position down to
the hip, the other arm recovers above the water, from the hip to
the extended forward position.
Front Crawl (or Freestyle Stroke)
Leg Movement
The legs perform fast, compact mov
ements, alternating up and down wit
h outstretched feet (flutter kick)

To breathe, the swimmer turns his h
ead to the side during the arm recov
 until the mouth is above the water
surface. The swimmer breathes in
quickly, then turns his head back
The exhalation begins as soon as the
mouth is under the water surface
again and continues until the next
breathing arm recovery.
Breaststroke is the most popular swimming stroke of
If you go to the pool, chances are most of the people
you’ll see will be swimming breaststroke.

Body Movement
The breaststroke is swum in a prone position. The
body moves from a horizontal position during a
short, streamlined glide phase to a more inclined
position during the arm recovery phase.
Arm Movement
The arm movements are simultaneous and symmetri
. As the arms are pulled backward underwater, the
hands create an arc, moving from a forward
extended position to a position below the chest.
During the arm recovery, the hands move in a
straight line from the position below the chest to the
Leg Movement
The legs execute a symmetrical whip kick. First, the legs
are fully extended at the end of the glide phase.
The feet then move toward the buttocks during the leg
Finally, during the propulsive phase of the kick, the feet
move outward and backward from the buttocks, then
inward and backward, to return to the fully extended
leg position.
Breathing occurs at the end of the underwater arm pull
, when the hands move under the chest and the head
and chest move above the water surface.
Butterfly Stroke

The butterfly stroke is the second-fastest swimming

stroke and is quite exhausting.

Arm Movement
The arm stroke is symmetrical, where the hands trace
an hourglass pattern underwater, moving from an
extended forward position to below the chest and then
to the hips.
The hands exit the water at the hips and then circle
forward above the water until they are extended
forward again.
Leg Movement
The legs do a dolphin kick. They are held together and
move up and down symmetrically with the feet
Breathing occurs during the arm recovery in a breathing
stroke cycle, where the head and chest are lifted above
the water to allow breathing.
The backstroke is the only one of the four competitive strokes that is swum on
the back.

Body Movement
The backstroke is swum on the back in a horizontal position. The body rolls from
side to side, always turning to the side of the arm that is currently pulling in the
water. The head remains in a neutral position, face-up.
Arm Movement
The arms move in opposite directions and alternate between pulling in the water
and recovering above the water
The pulling arm sweeps underwater from an extended forward position to
outside the shoulder and then to the hip.
The arm recovery occurs above the water with a straight arm. The hand traces a
semi-circle in the air, moving from the hip over the shoulder and then extending
forward again.

Leg Movement
The legs do a flutter kick, kicking up and down alternately with
fast, compact movements and with stretched feet.
Since the face is directed upward and remains above the
water’s surface, breathing is not restricted. However, most
backstroke swimmers synchronize their breathing with their
arm movements.
A common variation is to inhale during the arm recovery on
one side and to exhale during the arm recovery on the other

The sidestroke is an older swimming stroke that is swum on the

side. It uses a scissor kick and asymmetrical underwater arm

Arm movement
As the body floats on its side, in the starting position, the lower-
lying arm is extended forward underwater, while the higher-lying
arm rests on the side of the body.
Leg Movement
The sidestroke uses a scissor kick. Initially, both legs are
Since the head remains above water, breathing is not
constrained. But similar to backstroke, it makes sense to
synchronize breathing with arm movements.
Location and Area of Geographical location of Goa
•Goa, situated along Konkan coast of India, has a coastline of
131 kms.
•The State is bestowed by nature with lovely coastal tracks
along the Arabian sea and beautiful hill ranges of Western
•It has a partly hilly terrain with the Western Ghats rising to
nearly 1200 mtrs. in some parts of the state.
•In the North, the Terekhol river separate Goa and
Maharashtra. Karnataka lies to the south.
•The Arabian Sea is situated on the west and the Western
Ghats in the east.
•The Tiswadi Island lies between the Mandovi and Zuari rivers,
which are connected on the landward side by a creek.
•The island is triangular in shape that divides the harbour of
Goa into two parts Aguada at the mouth of Mandovi on the
north and Mormugao at mouth of Zuari on the south.
•Goa stretches out to a length of 105 km from north to south
and is about 60 km. in width from east to west.
•The State has geographical area of 3702 Sq. Kms.
•It is comparatively a small state with its capital at Panjim
Some Pictures of
local games of Goa



Sports Personalities of Goa

• Soccer player

Bruno • Footballer

Dilip • Cricketer

Swapnil • Cricketer
Sports Personalities of

M.S • Cricketer
Asunta • Hockey
Deepika • Archer

Banjamin • Boxer
The Principal Staffs, And Students
Navodaya Vidyalaya, Ranchi
solicit the pleasure of your company
the auspicious occasion

Inter School
Swimming Competition
of their school
10 a.m. on Friday, the 21 November,20XX
Xyz will be the chief guest and give away the
prizes to the students.

Navodaya Vidyala, Ranchi
Phone: 564534

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