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Lynn 11 Dona 16 Jane 24

Joanna 28 Shelley17 Rric27

• The World Bank is one of the world’s largest
sources of funding for the developing world.
• Its primary focus is on helping the poorest people
and the poorest countries.
• It uses its financial resources, its staff, and
extensive experience to help developing countries,
Lynn 11 economic
reduce poverty, increase Dona 16 growth,
Jane 24 and
improve their quality of life28
. Shelley17 Rric27
• The International Bank for Reconstruction and
Development (IBRD)
• The International Development Association (IDA)
• The International Finance Corporation (IFC)
• The Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA)
• The International Centre for the Settlement of Investment
Disputes (ICSID). Lynn 11 Dona 16 Jane 24
Joanna 28 Shelley17 Rric27
Headquarters: Washington, DC and more than 100
offices around the world.

Established: July 1, 1944 by a conference of 44

governments in Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, USA

Membership: 185 countries

Staff: ApproximatelyLynn
Dona 16in Washington,
Jane 24
DC and over 3,000 in Joanna
offices around the world.
28 Shelley17 Rric27
Goal 1: End extreme poverty and hunger.
Goal 2: Achieve universal primary education
Goal 3: Empower women and promote equality between
women and men
Goal 4: Improve health of pregnant women and mothers;
Goal 5: Reduce child death rates
Goal 6: Ensure environmental sustainability
Goal 7: Create a global partnership for development, with
Lynn 11 Dona
targets for aid, trade and debt relief.
16 Jane 24
Goal 8: Tackle HIV/AIDS,Joanna 28and
Malaria, Shelley17 Rric27
other diseases
• They run like a cooperative, with their member countries as
share holders. The no. of shares a country has is based on the
size of the economy.

• Largest Share holder: United State (16.41% of votes)

• Followed by: Japan (7.87% ),
Germany (4.49%),
The United Kingdom (4.31%) &
France (4.31%) .
Lynn 11 Dona 16 Jane 24
The rest of the shares are divided among the other member
Joanna 28 Shelley17 Rric27
Ultimate Decision-Making Authority: Their
government represented by Board of Governors. These governors are
ministers, such as Ministers of Finance or Ministers of Development.

Day-To-Day Decision Making: Governors meet only once

in a year. They give specific duties to their Executive Directors, who work
on-site at the Bank.
The 24 Executive Directors make up the Board of Directors.
Lynna national
Their President is, by tradition, 11 Dona 16 Jane
of the largest 24
- The United States.
Joanna 28 Shelley17 Rric27
Elected for a five-year term (which can be renewed)

Lynn 11 Dona 16 Jane 24

Joanna 28 Shelley17 Rric27
• The International Bank for Reconstruction and
Development (IBRD) provides loans and development
assistance to middle income countries in Latin America,
Asia, Africa and Eastern Europe.
• IBRD gets most of its funds by selling bonds in
international capital markets.

Lynn 11 Dona 16 Jane 24

Joanna 28 Shelley17 Rric27
The International Development Association (IDA) plays an important role in
our mission to reduce poverty.

Its support is focused on the poorest countries, to which it provides interest-

free loans and grants.

IDA depends on contributions from its wealthier member countries (including

some developing countries) for most of its financial resources.

Lynn 11 Dona 16 Jane 24

Joanna 28 Shelley17 Rric27
The International Finance Corporation (IFC) promotes growth in the
developing world by financing private-sector investments and
providing technical support and advice to governments and

In partnership with private investors, IFC provides loans and equity

finance for business ventures in developing countries.

Lynn 11 Dona 16 Jane 24

Joanna 28 Shelley17 Rric27
The Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) encourages
foreign investment in developing countries by providing guarantees
to foreign investors against loss caused by noncommercial risks.

MIGA also provides technical support to help developing countries

promote investment opportunities and uses its legal services to
reduce possible barriers to investment.

Lynn 11 Dona 16 Jane 24

Joanna 28 Shelley17 Rric27
The International Centre for the Settlement of
Investment Disputes (ICSID) provides facilities
for settling investment disputes between foreign
investors and their host countries.

Lynn 11 Dona 16 Jane 24

Joanna 28 Shelley17 Rric27
World bank gets its main income by lending out its own
IBRD (our main lending agency) raises most of its money
in the world’s financial markets by selling our AAA-rated
World Bank bonds— usually to financial institutions,
pension funds and other institutional money managers, as
well as to central banks.

They earn interest and fee income on our loans, and

income on our liquid asset investments and capital that is
paid in by our memberLynn
Dona 16 Jane 24
IDA also helps mobilize 28 Shelley17
and coordinate aid fromRric27
countries and other international organizations.




Lynn 11 Dona 16 Jane 24

Joanna 28 Shelley17 Rric27
Lynn 11 Dona 16 Jane 24
Joanna 28 Shelley17 Rric27

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