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Perceptual Errors
• Stereotyping
• First impressions
• Projections
• Perceptual Defense
• Halo effect
• Leniency
• Central Tendency
• Recency
• Contrast Effects
What is self awareness?
• An understanding of and insight into one’s self, including
one’s attitudes, values, beliefs, strengths, and weaknesses.
• It involves important concepts like:
• Self interactionism (developing one’s self from other’s
feedback), self-fulfilling prophecy (we see ourselves like
others see us) and self actualization (the fulfillment of one’s
potential as a person).
Self concept
• An individual’s evaluation of himself or herself, that is, an
individual’s self appraisal.
• Self image is the picture an individual draws of himself or
herself based on the sort of person they believe they are.
• Self esteem is the feeling and individual has about their self
concept, that is how well the individual likes and values
Johari window
Self disclosure
• It is when you reveal information about yourself. It could be
an overt statement or a slip of tongue and unconscious non-
verbal signals. It varies from whispering a statement to your
best friend to making a public announcement on television.
Rewards of self disclosure
• Self-knowledge
• Coping abilities
• Communication efficiency
• Relational depth
Dangers of self disclosure
• Personal and social rejection
• Material loss
• Intrapersonal difficulties

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