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UNIT - 2

Operator Overloading

Operator Overloading
• Introduction
– More than one definition either to a function or
an operator
– Function – Function overloading
– Operator – Operator overloading

Operator Overloading
• Intro to operator overloading
– Redefine the normal working of an operator
– Change the way that an operator works
– Used for user defined data types
– Eg : + is used to add two integer values
– But can also be used to concatenate two
(“Welcome” + “ C++” – Welcome C++ )
Introduction to C++


What is..Operator Overloading
• Operator Overloading:

– Allows us to define the behavior of operators when

applied to objects of a class
– Already overloaded operators : cin and cout

– input_data is replaced by >>

– display is replaced by <<

– cin >> number1; cout << number1;

– assign or copy is replaced by = ; s2 = s1; 5

Operator Overloading - Syntax
return_type class_name  : : operator op(argument_list) 

// function body

• Operators do not lose their original meaning; instead, they have an additional
meaning when overloaded.
• Only existing operators with given restrictions can be overloaded.

• The precedence of the operators remains the same.

• Operators cannot change the number of arguments that were available in the
original form.
• Operators can only be overloaded for user-defined types.

• Except (), no other operator can have a default argument.

• Some operators can never be overloaded.

Operators that cannot be overloaded
The following operators cannot be overloaded:
• Dot operator for member access (.)

• Dereference member to class operator (.*)

• Scope resolution operator (::)

• Size of operator (sizeof)

• Conditional ternary operator (?:)

• Casting operators

• # and ## tokens for macro preprocessors

Operators that cannot be overloaded
The following operators cannot be overloaded through friend
• Assignment operator =

• Function call operator ( )

• Array subscript operator [ ]

• Access to class member using pointer to object operator ->

Operator Overloading – Eg.
class Complex { void print()
private: {
    int real, imag; cout << real << " + i"
<< imag << endl;
    Complex(int r = 0, int i =0) 
real = r;   imag = i; };
}  int main()
    Complex operator + (Complex const & obj) {
{     Complex c1(10, 5), c2(2, 4);
         Complex res;     Complex c3 = c1 + c2;
         res.real = real + obj.real;     c3.print();
         res.imag = imag + obj.imag;
         return res;
    }    Output:
12 + i9 10
Overloading Unary Operators
• Operators that have a single argument are known as unary
• When these operators are overloaded as member
functions, it is not necessary to pass any argument
• The this pointer pointing to the invoking object is passed
as an implicit argument.

Unary Operator Overloading – Eg.
class Matrix void operator −()
{ int Element[3][3]; {
public: for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
Matrix(){}; // Default constructor
Element[i][j] = −Element[i][j];
Matrix(int TempMatrix[3][3]) }
{ for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) void Display()
for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++) {
Element[i][j] = TempMatrix[i][j]; for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++)
for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++)
void Read() cout << Element[i][j] << " ";
{ for(int i = 0; i < 3; i++) }
for(int j = 0; j < 3; j++) cout << "\n";
cin >> Element[i][j]; }
Unary Operator Overloading – Eg.
void main()
{ int ArrayOfInt[][3]={1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9};
Matrix M1(ArrayOfInt);
cout << "The fi rst matrix before negation \n";
cout << "First matrix after negation \n"; −M1;
Matrix M2;
cout << "Enter values for the second matrix \n";
cout << "The second matrix before negation \n";
M2.Display(); −M2;
cout << "Second matrix after negation \n";
Overloading ++ (Prefix / Postfix)
class Complex
{ float Real; float Imag;
Complex (fl oat TempReal = 0, float TempImag = 0)
Real = TempReal; Imag = TempImag;
Complex Add(Complex Comp2)
{ float TempReal; float TempImag;
TempReal = Real + Comp2.Real;
TempImag = Imag + Comp2.Imag;
return Complex(TempReal, TempImag);

Overloading ++ (Prefix / Postfix)
Complex operator +(Complex Comp2)
{ float TempReal; float TempImag;
TempReal = Real + Comp2.Real;
TempImag = Imag + Comp2.Imag;
return Complex(TempReal, TempImag);
Complex operator ++() // This is prefi x
Real++; return Complex(Real, Imag);
Complex operator ++(int dummy) // This is postfi x
Imag++; return Complex(Real, Imag);
Overloading ++ (Prefix / Postfix)
void Display()
cout << Real << " + " << Imag << "i \n";
} };
void main()
{ Complex Comp1(10, 20); Complex Comp2(20, 30);
Complex CompResult1, CompResult2;
CompResult1 = Comp1.Add(Comp2);
CompResult2 = Comp1 + Comp2;
Comp1++; // The postfix version with dummy arguments Comp1.Display();
++Comp2; // The prefix version without any arguments Comp2.Display();
Overloading Binary Operators
• Operators that take two operands are known as binary
• They will have a single argument when defined as
• The first argument to that operator is always the invoking
• Eg: overloading the ‘+’ operator for complex numbers


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