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Activity Overview
Understand the significance of the
Why do we implement the Seal? What for? For
Be familiar with the criteria
Redefined indicators and upgraded benchmarks in the 7 governance

Get accustomed with the implementation process &

Data gathering instruments and platforms to be used

Lay-out strategies and plan

Action planning of SGLG implementation in respective


General Supervision Mandate

Institutional or capacity development


Administrative power hierarchy

Citizen Empowerment

Local Autonomy

SGLG is a progressive
assessment system
Focus Areas

LGU Capacity Governance Principles LGU Performance

‘ability to deliver’  Transparency  Accomplishment of
 Structure  Participation plans
 System  Accountability  Fund utilization rate
 Mechanism  Frontline services
 Plan and

SGLG Awardees
Influencing good governance behavior

449 LGUs
2016 27%

2015 306 LGUs 2018 2019

254 LGUs 263 LGUs ___ LGUs
15% 16% xx%
17 provinces __ provinces
39 cities __ cities
207 municipalities __ municipalities

Results across areas,
CY 2017 vs 2018
2017 Passed 2018 Passed










Results across the region
Select criteria (CY 2017 vs. CY 2018)
CLUP lity

*NCR* 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 0
*CAR* 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
1 1 1 1 0 1 0 1 1 0 0
2 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
3 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
4A 2 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
*MIMAROPA* 1 1 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
5 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
6 1 1 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
7 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
8 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
9 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
10 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
11 2 2 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0
12 2 1 2 0 1 0 0 1 0 0
13 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
*ARMM* 1 0 1 0 1 0 1 1 1 1

CY 2019 Assessment
MC 2019-44
2019 SGLG “All-In”
Sustaining the impetus of improving local governance and

Sustaining the “All-In” criteria

Adjustments in benchmarks and standards within current parameters

Exacting meaningful results across all governance

areas From compliance to output & results-oriented indicators
Highlighting roles in setting overall local
For provinces to pass, at least 10% of component CMs must be SGLG
Strengthening validation parameters
Assessment results to be subjected for final deliberation by National Quality
2019 Target Coverage

1,592 LGUs
+ Target BARMM LGUs

Implementation Schedule
March October

Regional Award-
Policy May Extraction & June National July National Sept
of Results ing
Assessment Normalization Calibration Validation

• Regional • Data • Data Quality • Onsite visit • Presentation to

Orientation downloading Checking of shortlisted NQC
• On-site • Initial • Prep for LGUs • National
• 1st Shortlisting processing National • Presentation Awardng
• Online Data Validation to National
Entry Quality
• Doc uploading Committee
• Indorsement

Announcement of Results

Passer • Marker

Non- • Certificate of
Recognition (areas
Passer passed)

SGLG Implementation Core Values

We KNOW the value We protect the We run the program

of implementing the INTEGRITY and EFFICIENTLY, with
Seal. CREDIBILITY of the openness and timeliness.
We adhere to process and results of the
the time.

Mahusay Matino Maaasahan

Good Financial Housekeeping
Indicator Minimum Requirement

Provinces, cities and municipalities:

1. Audit Opinion + 30% of
recommendations fully complied 1. Most recent COA Audit Opinion that is
with unqualified or qualified; AND

2. 30% of recommendations fully complied

Indicator Minimum Requirement
2. Compliance with the Full Provinces, cities and municipalities:
Disclosure Policy of Local Budget
and Finances, Bids and Public Full compliance with FDP (CY 2018 all
Offerings (CY 2018 all quarters, CY quarters and CY 2019 1st quarter), posting
2019 1st quarter), posting in: in:
a. Three conspicuous places 1. Three conspicuous places
b. FDP Portal 2. FDP Portal
c. e-SRE

Posting of 2017 LGU e-SRE in BLGF

Financial Performance

Indicator Minimum Requirement

3. Average local revenue growth Provinces, cities and municipalities:
from CYs 2015 to 2017
At least 5% increase in average local
revenue growth for three (3) consecutive
years (2015-2017)
Financing Development

Indicator Minimum Requirement

4a. Functional local development Provinces, cities and municipalities:
council (LDC): structures and
socio-economic plans and policies Must comply with all tests of functionality –
composition; meetings (both semesters in
CY 2018); executive committee; approved
Indicator Minimum Requirement
4b. Functional LDC: Provinces, cities and municipalities:
Satisfactory participation of its CSO
members CSO participation as demonstrated in:

1. Attendance to meetings held at least

once in a semester for CY 2018; AND

2. Inputs from the CSO or actual

participation of CSO representative as
captured in the Minutes of Meeting or any
LGU official document, OR at least 1
CSO’s Plan of Action submitted in CY
Indicator Minimum Requirement
5. Utilization rate of the 20% Provinces, cities and municipalities:
component of the annual Internal
Revenue Allotment or Development 1. Should have appropriated no less than
Fund CY 2017 20% component of IRA CY 2017 for
development projects; AND
2. By laws and related policies, 100 %
utilization of the 20% DF.

Consideration is given to an LGU that met

the median for:
 Provinces = 59%,
 City = 55%, and
 Municipality = 66%
Indicator Minimum Requirement
6. Utilization rate of Performance For beneficiary-provinces, cities and
Challenge Fund, if applicable municipalities that received PCF in 2016
and/or 2017: 100% fund utilization

LGUs that received PCF in earlier years
should also have 100% fund utilization

(Please refer to Annex A for the List of LGUs

that do not have 100% fund utilization
reported to BLGD as of March 26, 2019)
Indicator Minimum Requirement
7. Utilization rate of funding For beneficiary-municipalities:
assistance from Assistance to
Municipalities program (formerly 100% utilization of DILG-managed funds
Bottom-Up Budgeting and received in CYs 2015 and 2016, and at
Assistance to Disadvantaged least 85% utilization of DILG-managed
Municipalities), if applicable funds received in CY 2017
8. Approved CY 2019 annual Provinces, cities and municipalities:
CY 2019 budget should have been
approved by December 31, 2018

Consideration is given to an LGU with CY

2019 budget approved beyond December
31, 2018, but not later than March 31,
2019 (Sec. 323).

Indicator Minimum Requirement

1. 2018 1st Place National Gawad Provinces, cities and municipalities:
KALASAG (KAlamidad at sakuna
LAbanan SAriling Galing ang 2018 1st Place National Gawad KALASAG
Kalaigtasan) Awardee for Best Awardee for Best Local DRRM Council, or
Local Disaster Risk Reduction and Hall of Fame Awardee for Best LDRRMCs
Management Councils category (2015 onwards)
or Hall of Fame Awardee for Best Upon official release, awardees of the
LDRRMCs, OR aforementioned category for CY 2019 will
also be considered.
if not, pass all the succeeding indicators
Indicator Minimum Requirement
2. Convened Provinces, cities and municipalities --LDRRMCs must:
LDRRMC 1. Be composed of at least 4 CSO and 1 private sector members, AND
2. Had convened at least once for every quarter of CY 2018
3a. Functionality Provinces and cities except Manila and Quezon City: plantilla LDRRMO IV (SG 22) at
of LDRRMO: least
Plantilla LDRRM
Officer (Head of 1st - 3rd class municipalities: plantilla LDRRMO III (SG 18) at least
Office) 4th - 6th class municipalities: plantilla LDRRMO II (SG 15) at least

Consideration is given to an LGU with an appointed LDRRMO (Head of Office) with

temporary status; provided that said temporary appointment:
1. Has not exceeded one (1) year period;
2. Has the prescribed salary grade; and
3. Is CSC-attested.

Appointment that is yet to be attested by CSC may be considered, as long as it bears

the required SG and LGU has already transmitted its copy to CSC Field Office.

Consideration is also given to an LGU with a recently vacated plantilla LDRRMO

position because incumbent was separated from service e.g., resignation/retirement;
provided that:
1. Vacancy happened within June 2018 to May 2019
2. Vacated position has the prescribed SG
3. Efforts to hire new LDRRMO is already ongoing
4. With designated LDRRMO Head in the meantime
Indicator Minimum Requirement
3b. Functionality of LDRRMO: Provinces and HUCs: At least three (3)
Plantilla LDRRMO staff plantilla LDRRMO staff

ICCs/CCs and 1st – 3rd Class

Municipalities: At least one (1) plantilla
LDRRMO staff

4th – 6th Class municipalities: At least one

designated LDRRMO staff

Consideration is given to a province, city

and 1st – 3rd Class municipality whose
LDRRMO staff is (are) employed as
contractuals/ job orders, or is (are)
Indicator Minimum Requirement
4. PDPFP or CLUP Provinces: Approved PDPFP

Consideration is given to a province whose

PDPFP is still under review; provided that
results of risk assessment should have already
been incorporated in the final draft of PDPFP,
as certified by RLUC or NEDA-RO

Cities and municipalities: Approved CLUP with

zoning ordinance

Consideration is given to a city or municipality

whose CLUP is still under review; provided that
results of risk assessment should have already
been incorporated in the final draft of CLUP, as
certified by PLUC/Regional HLURB.
Indicator Minimum Requirement
5. LDRRM Plan and Budget Provinces, cities and municipalities:
Approved LDRRM Plan with funded DRR
activities in the 2019 AIP, as verified by the
DRR-CCA Focal Person of DILG-RO

Note: The LDRRM Plan must cover CY

2019 and must be incorporated in the
Annual Investment Program (AIP).
6. Local climate change action plan Provinces, cities and municipalities:
Approved LCCAP (if stand alone) OR
Approved PDPFP/CLUP/CDP (if
mainstreamed), as verified by the DRR-
CCA Focal Person of the concerned DILG-
RO, must contain:
1. Results of risk assessment; and
2. Climate change adaptation and
mitigation actions.
Indicator Minimum Requirement
7. Contingency plan Provinces, cities and municipalities:

Approved Contingency Plan for top 2 high risk

hazard of the LGU (as indicated in LGU Hazard
Profile section), verified by the DRR-CCA Focal
Person of the concerned DILG-RO. Each Plan
must contain (in no particular order):
1. Anatomy of the Hazard
2. Scenario Generation
3. Affected Population
4. Coordination, Command & Control Protocols
5. Activation, Deactivation & Non-Activation
8. Utilization rate of Provinces, cities and municipalities:
LDRRMF’s 70% allocation for
disaster prevention and 1. Should have appropriated no less than 5% of
mitigation, preparedness, the estimated revenue from regular sources in
response, rehabilitation and 2017 as LDRRMF for 2018; AND
recovery, CY 2018 (Current
Fund) 2. At least 50% utilization of the 70%
component (Preparedness Fund) of LDRRMF
for 2018 Current Fund.
Indicator Minimum Requirement
9. CBDRRM Plan and Budget Cities and municipalities:

At least 75% of barangays have approved

CBDRRM Plans, as verified by the DRR-
CCA Focal Person of the concerned DILG-

Consideration is given to one-pager matrix

indicating DRR- related PPAs, with clear
targets, timeframes, budget, and approved
by the Barangay Development Council.
Indicator Minimum Requirement
10. Early warning system Provinces, cities and municipalities: All EWS indicators
(EWS) present:

1. At least one marker per hazard area (top 1 and top 2

hazard), and present in high risk areas
2. Audible and wide-ranging warning and alarm system
(e.g siren, church bell, radio)
3. Automated rain gauge OR locally-innovated
technology to measure amount of rainfall
4. Info on EWS in conspicuous places (e.g. public
market, LG building)
2019 SGLG Criteria on Disaster Preparedness

Indicator Minimum Requirement
11a. Evacuation Provinces, cities and municipalities: Identified evacuation center –
management – permanent, semi-permanent or temporary, that has:
Evacuation center 1. Met minimum required facilities,
2. System for registration of evacuees, and
3. Localized information guide with facilities or map.
11b. Evacuation For cities and municipalities: At least 75% of barangays with
management -- evacuation guides
information guides
11c. Evacuation Provinces, cities and municipalities: All of the following
management -- mechanisms for:
Prepositioned 1. Mobilization and management of volunteer groups
goods and 2. Goods for relief operations, either: (a) stockpiling that must
resources include at least 500 food packs and 500 hygiene kits, or (b) in
partnership with suppliers
3. Medical services, provided by either in-house professionals or
in partnership with other entities
4. Psycho-social support, provided by either in-house
professionals or in partnership with other entities
5. Security services.
Indicator Minimum Requirement
12. Standards Operating Provinces, cities and municipalities must have SOP
Procedure Standard Operating Procedures (whether a separate
document or integrated in LDRRM Plan or
Contingency Plan)
12a. SOP -- LDRRM Provinces and HUCs: Permanent LDRRM OpCen
Operations Center (functioning 24/7)

Component cities and 1st to 3rd Class municipalities:

LDRRM OpCen (temporary, at least functioning 24/7
during disasters)

4th to 6th Class municipalities: LDRRM OpCen

(temporary, at least functioning 24/7 during disasters)

[Note: This forms part of the ANY TWO of the

three rule —12(a), 12(c.2) and 12(d)]
Indicator Minimum Requirement
12b. Evacuation management -- Provinces, cities and municipalities: must
Equipped and trained SAR or ER have the following:
teams 1. Teams organized not earlier than CY
2. With equipage (motorized vehicle,
generator set, water rescue kit, extrication
kit, personal protective gear, first aid kit
and emergency medical kit)
3. Trained in top 2 high risk hazard of the
LGU (as indicated in LGU Hazard Profile
section) search and rescue, and basic life
support not earlier than CY 2016
2019 SGLG Criteria on Disaster Preparedness

Water Rescue Kit

2019 SGLG Criteria on Disaster Preparedness

Extrication Kit
2019 SGLG Criteria on Disaster Preparedness

Personal Protective Equipment

2019 SGLG Criteria on Disaster Preparedness

First Aid Kit

2018 SGLG Criteria on Disaster Preparedness

Survival Kit
Indicator Minimum Requirement
12c. Incident Command Provinces, cities and 1st to 3rd Class municipalities:
System (ICS) 1. Established ICS; AND
2. LDRRMC head/member (LGU-based), or LDRRMO
head/staff that is trained in any level of ICS

4th to 6th Class municipalities:

1. Established ICS; AND
2. LDRRMC head/member (LGU-based), or LDRRMO
head/staff that is trained in any level of ICS
[Note: This forms part of the ANY TWO of the three
rule —12(a), 12(c.2) and 12(d)]
12d. Pre-emptive and Provinces, cities and 1st to 3rd Class municipalities:
forced evacuation Established pre-emptive and forced evacuation
4th to 6th Class municipalities: Established pre-
emptive and forced evacuation
[Note: This forms part of the ANY TWO of the
three rule —12(a), 12(c.2) and 12(d)]
Indicator Minimum Requirement
1. Seal of Child-friendly Local Cities and municipalities:
Governance, CY 2018 (for cities and
municipalities only) Awardee of Seal of CFLG for CY 2018 per
CWC list

Consideration is given to an LGU that passed

per DILG-RO level rating.

2. Completion rate of, or fund Provinces, cities and municipalities:

utilization for, 2018 Local School
Board (LSB) Plan At least 85% completion rate on either PPAs
or utilization rate of fund allocation for 2018
LSB Plan
Indicator Minimum Requirement
3a. Mechanisms for GAD Provinces, cities and municipalities:
All five GAD mechanisms present:
1. Focal point system
2. Database
3. 2018 Accomplishment report
4. Updated GAD Code*
5. CY 2019 Plan and Budget reviewed by DILG Field
Office; consideration is given to plan and budget that is
at least submitted for review

* There is a new Code adopted not earlier than CY 2014

or an existing Code has been amended or revised by a
new ordinance enacted not earlier than CY 2014.

*Consideration may be given to an LGU with:

(a) existing Code that is adopted not earlier than CY
(b) old Code that has been amended or revised by a
new ordinance enacted not earlier than CY 2009; or
(c) (c) for component cities and municipalities, localized
Provincial GAD Code; provided it was enacted not
earlier than 2009 by the originating Sanggunian.
Indicator Minimum Requirement
3b. Mechanisms for VAWC Cities and municipalities: The following VAWC
(for cities and municipalities mechanisms:
only) 1. 100% of barangays with VAWC desks, AND
2. At least 80% of barangays with submitted
reports for all quarters of CY 2018
4. Local Code for Children Provinces, cities and municipalities:

Code for Children must be updated not earlier

than CY 2014, or the existing Code has been
amended or revised by a new ordinance enacted
not earlier than CY 2014.

Consideration may be given to an LGU with:

(a) existing Code that is adopted not earlier than
CY 2009,
(b) (b) old Code that has been amended or revised
by a new ordinance enacted not earlier than
CY 2009; or
(c) (c) for component cities and municipalities,
localized Provincial GAD Code; provided it was
enacted not earlier than 2009 by the originating
Indicator Minimum Requirement
5. Philhealth- Provinces:
accreditation of LGU-run At least 50% of LGU-run hospitals are 2019 or 2018
hospitals and main Philhealth-accredited
health facilities, CY 2018
or 2019 HUCs:
At least 50% of LGU-run hospitals, if any, and/or main
health centers are 2019 or 2018 Philhealth-accredited
for MCP, PCB and TB-DOTS

At least one LGU-managed main hospital or health
facility is 2019 or 2018 Philhealth- accredited, for all 3 –
(not necessarily a 3-in-1 accreditation)

At least one LGU-managed health facility or rural health
unit is 2019 or 2018 Philhealth- accredited for MCP, and
either PCB or TB-DOTS
(not necessarily a 2-in-1 accreditation)

Consideration is given to an ICC/CC/ municipality where

a 2019 or 2018 Philhealth-accredited provincial or
district hospital is located in.
Indicator Minimum Requirement
6a. Compliance Provinces, cities and municipalities must have the following in the LG
with buildings:
Accessibility 1. Ramps with 2-level handrails on both sides, and passed the Ramp
Law Gradient Finder Test

- Ground level entrance or exit
- With dropped curb due to an elevation of short distance and its
lowest point does not exceed 25 mm from the road or gutter, and it
also passed the Ramp Gradient Test
- With special lift or elevator at the ground level
- For ramps with only one handrail (2-level): If ramp is adjacent to a
wall and has a width less than 1.20m.

Consideration may be given to the following conditions:

- LG building is a historical site, provided that LGU has facility or
building catering to all PWD-related concerns or services
- LG building is under construction, provided that LGU has facility or
building catering to all PWD-related concerns or services and
construction plans include provision of ramps with 2-level handrails
Indicator Minimum Requirement
6a. Compliance 2. PWD Toilet (at least one per LG building) In case PWD toilet is not
with located in the ground floor, special lift/ elevator should be present to
Accessibility ensure PWD access
Consideration may be given in case LG building is under construction,
provided that LGU has facility or building catering to all PWD-related
concerns or services and construction plans include provision of ramps
with 2-level handrails
6b. Established Provinces and HUCs:
Persons with PDA Office established by an ordinance, and a permanent PDAO
Disability Office Head whose appointment has undergone the prescribed recruitment
(PDAO) process

Consideration is given to a province/HUC with PDAO established

through an executive order; provided that there is at least a designated
PWD affairs officer

CCs and municipalities: Designated PDA Officer/focal person

Photo Showing Result of Ramp Gradient Finder
Photo Showing the Whole Ramp, Wide Angle Shot
Photo Showing PWD CR with CORRECT Grab Bars
Photo of Special Lift
Indicator Minimum Requirement
7. DSWD-accredited Provinces and HUCs:
LGU-managed At least one accredited LGU-managed residential care facility
residential care for the vulnerable sectors (e.g. women, children, senior
facility citizens and PWDs)
(for P/HUCs only)
Consideration is given to an LGU that has a standing
partnership with an entity (DSWD Field Office or private
SWDA) managing a DSWD-accredited residential care
facility, as substantiated by a valid Memorandum of
Agreement detailing institutional arrangements of the two
parties, or a proof of transfer of resident(s) to partner-DSWD
FO managed facility.
Indicator Minimum Requirement
8. LSWDO is a Provinces, cities and municipalities:
registered social Appointed (in permanent status, and CSC-attested)
worker Provincial/City/ Municipal Social Welfare and Development
Officer that is a registered social worker Exemption: In the
case where LSWDO was hired prior to the enactment of RA
9433 or the Magna Carta for Social Workers in 2007, there must
be at least a registered social worker serving as technical staff in
the office.

Consideration is given to an LGU with appointed LSWDO that is

RSW, but copy of appointment is still for CSC attestation.
Consideration is also given to an LGU with a recently vacated
plantilla LSWDO position because the incumbent was separated
from service e.g., resignation/retirement; provided that:
1. Vacancy happened within June 2018 to May 2019
2. Efforts to hire new LSWDO is already ongoing
3. With a designated LSWDO head in the meantime
4. At least 1 LSWDO staff is RSW
Indicator Minimum Requirement
9. Indigenous Peoples Mandatory Provinces, cities and municipalities whose
Representation in the Sanggunian IPMR has COA and all of the following
(applicable only to LGUs with IPs conditions met:
whose representative in the 1. IPMR is seated in the sanggunian
Sanggunian has received a 2. IPMR receives compensation and other
Certificate of Affirmation or COA regular benefits of a Sanggunian Member
from NCIP) 3. IPMR attends meetings as indicated in
the minutes

Consideration may be given to an LGU

with extenuating circumstances, subject to
the National Quality Committee
Indicator Minimum Requirement
10. Absence of illegal dwelling units Cities:
OR LGU efforts for resettlement of No illegal dwelling units OR
informal settlers at least 50% accomplishment of CY 2018
(for cities only) targets in the approved City Shelter Plan
or resettlement PPAs contained in the AIP

Consideration is given to a city with an

office, task force or similar entity; and has
an approved Local Shelter Plan.
11. Implementation of Provision of For beneficiary cities and municipalities:
Potable Water Supply-Sagana at 1. 100% utilization of funds received in
Ligtas na Tubig sa Lahat CYs 2012 to 2016, AND
(SALINTUBIG) projects 2. At least 50% utilization for funds
received in CY 2017.
Indicator Minimum Requirement
1. Peace and Order (POC) Provinces, cities and municipalities:
Performance Audit rating, CY 2018 CY 2018 POC Performance audit passer;

OR met items 2 and 3

2. POC convened Provinces, cities and municipalities:
POC convened, at least once every
quarter for all quarters of CY 2018
3. Peace and Order, and Public Provinces, cities and municipalities:
Safety (POPS) Plan Adopted plan, and at least 75% completion
implementation of, or utilization of fund allocated for,
POPS Plan programs and/or activities
within CY 2018
Indicator Minimum Requirement
4. Anti-drug abuse council Provinces, cities and municipalities:
organized Organized ADAC, and met at least once
every quarter for all CY 2018 quarters
5. Provision of logistical support Provinces, cities and municipalities:
to the PNP
With logistical support provided such as
ammunition, communication, vehicles, police
station, supplies for CY 2018
6. Organized and trained BPATs, Cities and municipalities:
barangay tanods, and/or any
similar unit 100% of barangays with organized BPATs,
barangay tanods, and/or any similar unit, and
trained BPATs, barangay tanods, and/or any
similar unit (trained within the last three year
not earlier than 2016)
Indicator Minimum Requirement
7. Actions against illegal drugs: Cities and municipalities: Drug-free
Drug-cleared barangays city/municipality as declared by the
Oversight Committee, or increase in drug-
cleared barangays

8. Firecracker and pyrotechnic Cities and Municipalities: Ordinance or

devices regulation similar issuance stating total ban of
firecrackers and pyrotechnic devices OR
designating specific zones for
manufacturing, display and exhibition of
Business-friendliness and
Competitiveness if:
Indicator Minimum Requirement
1a. Finalist of the PCCI's Most Provinces, cities and municipalities:
Business-Friendly LGUs Award
2018 Finalist of the PCCI’s Most Business-
Friendly LGUs Award; OR

met item 1b; OR met items #2 to #7

1b. Ranked among the Top 50 (Top Cities and municipalities:

50 Cities and Top 50 Municipalities)
of the 2018 Competitiveness Index Belongs to the Top 50 cities and Top 50
municipalities of the 2018 Competitiveness
Index; OR met item 1a; OR met items #2
to #7
if not pass all the succeeding indicators
Indicator Minimum Requirement
2. Presence of local economic and Provinces and cities:
investment promotion office Established LEIPO i.e., has structure,
(LEIPO) organization and staff (An equivalent office
may not necessarily carry the exact name,
as long as it performs all the functions a
LEIPO is created for)

Municipalities: designated LEIP Officer

3. Presence of citizen’s charter for Cities and municipalities:
securing permits for new business Citizen’s Charter visible within BPLO and
and business renewal updated to reflect current fees and
prescribed processing time for business
1. Two (2) days for new business permit
applications, and
2. One (1) day for business permit
The same should be reflected in the
Citizens Charter.
Indicator Minimum Requirement
4. Simplified business Cities and municipalities: Must meet the
processing and licensing following:
system 1. Business or mayor's permit released in:
(a) Not more than 3 steps, both for new and
renewal of business;
(b) Not more than 1 day processing time for
business renewal; and (c)Not more than 2
days processing for new business
2. Presence of Business One Stop Shop

5. Tracking system for HUCs: Computerized or computer-aided

business / investment-related tracking system and must be able to provide all
data four economic data required ICCs/CCs and
municipalities: Computerized or computer-
aided tracking system and must be able to
provide at least three of the four economic data
Indicator Minimum Requirement
6. Local Investment Incentive Provinces and cities:
Code must be updated not earlier than CY
2014, or the existing Code has been amended
or revised by a new ordinance enacted not
earlier than CY 2014.

Consideration may be given to an province or

city with: (a) existing Code that is adopted not
earlier than CY 2009, or (b) old Code that has
been amended or revised by a new ordinance
enacted not earlier than CY 2009
7. Utilization of Conditional For beneficiary-provinces:
matching Grant to Provinces
for Road Repair, Rehabilitation 100% utilization for funds received in CY 2016
and Improvement (CMGP; and at least 60% for CY 2017
formerly KALSADA program),
if applicable
Indicator Minimum Requirement
Organized PSWMB, and approved 10-Yr
SWM Plan

Met all five indicators in this area

Organized SWM Board, no operating open
and/or controlled dumpsite, AND at least
two of the following: (a) approved SWM
Plan, (b) MRF, and (c) sanitary landfill
1. Convened local solid waste Provinces, cities and municipalities:
management (SWM) board
1. SWM Board composition should show
CSO and private sector membership
and the names of representatives

2. SWM Board convened at least once in

CY 2018
Indicator Minimum Requirement
2. No operating open and/or Cities and municipalities:
controlled dumpsite
No operating open/controlled dumpsite
within jurisdiction per NSWMC or DENR-
EMB Regional Office certification
Consideration may be given to an LGU
with closed dumpsite (per Certification
and/or Inspection Report of DENR-EMB
RO) as of CY 2018, provided that it has:

1. An approved SCRP, and access to

landfill; OR
2. Efforts to craft SCRP are already
ongoing, indicated by an LGU’s letter to
EMB-regional office requesting for
technical assistance (letter should have
been received by EMB by Dec. 31, 2018),
and access to sanitary to landfill
Indicator Minimum Requirement
3. Approved 10-Year Solid Waste Provinces, cities and municipalities:
Management Plan Approved 10-year SWM Plan

Consideration is given to a city or

municipality with an SWM Plan that is still
under review of NSWMC

Consideration is also given to a province if

it has at least 75% of component cities and
municipalities with approved and/or
submitted SWM plan to NSWMC.
4. Materials Recovery Facility Cities and municipalities:
Material Recovery Facility (MRF), or an
existing partnership with similar entity
Indicator Minimum Requirement
5. Access to sanitary landfill (SLF) Cities and municipalities:
LGU-managed SLF or access to SLF thru
MOA with an entity managing same facility

Consideration is given to an LGU with:

1. Temporary Residual Containment Area,
plus ongoing construction of LGU’s own
sanitary landfill
2. Technology that is officially recognized
by DENR-NSWMC as an alternative to
sanitary landfill
Pass at least 2 indicators
Indicator Minimum Requirement
Tourism For provinces, cities and municipalities where tourism is a
Development significant industry, must have at least two of the following:
1. Presence of a local tourism office or officer
2. Tourist information and assistance center or desks
3. Tracking system of tourism data

Otherwise, this sub-area is not applicable.

1. Presence of local For provinces, cities and municipalities where tourism is a
tourism officer significant industry:
Must have a filled-up permanent position local tourism officer
For LGUs where tourism is not considered as a significant
industry, this criterion is not applicable
2. Tourist information For provinces, cities and municipalities where tourism is a
and assistance significant industry:
center or desk Local tourism database either manual or computer-aided
For LGUs where tourism is not considered as a significant
industry, this criterion is not applicable
Pass at least 3 indicators
Indicator Minimum Requirement
Cultural Heritage Promotion and Provinces, cities and municipalities: At least
Conservation three of the following:
1. Presence of a local council for culture and
the arts
2. At least 75% utilization rate of budget
appropriated for the conservation and
preservation of cultural property
3. Presence of cultural property inventory
4. Documented and published narrative of
history and culture
4. Presence of local council for culture Provinces, cities and municipalities:
and the arts Presence of local council for culture and the
5. Utilization of the budget appropriated Provinces, cities and municipalities: At least
for the conservation and preservation of 75% utilization rate of budget appropriated
cultural property, CY 2018 for the conservation and preservation of
cultural property, CY 2018
Pass at least 3 indicators
Indicator Minimum Requirement
6. Cultural property inventory/registry Provinces, cities and municipalities:
Cultural inventory that is:
1. Updated not earlier than 2017
2. Adopted by the LGU
3. Submitted to NCCA for review

Consideration is given to LGUs with cultural

inventory that is updated not earlier than
2017, and is yet to be adopted and
transmitted to NCCA for review.
7. Published narrative of history and Provinces, cities, and municipalities:
culture Actual published narrative available for
public consumption or reference on the
historical and cultural background of the

SGLG Forms
Form Form Title To be filled-out by
2.1 – 2.7 Documentary Checklist: All 7 LGOO from the Province,
Governance Areas C/MLGOO,
Cluster Head
2A – 2M Certifications from LGU Department LGU Dep’t Heads
Heads, and DILG-PD/ C/MLGOO
3.1 – 3.7 Regional Assessment RAT
4 Change Request RFP, LGMED Chief, RD
5 Summary of Initial Results RD

Form 2.1 (Sample)

Form 2.1 (Sample)

Form Department Information required
Code Head  
2A Accountant Utilization rate of:
 Performance Challenge Fund
 Funding assistance from Assistance to Municipalities program
(formerly Bottom-Up Budgeting)
 LDRRMF’s 70% allocation
 Provision of Potable Water Supply-Sagana at Ligtas na Tubig sa
Lahat (SALINTUBIG) projects
 Peace and Order, and Public Safety Plan
 Utilization of the budget appropriated for the conservation and
preservation of cultural property, CY 2018
 Conditional matching Grant to Provinces for Road Repair,
Rehabilitation and Improvement (formerly KALSADA program)
[For provinces only]
2B BPLO  Sample business permit
[for CMs only]
2C Budget Officer  LDRRM Plan
 Implementation of CBDRRM Plans

Form Department Head Information required
2D DepEd  Accomplishment rate of 2018 LSB Plan
2E DILG Field  Review of GAD Budget
Officer  Implementation of POPS Plan
 Photo Documentation Template
2F DRRMO  CBDRRM Plans (with attachment)
[for CMs only]  Evacuation guide
2H Planning and  Illegal dwelling units in the LGU
Development  Accomplishment of Local Shelter Plan or similar
Officer instrument [for cities only]
 Tourism Industry
2I Local PNP Chief  LPOC convened
 Provision of logistical support to the PNP
 Organized and trained BPATs, barangay tanods, and/or
any similar unit [for CMs only]
 ADAC convened
Form Department Head Information required
2J SWDO  VAWC mechanism: Percent of barangays with VAWC
[for CMs only] desks, and percent of barangays with submitted reports
for all CY 2018 quarters
2K Treasurer  Local revenue growth for three consecutive years (2015
to 2017)
 Utilization of 20% component of the CY 2017 Internal
Revenue Allotment
2L Health Officer  Philhealth-accreditation of LGU-run hospitals and health
[for HUCs only] centers in CY 2018 or 2019 (with attachment)
2M* Envi and Natural  Operating dumpsite
Resources  Access to sanitary landfill
Officer  Safe closure and rehabilitation plan accomplishment
[for CMs only]

Form 2A (Sample)

Form 2A (Sample)

Form 2F (Sample)

Form 2F (Sample)

Form CM 3.1 (Sample)

Form 4

Form 4

To be signed by:
• SGLG Regional Focal Person
• LGMED Chief
• Regional Director

BLGF Change Request
BLGF Change Description
Request Form
Average local revenue growth (LRG)
1 Correction of SRE reports
2 Justification of results
Local Development Fund (LDF) Utilization
3 Correction of SRE reports
4 Justification of results

BLGF Change Request

BLGF Change Request

BLGF Change Request

BLGF Change Request

BLGF Change Request

Form 5

Form 5
To be certified by:
• Asst. Regional Director as RAT Leader
• SGLG Regional Focal Person
• LGMED Chief
• CSO Representative(s)
• Regional Director

Implem entati on
Implementation Schedule
March October

Regional Award-
Policy May Extraction & June National July National Sept
of Results ing
Assessment Normalization Calibration Validation

• Regional • Data • Data Quality • Onsite visit • Presentation to

Orientation downloading Checking of shortlisted NQC
• On-site • Initial • Prep for LGUs • National
• 1st Shortlisting processing National • Presentation Awardng
• Online Data Validation to National
Entry Quality
• Doc uploading Committee
• Indorsement
Regional Assessment Teams
Responsibilities and Composition
☑ Validate and certify LGU evidence/s
☑ Recommend potential LGU-passers

Head Assistant Regional Director

Members Cross-posted Cluster Heads or Provincial/City Directors
CSO / LRI Representatives
DRR-CCA RFPs/PFPs (for DP concerns only)

Secretariat SGLG RFPs / PFPs

Cluster Heads
Activity Timeline Target Pax/OPR
1. Regional Orientation 1st to 2nd week of DILG RO/PO and field
  April personnel, NGO / CSO / LRI
2. Data Gathering and 2nd to 3rd week of SGLG: Provincial/City Directors,
Certification April C/MLGOOs
Until 4th week of May LGU Profile: LGU-LGPMS
3. RAT Onsite 4th week of April to Regional Assessment Teams
Assessment 2nd week of May (RATs)
4. Regional Calibration 4th week of May RD, LGMED Chief, RATs,
5. Data Encoding and 4th to 5th week of May RFP/PFPs
Google Drive
End of Presentation


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